*MERGED* WWE Ask a Question Thread

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When did Jeff Hardy start coming out with this paint stuff on his face? Is there any meaning behind it, or is it just for looks?
It's just for looks as far as I know but he's been doing it on and off sicne he was in TNA. Just started doing it full time this year though.
What has happened with D-Lo Brown? He's done fuck all since his return, and barely had any matches. Did he fuck up backstage or something?
What has happened with D-Lo Brown? He's done fuck all since his return, and barely had any matches. Did he fuck up backstage or something?

I don't believe anything has happened backstage, but Wikipedia informs me he's been doing dark matches and house show, as well as apparently turning heel with a promo at a Glasgow show. He also beat Ricky Ortiz in an ECW dark match, so maybe look for D'Lo on ECW?
I don't believe anything has happened backstage, but Wikipedia informs me he's been doing dark matches and house show, as well as apparently turning heel with a promo at a Glasgow show. He also beat Ricky Ortiz in an ECW dark match, so maybe look for D'Lo on ECW?

Hmm, well at least he isn't doing fuck all. A good run in ECW could help the youngsters, although D-Lo chasing the IC Title would have been fun to see.
anyone got any ideas on who attacked jeff hardy before SS, my guess is matt hardy, reason being that will build up a great wm 25 for both of them, hardy vs hardy at wm25 anyone agree?
If its not Matt i think it will be kenedy or umaga cos they both about to come back just seems logical, theres also rumours in the air that christian did it but he has signed any contracts yet so i dont know what peopleare getting excited about.
OK so i heard some rumours that Kevin thorn might be returning. Why did he even leave in the first place. did he get injured or just wasn't needed?
ok to answer your question a7x. i am pretty sure they are five knuckle shuckle,spin around pwoer bomb, FU, stfu? but i cant think of the last one. and as for my question

at summerslam 2008 i saw mickie james wearing a thong ( fthe following might sound stupid) does she always wear them, or do the diva's have to wear them or what?
I think the answer to that would be that Vince just decided he didn't like it. There never really was a reason given for it, but it was likely a combination of Vince changed his mind or thought he didn't like the way the first apperence went.
Officially yes, being on the top rope for 5 seconds is typically considered a DQ. However, in the 20+ years I've watched wrestling I've never seen it cause a DQ.
why do fans call people Jobber when they really aren't for example Tommy dreamer and MVP

Why can't wrestling fans call the tag team title worthless after the spent the Whole 90 era saying How much they hate Tag team wrestling I mean we all remember those fans saying How I can't wait till the hardy split up then they can go after real Titles
becuase they are idiots

but in all honesty...

This is a Thread for those questions that you wonder about and want an answer to but asking them may be stupid if you ask them in a dedicated thread because they only have one answer. So this thread is for Closed questions only!! So limited Questions in terms of focus. Open Ended Questions are for threads. This is also not a Trivia thread. Don't Treat it like one

What is a closed question?

A question which has a limited number of logical answers (eg 'yes' and 'no'), as opposed to an open or open-ended question.

What is an open question?

A question that gains information, usually beginning with who, what, why, where, when, how, or more subtly 'tell me about..'

This thread is for closed questions only.
2 questions:
1. Whatever happened to Marcus Cor Von?
2. What happened to the Sid Vicious returning rumor. Is he or is he not returning to WWE?
2 questions:
1. Whatever happened to Marcus Cor Von?
2. What happened to the Sid Vicious returning rumor. Is he or is he not returning to WWE?

Well Marcus Cor Von decided to go and help his family because he felt like they needed him and he needed them. I don't know if he was released or jsut decided to leave.
As for Sid, he's more than likely not coming back. At the end of evertying it was just what you called it: a rumor.

And Cor Von was released after having to deal with family issues.
When is Umaga returning? I've heard a few rumbling about him just lately, But havent caught SmackDown for a few weeks.
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