NFL LD 2012-2013

That was rather Cowboy-esque.

Shitty-ass job by the defender to Flying Forearm RGIII on a 3rd Down incompletion. Obvious penalty.

Oh, and Alfred Morris is over 1600 Yards rushing.
It's wayyyyyyyyyyyyy too early to fully judge, but how great was this year's draft for the Redskins?
amazing if he can stay healthy. However the next 2 drafts will suffer because of it. Either way it was clearly the right move and easily awesome for the Skins.
I was referring to the touchdown or turnover possible controversy when Morris might have fumbled the ball.
ahhh. The difference is that they both made calls given their angle of the play that made sense, talked about it and quickly got the call right.

Unlike the replacements.
I have seen that called a few times this year, no idea what the purpose of making such a thing a penalty is.
using your logic, punching people should be legal too then.

It's a blow to the head of a player. It's not legal, and never should have been legal.
There are plenty of plays in football where blows to the head are still legal. Open palms to a helmet that are usually the result of trying to block a pass hardly seem barbarian to me.

I don't understand why teammates are not penalized for head shots every time one of their teammates scores and they slap their helmets in celebration.

In baseball whole teams should get suspended for their celebrations at home plate.

That call may have been a correct interpretation of the rules but then the rules suck. Watching football is becoming less and less entertaining for me. I know some of it is my bitterness of being a Bills fan, some of it is age and saturation, some of it is my love of the Red Zone Channel, but a big part of it are the newer rules and how their being applied. All these game effecting 15 yard penalties, yet it doesn't feel like it is keeping guys safer.
I think the most frustrating part about the new rules is how often the penalty results from something that was unintentional and almost unavoidable. It seems stupid to me that the defense has to completely attempt to change the way they play to something less effective but the offense receives not even a slap on the wrist for continually putting themselves in these situations that we know are prone to bad outcomes because of how quick things happen. An RB can lower his head and drive it right into the helmet of the person trying to tackle him while shoving his palm in face of another defender but if the QB ducks as you go to tackle him and you even touch the bottom of his helmet that is a penalty.
Defense is dead in the NFL and it's no fun watching teams rack up points because the rules say you can't defend or tackle. They need to give something back to the defense, let them bump and run or something.

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