NFL Wild Card Weekend LD

Hardly surprising to hear something like this from Skip Bayless. The only guy at ESPN who makes Stephen A. Smith and Colin Cowherd look intelligent, which is no small feat.
Love Stephen A. Smith. Skip Bayless on the other hand? Sometimes I wonder how cats like him and Colin Cowherd are still at ESPN.
What's wrong with Colin Cowherd? I always enjoy listening to him.

But Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless are horrible.
Aside from the general sense of idiocy that I feel he conveys, and the extreme negativity that he spouts pretty much every time I've heard him, I don't have too much of a problem with Cowherd.
Aside from the general sense of idiocy that I feel he conveys, and the extreme negativity that he spouts pretty much every time I've heard him, I don't have too much of a problem with Cowherd.

How regularly do you listen? He's very positive about a lot of things.

Aside from his views on pro wrestling, which are incredibly childish, I've never heard anything I think is unfair.
How regularly do you listen? He's very positive about a lot of things.

Aside from his views on pro wrestling, which are incredibly childish, I've never heard anything I think is unfair.

Guilty as charged, I have to be honest and admit I really haven't heard him frequently. As a resident of Canada, I don't see ESPN too often, sticking generally with TSN. But whenever I've been in the States and heard him, I've found him incredibly annoying and negative. And I've never heard him speak about pro wrestling one way or the other.
Guilty as charged, I have to be honest and admit I really haven't heard him frequently. As a resident of Canada, I don't see ESPN too often, sticking generally with TSN. But whenever I've been in the States and heard him, I've found him incredibly annoying and negative. And I've never heard him speak about pro wrestling one way or the other.

He pissed off wrestling fans something fierce when he talked about Eddie Guerrero and he regularly refers to wrestling fans as booger eaters.
He pissed off wrestling fans something fierce when he talked about Eddie Guerrero and he regularly refers to wrestling fans as booger eaters.
and as such I refuse to watch or listen to him.

And RGIII injuring himself sucks major ass, and they really should have sat him. Cousins could have had a chance had he gone into the game not losing by 2 scores and needing to throw the team back into it. Couple that with preventing a serious RGIII injury, and it should have been an easy call. Since they didn't make said call, they deserved to lose the game.
I find it funny how contradicting some fans are (this isn't directed at anyone in particular so no one get their panties in a bunch). Two years ago when Jay Cutler left a playoff game with an injury and didn't return, he was called a wuss and was chewed out by fans for not returning when it looked like he could have still played. Now this year RGIII does play and come back into a game after suffering/re-aggravating an injury, and fans are saying it was stupid for him to come back in and he should have stayed on the sidelines. Personally, I despise Jay Cutler so I was glad he was made fun of but it's the same situation two years later and everyone is changing their tune.
I don't think people are putting this on RG3 as much as Shanahan. RG3 should want to play if healthy enough to. The coach should be able to recognize he can't. RG3 can't throw short timing passes when he is healthy and then once he was hurt he couldn't throw it downfield. It would have been an easier decision if they had a veteran backup but how long do you have to watch the offense struggle before you realize something this obvious?

Cowherd is the Mark Madden of espn.
Aside from his views on pro wrestling, which are incredibly childish, I've never heard anything I think is unfair.

You must have never listened to him talk about the Saints.

Fuck Cowerd. He slightly surpasses Merril Hoge as the person at ESPN I can't stand the most.
You must have never listened to him talk about the Saints.
I doubt he was unfair.

You have to admit, you're not exactly the most unbiased fan in the world when it comes to the Saints.

Cowherd has talked bad about the Irish for many years. That doesn't mean he was wrong or unfair.
Trust me, he was far from fair. Let's ignore the fact he's one of the very few people to think the Saints didn't get a raw deal, but he used the bounty scandal as a means not just to attack the Saints, but to attack the city of New Orleans as a whole. What place does a sports analyst have to attack an entire city like he did?

So? Because he doesn't like your city, that means everything he says is unfair and awful? He's paid to talk for 3 hours every day, it's possible he's going to say something which you may not agree with, or is factually inaccurate. It doesn't change the fact the majority of his opinions are fair and supported, even if you don't agree with them.

