*MERGED* WWE Ask a Question Thread

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Who has won the most King of the Ring matches in their career without actually winning the KOTF? How many KOTR's did they participate in and how many wins did they get?
Who has won the most King of the Ring matches in their career without actually winning the KOTF? How many KOTR's did they participate in and how many wins did they get?

Without checking, I'd have to say Kurt Angle just because he won the 2000 King of the Ring, and made it to the finals of the 2001 K.O.T.R. I'll check for further detail and get back to you. (in this same post)


Doing a rough skim of the results, including Qualifying matches..

Kurt Angle - 9
X-Pac/1-2-3 Kid - 7
Yo thanks for the answer BigWill, but I think you missed one thing in my question
Who has won the most King of the Ring matches in their career without actually winning the KOTF?

No worries man, you got X-pac down there too. I know he hasn't won. Thanks for the answer.

Now, who has the most WWE title reigns? all titles the WWE has ever had are included except the Hardcore title. So, to put it in another way, who has the most title reigns (WWE, WHC, ECW, IC, US, Tag (both titles), European and Cruiserweight/Lightweight) and how many total title reigns did he have?
Does anyone know the nature of Vince's beef with Randy Savage? I just read that he was pulled from the upcoming Legends game and I am pretty pissed. Vince already pulled the dvd about him that was supposed to come out!
Nothing has ever been flat out proven, but the main idea is that allegedly Savage had a fling with Stephanie when she was very young.
do the wwe have to acknowledge NWA title reigns, i know they use them for ric flair, but for example have they mentioned r-truths 2 nwa reigns?
do the wwe have to acknowledge NWA title reigns, i know they use them for ric flair, but for example have they mentioned r-truths 2 nwa reigns?

Probably not with it being in TNA at the time, WWE tend not to actually acknowledge TNA.

An interesting point as well, I was just looking at R-Truth's bio and there's no mentioning of him ever being K-Kwick (2 time hardcore champion!). they're pushing him as somenew guy, who sees WWE as 'the light.' I'm not sure if that's the case with commentator team saying anything, but according to wwe.com nothing.
@ David_Showtime_Cougar

Edge has had 23 - Which I'm sure is only beaten by Hardcore Wrestlers (Raven, Crash etc.) in terms of overall WWE titles.
Has Takeshi Morishima been given a contract yet, or are they still testing him out in dark matches?
I'm curious about who and when the last time someone actually won the world title back in their rematch.

1. Who and when was the last time the WWE title was won in a rematch?

2. Who and when was the last time the WHC title was won in a rematch?

3. Who and when was the last time the ECW title was won in a rematch?
WWE title would be Orton beating HHH later that night in the last man standing match at No Mercy.

WHC would be HHH winning from Shawn a month later in 3 Stages of Hell at Armageddon

ECW hasn't happened in the modern incarnation of the title.
I've got a question, who were the double champions in WWE and WWF, and which titles did they hold?

By double, do you mean who has held multiple titles at once?

Without checking, off the top of my head I can name..

Kurt Angle - Intercontinental/European
British Bulldog - European/Tag Team
Owen Hart - Intercontinental/Tag Team
Ultimate Warrior - Heavyweight/Intercontinental
X-Pac - Light Heavyweight/Cruiserweight
Jeff Jarrett - Intercontinental/European
D-Lo Brown - Intercontinental/European (I believe)
Shawn Michaels - Heavyweight/European
Yes, but I actually meant who has held both a World title and another title at the same time? And also, has anyone held three different championships at once?
Stupid ad guy...

I have a question. I know it's a dumb one, but whatever. What exactly happened to Gregory Helms? Like, where exactly did he go?
He suffered a very severe neck injury by breaking two vertebrae, but by all reports, he should be back within the next few weeks on Smackdown.
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