*MERGED* WWE Ask a Question Thread

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They definitely use fake blood. Sometimes. I saw a video on Youtube once of a referee slipping a blood packet under the hand of Mr. Kennedy. You couldn't actually see the packet, but it's obvious what he did.

He was probably slipping him a razor. they use very small ones. Kennedy may have forgot his, or lost it during the match.
Burke is supposedly still with the WWE on the ECW brand, and creative apparently don't know what to do with him at the moment.
On the October 10 episode of Smackdown, a vignette aired for some sort of insane clown type wrestler named "Kizarny". Google has nothing but a myspace with no information. Wikipedia has nothing. Searching this forum didn't turn up one result.

Who is this guy?
I saw that too. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Halloween coming up. It wouldnt make any sense for them to have an insane clown running around after that.
I saw that too. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Halloween coming up. It wouldnt make any sense for them to have an insane clown running around after that.

You're probably right. I wonder whether he's actually a wrestler or if he'll be a one time gimmick.

Smackdown has further confounded me this night, and thus I pose a second question...in that Khali handicap match..was that Hardcore Holly? I swear it was him, really. WWE is listing the trio as "3 locals" but I swear it was him. Not the guy that Khali chopped, the guy who ran out of the ring.
Wow, that's strange. I didn't see anything like that. Do I smell a TNA/Suicide Rip-off gimmick?

EDIT: Come to think of it, I got the Australian semi-cut version so that would perhaps explain things. Oh yeah, and there's no way in hell that was Hardcore Holly. He looked more like a taller Crash Holly...
I only saw the clown for a second i thought it was Diamond Dallas Page, maybe he'll have a Halloween feud with Bogeyman, and maybe a match with Doink.

Don't think the jobber was Hardcore Holly.
The gentleman that appeared in the vignette during SmackDown! is a FCW wrestler named "The Carnival Freak" Sinn Bowdee. He appears in the November issue of WWE Magazine, where they take a look at some developmental talent.

Unfortunately, I don't have much more info than that.
Some say he has a huge saying in what he does in the ring and for story lines. I don't think he has anything in his contract to do it, I think anyways. But being in the company, as well as the main event, being able to walk out at any moment, while being able to be one of the most over wrestlers in the company. This is the reason why he will never lose at Wrestlemania, unless he wants to. If he wants to be champ, he will be champ. If he wants time off, he gets time off.
What was the real reason bruiser body got murdered?
In short, because he was a real jerk. Constantly stiffing promoters on deals, not doing what he was asked, no showing, etc. He finally went down to Puerto Rico, which if you read any wrestling books, is a not a good place for wrestling as it is basically mob rule and you're lucky to get out with your life.

Apparently he did someone wrong down in Puerto Rico once, and got his comeuppance in a shower. While I couldn't tell you the specific incident, just know that it happened because Brody was not a very honest man and was completely unprofessional.

There is a book out there that I want to get some day about Bruiser Brody, just haven't picked it up yet.
His first title reign started Nov 27, 1991, but if you're looking for the first reign when it was actually called the WWE Championship, May 19, 2002.
I remember when Kurt Angle first came into the WWE he did a series of black and white promos.

Can anyone tell me what they were about, and maybe even provide a video link?
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