OCW Information/Action Thread

The bar that Norcal and Sabre were hanging on earlier in the night falls to the floor after being damaged enough from having two nearly three hundred pound men on it, causing the ring to break. Paramedics are out to the ring nearly immediately to check on both men, if nothing else to make sure they're still alive following such a fall. They slowly pull IC off first before taking him to the floor with a stretcher. As he is lowered to the ground, his hand taps the floor, prompting the referee to ring the bell! Rusty has won ring 2!
Shango, now nearly full of lemonade and girl scout cookies, gets up and stalks Rusty's unconscious body, as it is now apparently time for the final round of the Gravy Boat of Fighting! How appropriate is it for this to come down to Rusty vs. Shango, the first ever OCW match?
Shango steps up to Rusty's unconscious body nearly 5 minutes after he fell. As he places his foot on the chest of his opponent, the referee has no choice but to count.



And that's it. There's nothing past two as Rusty raises his shoulder off the mat!!! The fans cannot believe it as after nearly an hour long war with 9 other men and a near death experience, Rusty is still in this! He has never beaten Shango, and this is his absolute last chance. Shango doesn't know what to do so he picks Rusty up and chops him in the corner. Rusty doesn't go down. Somehow, someway, the Aussie is standing up! Shango is stunned at what he is seeing as somehow Rusty is coming back. he locks eyes with Shango before firing off a chop of his own! Rusty, covered in blood and out of sweat to emit is fighting back! He lands a right hand before sending Shango into the ropes. He gets high elevation on the back body drop as he is unloading on his greatest advisary!
He sends Shango into the ropes and takes him down with a leg lariat. Rusty pops back to his feet as he picks Shango up with him. These two warriors are going at it all over again in front of 26,119 people. It's the final time that OCW will ever be seen and these people are loving every damn minute of it!
Shango is in trouble clearly as he is kicked into the corner. Rusty starts to unload again as he sends Shango head first into the top turnbuckle ten times in a row. Rusty mounts the ropes and rains down 12 solid right hands (it would be ten if not for that damn metric bullshit) Shango is snapmared over as Rusty goes up top. With a glazed look in his eye, Rusty comes off with a moonsault! He lands every bit of it but Shango somehow gets his foot on the bottom rope. A bulldog by Rusty sends Shango down in the center of the ring as the crowd here is going beserk! Shango is up again as Rusty lands a diving shoulder tackle. Shango staggers up but Rusty is waiting with another tackle. The referee asks if Shango wants to give it up but Rusty says no way he's not, as Rusty is desperate to finally get a 1-2-3 on Papa Shango.
Papa somehow stands up again but Rusty is waiting for him. He comes off the top rope with a spinwheel kick to the jaw as shaded of KB himself begin to pop up. It was with these very moves that KB slayed the dragon called Sabre. Rusty goes up top one more time and comes off with a huge elbow drop right to the heart of Papa. It's Rusty's time tonight as he says one more before climbing the ropes again. A flying forearm to the chest of Shango connects and Rusty says that it's over. Rusty picks up the unconscious body of Papa Shango as he is completely winded. With the last bit of strength in him, Rusty shouts out THIS IS FOR OCW before planting Shango in the middle of the ring with the Ratings Spike! He covers Shango and hooks the leg! He gets ONE, TWO.......
The three doesn't come as the referee has been pulled out of the ring! Rusty looks up to see what in the hell is going on as KB himself stands before him. Rusty screams about what in the world is going on but KB never answers. Instead he kicks Rusty in the ribs and blasts him across the back with the chair in his hands! He stands Rusty up and drills him right between the eyes with the chair before DDTing him in the middle of the ring. KB drapes Shango's arm over Rusty and demands the referee count the pinfall. The referee has no other choice but to count Rusty's shoulders down for three!

The fans are in utter disbelief as KB presents the title belt to Shango. The new and final champion looks down at the title and begins to cry. KB looks at him before kicking him in the ribs and dropping him on his head with another DDT!
The Boss pulls out his trademark microphone and has something to say to the fans.

Tonight, you all saw the damndest match that I think I've ever seen. When it came down to it, we ended up right back where we started, with these two beating the hell out of each other one more time. I was over there watching, and I knew that it was finally going to happen. Rusty was finally going to pin Shango and it was finally going to be over. Then I thought to myself, like fuck I'm going to let that happen. If Rusty pins Shango, it means that OCW is over, and that simply is not the case.

The crowd erupts as KB finishes up.

OCW is coming back!!!

