*MERGED* WWE Ask a Question Thread

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Guy got over the railings and Michaels and Austin had to ensure he was backstage before continuing the match. He fell and punched a cameraman on the way out. Thus sayeth wikipedia
Could someone explain to me what the situation was with Shawn Michaels and an handicapped kid? he was facing Stone Cold and then security went to a kid i dont remember what happened but i think it was in 1997 KOTR

The match is on The Legacy of Stone Cold Dvd. The kid fell over the rails and Michaels escorted him up the ramp. Vince, while announcing the match called the kid a Special Olympian. which I'm not sure is an appropriate term, sounded a little rude, but he didn't mean no harm by it.
You can legally purchase a ppv on WWE.com via live webcast. Or, depending on where you live, they might be showing it at a local bar or theatre.
I think most of the time it's supposed to just be in the ring, but according to that match as well as Jericho agaisnt HHH, where the pinfall happened ont he roof.
Can people be disqualified in triple threat matches? I coulda sworn I've seen it happen..

Yes. The person who, let's say, uses a steel chair, would be disqualified and the person they hit would win. Example: HHH vs Hardy vs Edge. If Edge hit HHH with a chair, Edge would be disqualified and HHH would win. Hardy would not matter.
When HBK does the Sweet Chin Music how do they get the impact noise ? Does he actually connect ? Surely a kick to the head like that is a bit too dangerous ?
I've heard different theories over the years, but the two main ones are that he slaps his leg which I don't think would work as he hands are usually in the air, but the best I've heard is that there is something attached to his foot that claps against his boot to make the noise. Not positive on that but I've read it in mroe than one plkace.
How do they get the ring to break? Like when Edge went through it at SS or whatever. Obvs, it's weakened, but how do they make it strong enough to withstand massive people like the Big Show running on it, but then break when it has to?
Theres just people under the ring that take a certain amount of boards away so that effect can happen, the ring is just made up really of wood canvas type thing then whatever covers that. Im sure just like anything underneath is reinforced with some metal frame or whatever so it doesnt go through
Does anyone know who the guy from this week's SD vignette was? The one that aired before the Kendrick/Colons backstage bit. I thought it was really good, just wondering who this guy is. I'm assuming someone from FCW, but I can't picture his face well enough to match him up on the roster page.

Hade vansen.. I was reading on another forum and that's the name that popped up. I don't know who he is but, he seems alright. He doesn't even have a wiki page.
Hade vansen.. I was reading on another forum and that's the name that popped up. I don't know who he is but, he seems alright. He doesn't even have a wiki page.

That's the guy. He's got a wiki page, I'm checking it out now. Under the same name you gave me. Thanks Brian.
there is a little news article about him on the news site right now. Says he is an FCW guy, who will be playing a masked character simular to the "fallen angel" chracter that Daniels does.
That's the guy. He's got a wiki page, I'm checking it out now. Under the same name you gave me. Thanks Brian.

seriously? I googled it and nothing showed up... Unless I over read it. He has a couple of matches on youtube, if you wanna check him out..
seriously? I googled it and nothing showed up... Unless I over read it. He has a couple of matches on youtube, if you wanna check him out..

Yeah, saw one against Burchill. He looks pretty good. With that kind of mic work backing him up, I'm seeing good things for him.
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