*MERGED* WWE Ask a Question Thread

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Does anybody know why arn anderson isn't in the hof? i know flair and trips are good friends, but it would have made more sense to me to have arn induct flair in a couple yrs back. anyway, arn was a bad mo fo, i just find it odd that f'n ko ko is in, and arn isn't. same thing goes for sid. kinda of an errie coincidence that i mention them in this same topic.i don't know if him and vince have bad blood, but i remember hearing awhile back, that he was considering coming back to wwe.

i know i'm going off topic with this one, and i apologize, but i say that edge is a surprise entrant in the 2010 rumble and wins it, cuz that is really all he hasn't done.

Treating that as a closed question, Arn hasn't been inducted because he hasn't been chosen to be.
Does anybody know why arn anderson isn't in the hof? i know flair and trips are good friends, but it would have made more sense to me to have arn induct flair in a couple yrs back. anyway, arn was a bad mo fo, i just find it odd that f'n ko ko is in, and arn isn't. same thing goes for sid. kinda of an errie coincidence that i mention them in this same topic.i don't know if him and vince have bad blood, but i remember hearing awhile back, that he was considering coming back to wwe.

i know i'm going off topic with this one, and i apologize, but i say that edge is a surprise entrant in the 2010 rumble and wins it, cuz that is really all he hasn't done.

To add on to what Tasty said, I have heard rumors throughout the years that it's not that Vince doesn't want to induct him or any other wrestler for that matter, it’s that he doesn’t want to induct a lot of “big name” wrestlers at the same time. He just wants to make sure that he will always have someone that he can induct the next year and years after that. I guess that makes sense, but I don’t really know if it’s really the truth but I can understand why he would be that way.

But I really do believe that Arn will get his induction some day, not because celebrities or Koko got in it, but because he works for Vince so it probably means he is on good terms with him. As long as Arn doesn’t do something that might piss Vince off, then he will probably get inducted sometime in the future.
I was recently reading an article on the content of the 10th anniversary smackdown dvd and I saw something odd. TLC 3 was on the list. Of course you probably know that Chris benoit was included in that match. I thought the wwe was trying to be as far away as possible from Benoit? So, are there any details on what they are doing with this?
I was recently reading an article on the content of the 10th anniversary smackdown dvd and I saw something odd. TLC 3 was on the list. Of course you probably know that Chris benoit was included in that match. I thought the wwe was trying to be as far away as possible from Benoit? So, are there any details on what they are doing with this?

The WWE changed its stance from editing every single thing Benoit appeared in (WWE 24/7 subscribers know all about this), to only editing out segments that feature Benoit as the primary figure. For example, you won't ever be seeing that footage of Benoit at the end of Wrestlemania 20 on WWE television or future DVDs EVER again. But, if they wanted to include say a Four Horsemen promo from WCW in 1997 when Benoit was a member, but was only standing around in the background, they'll show those now. This changed from the strictly "No Benoit" rule that was around for a year and a half or so.

So TLC III should be in all of it's glory, Benoit included. He wasn't the main focus of that match, so they won't have a problem showing it.
When they were the Blade Runners in 86-87 both guys used face paint around their eyes. I think they both started at the same time.
I know that trips and batista are both 40. But does anybody know how old these guys are: Taker, CM Punk, Cena, Big Show, Morrison, Shelton Benjamin, Shawn Michaels???
I know that trips and batista are both 40. But does anybody know how old these guys are: Taker, CM Punk, Cena, Big Show, Morrison, Shelton Benjamin, Shawn Michaels???

Undertaker: 44
CM Punk: 30
John Cena: 32
Big Show: 37
John Morrison: 29
Shelton Benjamin: 34
Shawn Michaels: 44
Hello. I'm obviously a new user here, but I've spectated this forum for months now as a guest. You all seem like intelligent and respectful people, which is why I've decided to register.

I've always wondered about some things in the WWE. Now I finally have a chance to ask them in a place where there are people who are experts in terms of their knowledge about the WWE. Here they are:

I know the WWE is scripted.

1. With that being said, what is the significance of a wrestler holding the top-tier titles? Is it some sort of reward; something like an "employee of the month" thing?

2. How do wrestlers synchronize their matches with the 2-hour block? How do they know when to finish a match, and how long it should go for?

Some wrestlers I have wondered about..

3. Who was that one WWE (Raw, IIRC) superstar that bragged about going to Harvard?

4. Who was that wrestler that advocated the use of his "PATENTED" (he would always emphasize that word...) weight-loss technology?

This should be enough for now as I don't plan on attacking you with a wave of questions. More to come soon, and thanks for reading. :)
1. It's based on what the writers decide would draw the most money and would develop the most interest to the crowd. It's far more of a business decision than a reward.

2. They're given a set amount of time. Often the referees will whisper to them how much time they have left so they'll know if they need to wrap it up.

3. Christopher Nowitski.

4. Simon Dean, who you might find more information on under his more common name: Nova.
So, I was playing Smackdown vs. RAW 2007, and in commentary, JR mentioned that he had a "pinfall victory over Triple H to [his] credit".

When did this happen, and under what circumstances did it happen?
So, I was playing Smackdown vs. RAW 2007, and in commentary, JR mentioned that he had a "pinfall victory over Triple H to [his] credit".

When did this happen, and under what circumstances did it happen?

I believe it was when Triple H was heel [evolution times] & he decided to have a match against JR as he has been an annoyance for quite sometime, despite it being somebody else whom the fans thought the match was gonna be between.

That same someone interfered, caused Triple H to be knocked out & placed JR over a fallen HHH for the win. Not specific on the details, but JR has won against The Game
It was when HHH was feuding with Batista, he nailed JR for ages, then Batista came, creamed HHH and then draped Ross' arm for the pin.

I noticed on the HBK DVD that HHH discussed the Montreal Screwjob, and it is common knowledge he was in on it. Bret Hart even going as so far as to blame HHH directly.

What I want to know is, why was HHH so high up and tight with Vince? Simply because he rolled with Shawn? I mean this was still very early in his career, so why did he get access to something that was so top secret?
Simple answer: the clique. The power they had backstage is hard to gauge but based on what I understand, they ewre the dominant force backstage. HHH was a big part of it so he was in there because Shawn wanted him to be. Granted that could be completely wrong but that's what I'd assume.
I figured this was the best place to post this.. I've heard a lot of debate over the recent weeks that when Edge returns, he'll be returning as a face? Did somebody read this somewhere or is everyone just assuming?
I figured this was the best place to post this.. I've heard a lot of debate over the recent weeks that when Edge returns, he'll be returning as a face? Did somebody read this somewhere or is everyone just assuming?

People are basing that off of dirtsheet reports mostly, but right before his injury he started to become a bit of a tweener, definitely hinting towards a face turn. I think it's very, very likely he'll return as a face.
Question: When T'Lo was managing Rodney Mack, was there ever any talk of something called the "Playas Club" or am I just imagining that?
You're not imagining it. Their unofficial nickname was Thuggin N Buggin Enterprises, but I don't think that was ever used on air. Playas CLub was mentioned on WZ though.
Monday night during the backstage segment, Trish said that she didn't know Beth when she debuted. Later when Beth was making her way to the ring, King said that she wasn't even there when Trish retired. The fact is, Beth debuted during the psycho-Mickie angle. Is there a reason WWE keeps re-writing history, even when it's not necessary?
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