Firefly plays as the fans explode and the fireworks go off to close out the show!
Note: this show is taking place 10 days after the GBOF. Consider all statuses the same, but with the previous PPV having never happened. We're 3-4 weeks away from Tip of the Sword. Consider GBOF kind of a special show, a la Saturday Night's Main Event.
BREAKOUT will not be seen at this time. Instead, we will be airing the first ever OCW Spinoff Show-Night Vision!
Night Vision will follow the recently suspended due to lack of success Nighthawk as he wanders around the world (somehow on our tab no less) in an attempt to not be a worthless waste of a great name.
Episode 1

We open with our host, Nighthawk, roaming the streets of Sydney armed with only a cameraman. To continue the proof of his pitifulness, he is still wearing his wrestling gear. He turns to greet his audience.

I know what you're thinking. I don't see this as a setback. I see this as an opportunity! I have always and will always be the greatest...........wrestler...........of all time!

His voice is almost breaking as no one believes him for a second.

Come on, let's see what kind of wrestling business we can get into!
Nighthawk heads into a gas station for some reason or another, camera man just behind him. He wheels around on a display of chips and shouts to the clerk.

Ah, chips. Are those chips..........BARBECUE???

The cashier looks on in confusion and says in a very sarcastic tone that yes they are indeed, just like the bag says right in front of Nighthawk, Barbecued chips.

Nighthawk motions him over, asking if he wants to be on tv. The cashier adjusts his tie and agrees.
Nighthawk puts his arm around the cashier, apparently named Bud, before interviewing him as this is now a talk show.

Before we move on, would you like to meet my sidekick?


Nighthawk smiles and out of nowhere shoves Bud against the ice cream case before throwing a decent side kick that lands on his jaw, sending him flying into the pretzels! Nighthawk dives onto Bud, hooking his leg in the process!


A referee runs out of the men's room before counting the pin, giving Nighthawk his first win!
I TOLD YOU!!! I TOLD YOU ALL I COULD DO IT!!! I need a belt. Help me take his belt. FUCK he's not wearing a belt. Get his tie!

The referee pulls the rapidly gaining conscious Bud's tie off before handing it to Nighthawk. Not knowing where he is, Bud for some reason actually ROLLS UP the referee and screams out "1-2-3, NEW #1 CONTENDER!!!"

Nighthawk is last seen putting the Alvin and the Chipmunks tie around his neck as he grabs the cameraman and shouts over his shoulder,

THIS IS NIGHTHAWK, AND I'M JUST GREEN EGG AND HAMMIN IT!!!, as he runs off into the night, apparently claiming himself to be a new champion as we go off the air!
Episode 2

We find our CHAMPION (he made me say it that way) once again walking the streets of Sydney, looking for something to do. As he is walking, he couldn't be happier over his newly "won" Alvin and the Chipmunks tie.

Nighthawk looks at the camera and begins a mind numbing rant about how hard it is being the new CHAMPION on the block.

Well you know the fans always try to hassle you for autographs. Even earlier today when I was leaving the shower at my 5 Star Hotel, I had fans pounding on my door begging me to come out there and sign for them.

(He neglects to mention that it's for the bill for the hotel room)
He continues his talk about how great his new life is when he comes to a crosswalk where he has to wait on traffic. This of course sets him off.

DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM??? The CHAMPION Of Wrestling (COW) waits for no light! Change before I wrestle you into submission! And quit staring at me with the stupid red eye!!!

As his mindless babbling goes on, Bud the Gas Station Attendent appears and tries to roll up Nighthawk! Apparently a COW Title match is underway as the same referee from last time is here!
After some poor workrate, multiple botches and several boring chants from average pedestrians, a policeman finally shows up. He is told that Bud started it, causing him to get Bud on the ground and get the cuffs on him.

As this is happening, Nighthawk has the camera's attention again.

When you're a CHAMPION, you have to love your fans. Look at this one right here. He's risking his life to help his hero, NIGHTHAWK, first ever reigning and defending CHAMPION of Wrestling, defend his title. Of course it's not like I needed the help, but you ahve to give the fans a thrill every now and then.

The cop turns on Nighthawk now to arrest him also, but is met with a piece of paper, signed by the COW. Nighthawk runs off shouting about Green Egg and Hammin it as we go off the air again with the cop calling for reinforcements!
After our standard introductions and good morning song, the bell rings and we are underway! Polley is still a bit sore from the GBOF and being shoved off the top of the arena and crashing through the announce table but I'm sure he'll try his best. Wellington is a newcomer but a very formidable college wrestling star, as can be told by the writing on the back of his singlet which reads: "College Wrestling Star."
Polley goes after him to kick things off but Pip is ready for him as he dives behind the big man and grabs a reverse waist lock. This lasts for all of three seconds as Polley just pulls his hands apart in a display of amazing strength. Wellington isn't sure what to do as he attempts a wristlock on the big man. Polley, in an even greater show of strength, lifts Wellington off his feet and sits him on the top rope before lightly patting him on his jaw.

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