And for what it's worth, New Orleans is a crap hole. I've been there. Before the hurricane. I never want to go back.
So? Because he doesn't like your city, that means everything he says is unfair and awful? He's paid to talk for 3 hours every day, it's possible he's going to say something which you may not agree with, or is factually inaccurate. It doesn't change the fact the majority of his opinions are fair and supported, even if you don't agree with them.

I didn't say everything he says is unfair and awful, but his negative stuff sticks out more than most. The New Orleans thing is just one example, but I can get you plenty of articles on Cowherd of ridiculous, awful things he has said. And you can use the 3 hour talk show excuse all you want, but Dan Patrick and Scott Van Palt have the same time to work with and you never see their names linked with controversy, despite their shows being way more popular than Cowherd's.

And nice backtracking there. Instead acknowledging the fact that Cowherd was off base by using the Saints as a way to criticize an entire city, you just ignore it and say it's alright since most of the other things he says is fair. That's a very flawed logic for one, and for two, you still found a way to not admit that Cowherd was unfair to Saints fans, lol.

And for what it's worth, New Orleans is a crap hole. I've been there. Before the hurricane. I never want to go back.

I don't like going to New Orleans either, but that doesn't take away from the fact that what Cowherd said was completely untrue and far from "fair."
What is wrong with trashing the Saints? The organization filled with so many fucking scumbag liars that it became impossible to truly investigate the situation? None of the players ever received any punishment, only the coaches did. As they should, they were clearly the ones who were behind the whole thing.
What is wrong with trashing the Saints? The organization filled with so many fucking scumbag liars that it became impossible to truly investigate the situation? None of the players ever received any punishment, only the coaches did. As they should, they were clearly the ones who were behind the whole thing.

Obviously you didn't read anything, because the argument has to do with using the Saints as an excuse to trash the city of New Orleans, not about trashing the Saints organization.

But since you bring it up... what did the coaches do again, exactly? There was no bounty and nobody has proof that there was. So if there was no bounty, how can the coaches be at fault for anything? And IF there was a bounty system (and plenty of players have testified under oath that there wasn't, something of which the NFL's sole witness REFUSED to do), then it was all on Gregg Williams, not Sean Payton, despite Goodell's ******ed logic that since it was under Payton's watch then it's Payton's fault, since Gregg Williams had a stipulation in his contract that gave him complete and total control over the defense.

Oh, did I forget to mention that the NFL's witness is the same guy who Sean Payton had to have police protection from all the way back in 2010 before any of this happened? Yeah, real credibility there. :rolleyes:
I didn't say everything he says is unfair and awful, but his negative stuff sticks out more than most. The New Orleans thing is just one example, but I can get you plenty of articles on Cowherd of ridiculous, awful things he has said. And you can use the 3 hour talk show excuse all you want, but Dan Patrick and Scott Van Palt have the same time to work with and you never see their names linked with controversy, despite their shows being way more popular than Cowherd's.
1. Scott Van Pelt offends me far more than Cowherd does.
2. I'd be surprised if Van Pelt or Patrick have more listeners than Cowherd. Cowherd is better than Van Pelt and has the ESPN name behind him unlike Patrick.

I do enjoy Dan Patrick more, wish he hadn't left.

And nice backtracking there.
I didn't backtrack. :shrug:

Instead acknowledging the fact that Cowherd was off base by using the Saints as a way to criticize an entire city, you just ignore it and say it's alright since most of the other things he says is fair. That's a very flawed logic for one, and for two, you still found a way to not admit that Cowherd was unfair to Saints fans, lol.
1) I didn't bother to look if New Orleans really is the least safe city in America, I'd have to know what statistics Cowherd used in defense of that.

2) You didn't provide evidence of him being unfair to the Saints. So how can I disprove something which didn't happen?

