*MERGED* WWE Ask a Question Thread

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There's never been any confirmation that he's even signed with the company so there's absolutely no way of knowing.

Also, please try to keep this thread for closed questions only.
From what I understand it's a combination of he's always gone by that and that the name changes really got rolling after he was already there.
From what I understand it's a combination of he's always gone by that and that the name changes really got rolling after he was already there.

It could also have a huge deal to do with the fact that he was more popular in the R.O.H. stuff w/ that name, than the others mentioned were. I mean, Punk likely got his position within the company due to the huge fan following he had coming out of the indies.

So I'd believe his popularity coming from the Indies is why they didn't change his name as well.
Hope this question is ok to ask in here, if not please direct me to the right place. Stephonie & Shane McMahon are both second generation like legacy do you think one of them will join randy, perhaps steph & herself & randy will run raw as major heels?
Trish recently said she'd be up for a return against Beth Phoenix if the storyline was right.

Anything heard from the WWE's end?
Ok... I'm not sure wheere this fits in the forums...so in more than one Wrestlemania DVD, starting with at least WM18, there is a fan in attendance usually in the front row somewhere around the ring. This guy is a larger guy, he's bald, with glasses, and is always wearing a neon pink windbreaker. In WM18, he's towards the beginning of the Maven/Goldust match where Goldust throws Maven against the barricade (even more detailed, i think it's his 2nd offensive move) this guy can be seen. He is also in the front row of WM24 on the side that shows on TV... in the same pink windbreaker. Is this just a huge fan that's rich and can buy tickets wherever he wants or does he have some importance or relation to someone wrestling? Can anybody shed some light on this for me or even know what I'm talking about so I don't seem crazy? lol
Does anyone know the song or artist that was in the history/build up video that was shown before the Orton vs Mcmahon match at No Way Out???

Still don't see it being Austin or Hogan. Wonder who's left..

Women's Championship at WM. Nothing really planned yet, or is it?
It's really way too early to know what's goingt o happen at Mania. The matches for the card will be coming in the next few weeks.
All right, so, for this year's Hall Of Fame (2009), Terry and Dory Funk are being inducted by Dusty Rhodes, while Ricky Steamboat is being inducted by Ric Flair. Have they announced yet who will be inducting Steve Austin? Who will it be? I'm assuming they already announced his inductor; I just totally missed it.
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