*MERGED* WWE Ask a Question Thread

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I don't think it has been confirmed yet, but Austin did request that Flair would do it. Personally I think JR should induct him as they have a better history.
I'd like to know, which wrestlers were part of the large group of wrestlers suspended for purchasing steriods after the benoit murder-suicide?
I'd like to know, which wrestlers were part of the large group of wrestlers suspended for purchasing steriods after the benoit murder-suicide?

Randy Orton
Charles Haas, Jr.
Adam “Edge” Copeland
Robert “Booker T” Huffman
Shane Helms
Mike Bucci
Anthony Carelli
John “Johnny Nitro” Hennigan aka John Morrison
Darren “William Regal” Matthews
Ken “Mr. Kennedy” Anderson
Chavo Guerrero
Can anyone tell me the feud between Sammartino and Vince if there is one. I've seen posts on here with people saying that they would never work together, so I was just wondering what happened that made them feud.
There really isn't a solid answer to it but here's the best I can give you:

Bruno hates the way wrestling is today. For the most part Vince would be receptive to bringing him back but Bruno wants nothing to do with it. He hates the sports entertainment aspect of it and misses the way things used to be. If Bruno wanted to come back to do an appearence or something then Vince would likely be receptive to it. Mainly it's Bruno that won't go along with it.
the song that was used for the build-up was hunt you down by saliva and IMO they couldnt have picked a better song
Didnt wanna spoil the Orton/H threads with this simple question but to anyones knowledge,arent Steph & H meant to be still KayfabE divorced.Its making this storyline ExtrA confusing for me-doh!
that's true they are divorced in kayfabe but that's being thrown out the window by WWE. They're trying to make this a "real life" story so they're hoping you forget that, or assume that it was just a story but what you're seeing now is real.
Savage didn't make the Legends of Wrestlemania game, which would suggest that the feud is anything but over. However, Savage has been featured reasonably heavily on WWE Vintage Collection, so the relationship might be thawing. Don't hold your breath though.

Y2M said:
Do you think the WWE title should be on Raw or Smackdown

This thread is for closed questions only, why not expand your question a bit and make it into an actual thread when you have 10 posts?
Why do people think Mr. Kennedy and MVP are future world champions when they have shown nothing to prove it
Why do people think Mr. Kennedy and MVP are future world champions when they have shown nothing to prove it

This is a Thread for those questions that you wonder about and want an answer to but asking them may be stupid if you ask them in a dedicated thread because they only have one answer. So this thread is for Closed questions only!! So limited Questions in terms of focus. Open Ended Questions are for threads. This is also not a Trivia thread. Don't Treat it like one

What is a closed question?

A question which has a limited number of logical answers (eg 'yes' and 'no'), as opposed to an open or open-ended question.

What is an open question?

A question that gains information, usually beginning with who, what, why, where, when, how, or more subtly 'tell me about..'

This thread is for closed questions only.
I recently bought Wrestlemania 16 and Tagged classics No way out 2000 and Backlash 2000 at Silvervision.co.uk and I noticed that all references to WWF were not edited out. All the WWF logos were not blurred out and it was just the 'WWF championship etcetera'. Did WWE forgot to edit these WWF references out or am I just extremely lucky? :)
Silver Vision owns the rights to put out those DVD sets in the UK. They've chosen not to edite them. They're straight video transfers.
I think the tagged classics are direct ports from the video, so they are not new products so they don't have to edit out all of the references. I defo seen stuff that was official WWF products that keep the F in.
Last night, JR mentioned that he had never seen the Undertaker lose by tapping out. Later, King referenced this comment when HBK locked in another submission. Does anyone know if (and if yes, when of course) the Undertaker has lost by tapping out?
There's one time and it wasn't certain. He was the American Bad Ass and was having a title match with Angle on Smackdown. He had Angle pinned but Angle had him in a triangle choke. Taker tapped at the same time that Angle was pinned. Taker kept the title and I believe it was declared a draw, so he didn't lose by submission.
Apparantly there is 2 titles because Brock Lesnar only wanted to be on SmackDown so RAW was left with no champion, Bishcoff introduced the WHC so that RAW could have a champion. If that answers your question.
I don't know for sure. But Sky never go without putting new WWE shows on. Even if it starts being aired live they'll put it on.

They'll likely just add it to the schedule. Maybe they'll replace one of the highlight shows with it.
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