I will say Cowherd has been very complimentary of Sean Payton's coaching on numerous occasions. That I've heard many times. As far as negative about Saints, I can't think of a single "wrong" or "unfair" thing he's said that I've personally heard, though I admit I've never really paid attention. But I know he says Brees is a top flight QB and Payton is a top flight

I don't like going to New Orleans either, but that doesn't take away from the fact that what Cowherd said was completely untrue and far from "fair."
I suppose it depends what Cowherd was basing his claim from. If there is some decently reputable measurement which has claimed that before, then it would be neither unfair nor untrue.

There was no bounty and nobody has proof that there was.


"I want to express my sincere regret and apology to the NFL, Mr. Benson, and the New Orleans Saints fans for my participation in the 'pay for performance' program while I was with the Saints. It was a terrible mistake, and we knew it was wrong while we were doing it. Instead of getting caught up in it, I should have stopped it. I take full responsibility for my role. I am truly sorry. I have learned a hard lesson and I guarantee that I will never participate in or allow this kind of activity to happen again."
--Gregg Williams.
So if there was no bounty, how can the coaches be at fault for anything? And IF there was a bounty system (and plenty of players have testified under oath that there wasn't, something of which the NFL's sole witness REFUSED to do), then it was all on Gregg Williams, not Sean Payton, despite Goodell's ******ed logic that since it was under Payton's watch then it's Payton's fault, since Gregg Williams had a stipulation in his contract that gave him complete and total control over the defense.
That's asinine, and you know it.

Sean Payton wasn't punished for the bounty program (which we are assuming happened) so much as he was punished for trying to cover it up.

JMT, you long ago quit being rational about this situation. I believe, at first, you tried to justify it by saying others did it. Then it was a procedural issue. Now you're saying it didn't even happen, despite the coach supposedly in charge of it confessed to it.

JMT, on most things you're a tremendous poster, very level headed and rational, and I always enjoy reading your posts, but I do not consider you to be that when it comes to your Saints. You can take issue with my opinion, but you're a pretty hardcore homer.
Obviously you didn't read anything, because the argument has to do with using the Saints as an excuse to trash the city of New Orleans, not about trashing the Saints organization.

But since you bring it up... what did the coaches do again, exactly? There was no bounty and nobody has proof that there was. So if there was no bounty, how can the coaches be at fault for anything? And IF there was a bounty system (and plenty of players have testified under oath that there wasn't, something of which the NFL's sole witness REFUSED to do), then it was all on Gregg Williams, not Sean Payton, despite Goodell's ******ed logic that since it was under Payton's watch then it's Payton's fault, since Gregg Williams had a stipulation in his contract that gave him complete and total control over the defense.

Oh, did I forget to mention that the NFL's witness is the same guy who Sean Payton had to have police protection from all the way back in 2010 before any of this happened? Yeah, real credibility there. :rolleyes:

LOL. If the coaches weren't in the wrong, why didn't they fight it like the players did? The players weren't absolved of any wrong doing, they were let off because the saints coaches/GM were/are a bunch of scumbags who covered up their tracks. The investigation was tainted by them, so they could no longer punish the players.

And Williams DID testify that there was a bounty program. He was absolutely the main culprit and deserves the bulk of the punishment, but him having full control of the defense in his contract is not a valid excuse to absolve Payton. He didn't have the right to break league rules in his contract. And he did break the rules,

That much we know. He did it everywhere he had been a defensive coordinator.
I didn't backtrack. :shrug:

1) I didn't bother to look if New Orleans really is the least safe city in America, I'd have to know what statistics Cowherd used in defense of that.

2) You didn't provide evidence of him being unfair to the Saints. So how can I disprove something which didn't happen?

Regardless, it was flat out wrong for him to use the bounty scandal as a platform to then trash the city of New Orleans.

And all throughout the Bounty process he talked as if everything was fact, and now that it's been PROVEN that it wasn't fact, he still trashes the Saints. Even Stephan A. Smith took back everything, as did most after Tagliabue ruled in favor of the players.

I will say Cowherd has been very complimentary of Sean Payton's coaching on numerous occasions. That I've heard many times. As far as negative about Saints, I can't think of a single "wrong" or "unfair" thing he's said that I've personally heard, though I admit I've never really paid attention. But I know he says Brees is a top flight QB and Payton is a top flight

He might have been complimentary towards Payton before, but Cowherd bashed the shit out of Brees earlier this year, claiming he wasn't even the best player on the Saints, so...yeah...

