*MERGED* WWE Ask a Question Thread

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When Brock Lesnar superplexed The Big Show and the ring broke was it planned or was it an accident?
There's no way to be sure, but I think it was an accident. The show went off 10 mins early and the combined weight could easily make the ring collapse.
Hopefully this isn't concidered Spam, probably will be with my luck, but I have a question for anyone that can answer it.

Why in the Wrestlemania Anthology or any other older videos of events is the classic WWF logo, the one that was kinda silver, yellow and blue, and kinda square-ish not blurred out? But the WWF logo of the Attitude Era, the one they have now, excepted they took the two lines at the end that constitute an "F" is blurred out?

I know they changed their name due to the whole World Wildlife Fund thing but why is the Attitude logo blurred out but the classic logo that's more square from the old days not blurred?
The World Wildlife Fund agreed with WWF that all mentions of the acronym WWF be censored (saying World Wrestling Federation is okay) and that all instances of the Attitude "scratch" logo be blurred in future products. The Federation Era / New Generation metallic logo is still completely legal to use.
So what has happened to Vince? Does anyone know when he's coming back?

MDM was not drawing viewers. Vince didn't want to lose more money so he took it off TV by doing the "accident".

Creative doesn't know how to bring him back now. They really missed the boat. Expect no mention of it when he comes back
I read on the main site that vince once wasnt pleased about Raw, so he had the creative team rewrite the whole show. Does Vince Mcmahon do this often?
can someone give me a link to the video where chavo guerrero is dressed as rey mysterio and makes fun of him? I only found a german version.
In the middle of watching my Monday Night War DVD and I'm watching the section where Shawn Michaels talks about Vince fineing him $10,000 for stuffing the gauze down his pants.

I don't know if there even is an answer to this question, but did Shawn just go out there and do that because he wanted to? I would assume since Vince oversees everything that goes on and would check the script before it airs, he would have had said no to HBK, so, does anyone know if HBK done it because he wanted to without telling Vince? or did Vince have a change in heart about it once HBK done it?
I've seen the DVD and the impression that I always got was that he just put them in and walked out to the ring like that. I can't imagine Vince checks every wrestler's crotch before they go to the ring.
does anyone know what happened to ted dibiase? i know that orton kicked him in the head but why would he be wrote off of tv at this time?
In response to matt_09's question above, Dibiase will be kept off Raw for the near future because he is starring in the new Marine 2 movie. So, he'll probably not be back very soon.
I think about the HBK crotch question what he's asking is:
Did HBK tell Mr McMahon, "I'm gonna' go out there and start pointing at my crotch and acting a fool" or is it that Mr. McMahon thought it was going to be a regular interview but HBK took it upon himself to f*(k the script and start doing those things.

I'd say he thought he was a big enough star to do it and did it to amuse the boys not thinking about or caring about what Mr. McMahon expected of the interview.
Could someone explain to me what the situation was with Shawn Michaels and an handicapped kid? he was facing Stone Cold and then security went to a kid i dont remember what happened but i think it was in 1997 KOTR
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