*NO SPOILERS* The WWE Royal Rumble LD, All Read First Post

I was kinda thinking we were gonna go the Austin/Michaels route and let Cena win multiple Rumbles but I'm cool with the outcome.

But Punk is so damn entertaining in these things. He's gotta get one sooner or later
Not a fan of Del Rio, didn't want him to win, but I really don't care. But that Santino shit to end it was really, really stupid. Great Rumble match, terrible finish.
Am I the only one who remembers when PPVs constantly ended at like 10:36? It's much more exciting when you can't predict what time it'll end
Oh my god, I don't know how I'm gonna sleep tonight, my blood is fucking pumping after that PPV. 8.5/10, easily, and that Rumble gets a 10/10.
Not a fan of Del Rio, didn't want him to win, but I really don't care. But that Santino shit to end it was really, really stupid. Great Rumble match, terrible finish.

The live crowd went nuts when Santino came back in. Hell I went nuts. It was a great spot.
Other than a couple highlights....that was some poor booking of the Rumble match... I've been watching the Rumble since the first one and this ranks with one of the dullest. ADR really had no heat to his winning. 9 times out of 10 the winner gets an awesome reaction good or bad...
Now I'm really wondering who was the jackass who decided to scrap his mask.
yeah, because he TOTALLY can't get over without the mask...... The fucker is MAIN EVENTING WRESTLEFUCKINGMANIA FOR FUCKS SAKE, the guy that took the mask was fucking BRILLIANT, not a jackass.
No...just no. How is it radom? Del Rio goes after Edge, Miz takes on Cena and Orton vs. Punk.
Orton and Punk have no backstory, they just attacked him apparently for the sake of filling the card.
Miz and Cena interacted over a year ago, but does anyone think Miz has even a small chance?
Del Rio and Edge have really nothing in common.
kinda spoiled for me there at the end, but whatever. At least it wasnt a predictable winner, and it looks like they are spreading out the juice for an overall big WM again, like they have been doing.

Damn your quick fingers! Unfair, I'm missing my space bar.

Shit, I've got the whole show reviewed aside from the opening match because I missed a few minutes and ended up deleting my writeup for it. It was in the ****+ range from what I saw though and I'll rewatch the whole thing to finish the review a little later tonight.
Niño Vega;2795136 said:
Orton and Punk have no backstory, they just attacked him apparently for the sake of filling the card.
Miz and Cena interacted over a year ago, but does anyone think Miz has even a small chance?
Del Rio and Edge have really nothing in common.

Punk vs. Orton will be explained somehow. Edge vs. Del Rio: World Title, that's your story there. Cena vs. Miz is what Vince sees as a money match.
Not a bad Rumble, I'd say worth the 45 I paid for it. The only two things that I hated were the Hornswaggle overkill (five minutes would have been okay, but the ten minutes that it went on... just no...), and Eve.

While I don't have anything against Eve winning the title, as it opens up the potenial for another rivalry in the diva's division along with the Laycool story, Beth Pheonix would have made that match far more interesting... allies vs allies... every woman for herself.
Niño Vega;2795136 said:
Orton and Punk have no backstory, they just attacked him apparently for the sake of filling the card.
Miz and Cena interacted over a year ago, but does anyone think Miz has even a small chance?
Del Rio and Edge have really nothing in common.

The Fall of 2008 says otherwise. Hell, Punk practically gave this feud away at the Slammy's this year. It's one of the best planned feuds the WWE has.
I'm well pleased. It wasn't some big return that won, it wasn't one of the established names, it wasn't someone most of us predicted. Del Rio won and he's a new main eventer. That's what they need and that's what they got.
Niño Vega;2795136 said:
Orton and Punk have no backstory, they just attacked him apparently for the sake of filling the card.
Miz and Cena interacted over a year ago, but does anyone think Miz has even a small chance?
Del Rio and Edge have really nothing in common.

Punk said at the Slammys clear as day that someone had wronged him and he was going to get them back soon. To my knowledge, he never revisited that.

Could be referring to when Orton punted him a couple years ago at the Scramble match
Niño Vega;2795136 said:
Orton and Punk have no backstory, they just attacked him apparently for the sake of filling the card.

If every feud requires an extensive backstory you would never get new feuds. They have 2 months to build the match up, and if they do it correctly it could be great.

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