The NFL wrote that letter, not Gregg Williams. The NFL didn't like the "apology" Williams wrote so they wrote one for him and told him to sign it.

And even if you don't think that's true, how about the fact that Gregg Williams recanted that statement not long after it was released?

Ginsberg also cites “substantial evidence” that Williams and former Saints assistant (and suspected whistleblower) Mike Cerullo “retracted directly and affirmatively and without equivocation any claims they have previously made about a bounty program,” explaining that the league has not disclosed those retractions.

But of course... when it came to his reinstatement, Williams went back to saying there were bounties.

In a court of law if you're constantly changing your story, your testimony gets thrown out the window. That's how people should look at Williams actions throughout the bounty scandal. Changed stories, and a man with an agenda to get back into the league.

Sean Payton wasn't punished for the bounty program (which we are assuming happened) so much as he was punished for trying to cover it up.

All he did was tell his players to keep their mouth shut until they knew what was going on. That deserves a year long punishment, really? No one thinks that was fair, except a limited few like Cowherd.

JMT, you long ago quit being rational about this situation. I believe, at first, you tried to justify it by saying others did it. Then it was a procedural issue. Now you're saying it didn't even happen, despite the coach supposedly in charge of it confessed to it.

You're right... at first, when I believed the Saints did have a bounty system, I said that they deserved to be punished, but to not to that extent since yes, it's been done for years. Going back to that for a second, I love how Roger Goodell has had such high praise for Ray Lewis all week, while ignoring the fact that Ray Ray ended Rashard Mendenhall's season in a game where Terrell Suggs admitted there was a bounty on him.

Anyway, I've followed this case tooth and nail and I've come to the conclusion that there wasn't a bounty. Vilma and Vitt offered to take lie detractor tests... Williams and Cerrulo did not. Over a dozen guys testified, in a real court of law under oath where perjury is a felony offense, that the accusations against Vilma wasn't true. So if Vilma, who was the supposed ring leader of this supposed bounty progam, is innocent enough to the point where it literally cannot be proven that he was and his suspension lifted, then that tells me that a bounty program didn't exist in the first place. A pay for performance program did obviously, but that's way different than a bounty program.

JMT, on most things you're a tremendous poster, very level headed and rational, and I always enjoy reading your posts, but I do not consider you to be that when it comes to your Saints. You can take issue with my opinion, but you're a pretty hardcore homer.

I understand why you feel that way, but trust me... as I'm the biggest fan of the Saints on the board, I'm also their biggest critic. I've trashed them left and right after piss poor performances on this very board, even Drew Brees who I fucking adore with all my heart. If they were in the wrong on something, I'd have zero problem admitting it.

All along my biggest gripe has been that Sean Payton's suspension was never justified, and I've yet to hear one reasonable argument why it was. And this goes back to Colin Cowherd being one of the very few not to change his stance and actually say Payton's suspension was fair.

LOL. If the coaches weren't in the wrong, why didn't they fight it like the players did? The players weren't absolved of any wrong doing, they were let off because the saints coaches/GM were/are a bunch of scumbags who covered up their tracks. The investigation was tainted by them, so they could no longer punish the players.

Because they don't have a union to back them up. If Payton fought it to the extent Vilma did, he would have been putting his entire career at risk and it would have been at the cost of his own dime.

Even if Payton fought and won in court with a lawsuit, Goodell still has full control and he could keep Payton banned from the league as long as he wants.

And Williams DID testify that there was a bounty program. He was absolutely the main culprit and deserves the bulk of the punishment, but him having full control of the defense in his contract is not a valid excuse to absolve Payton. He didn't have the right to break league rules in his contract. And he did break the rules,

Williams story changed all throughout the whole thing, and he only testified at the end because he wants to be reinstated. I addressed that with Sly above.

His testimony was an absolute joke on top of that, where he put all the blame on Vitt and Vilma. The guy's word is not to be taken seriously.
Did you listen to that audio? How can you say there wasn't a bounty program when you have emphatic proof that there was?

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