*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] The Nexus General Discussion thread

What Should Happen?

  • Continue With 5 Members

  • Reinstate Darren Young With The Group

  • Recruit Rookies from NXT Season II

  • Recruit Wrestler(s) From The Locker Room

  • Disban

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I dont understand how most of you praise this guy. He is awful. With the role he has right now, I can agree with most of you that he is good for the group. Put him in singles matches and watch how he falls down the drain. For his role right now, he is perfect. But when the group disbands, what is he gonna do? Be the next Virgil? He is great for beat downs, and he has great acting skills when it comes to intensity. But tell me he can put on a match without him just throwing punches and a few hiplocks man. With an enforcer role where he does no technical moves, he is perfect. Put him in a match, he fails. Why cant you guys see this?
I'm somewhere in the middle on Tarver, I saw nothing in him during the NXT show, but I think he has had something since coming to RAW. I don't know, I think he needs more time before I make up my mind.

But to be honest, I know for sure he isn't the worst in Nexus...

That honour would have to go to Heath Slater, I see absolutely nothing in this guy at all. His promos sounds ******ed, his look does nothing to impress me and his in ring work is mediocre at best.

Barrett is awesome, and I think deserves his spot, Gabriel has some cool moves, but I still haven't seen too much out of him.

Otunga has potential, I think if he is willing to put the effort into his ring work, he has the look and his mic skills are still developing but I see something there.

Sheffield has a lot of potential, in a Batista like character, just destroying people whenever he feels like it. I don't see much happening on the mic, but still, an absolute monster like that, I see something Vince will love :p.

Anyway I have rambled for too long.

Just My Opinion
I definitley agree that Tarver is a major player in this storyline, and a standout as far as charecter goes. I dont know what it is, but even before I saw a match from Tarver, I liked the guy.

Maybe it was the bandanna wrapped around the face, maybe it was the look of intensity and pure anger that appeared when he took it off, or maybe it was the smooth, yet powerfully mean sounding promo he cut. Whichever one it is doesn't matter, what does matter is(and mark my words when I say this) that Michael Tarver is gonna do big things in the WWE....... And I'm talking BIG.
Do you agree that he has something to offer in the Nexus storyline? While a lot of them just seem the blend into the group when it's an attack, do you

Everyone in that faction has something to offer to The Nexus storyline, I think Michael Tarver has some great microphone skill and he has the potential to be a brutal guy in the ring as well, I think that's signs that he could definitely be one of the better guys in that faction.

Michael Tarver was boring at first, but he sure as hell upped his game when he started cutting promos, and he is perhaps one of the better people in that faction to cut a promo, up there with Wade Barrett and David Otunga to say the least, hell at times I think Michael is better than Otunga.

Do you feel he has anything to offer after the inevitable destruction (contrary to Wade's belief) of the Nexus sometime in the future?

Just as I said above about offering to the faction, I do believe that everyone has something to offer to the main roster in terms of storyline and in-ring wrestling.

I haven't seen much from Michael Tarver when it comes to wrestling, but the bit I have seen did impress me just a slight bit, he has the potential to put on a decent to good match, and that's another plus to being able to offer to the show.
As many of us know by now, the NXT1 graduates are now official WWE superstars. But, I'd like to ask you of your opinions.

What do YOU think is next?

Lets take a look at the NXT graduates before they actually graduated and were still in the contest.

Justin Gabriel
I think it's safe to say that the fans knew that Justin was a face character. He was a fan favourite in the contest and everybody liked seeing him perform and he got into the top 3.

Skip Sheffield
Skip may have been classed as a face character, but there were some people that would disagree with that and just boo him whenever the oppurtunity was there. All in all, I enjoyed watching him.

Heath Slater
Heath Slater was full of himself and performed quite well in the ring and out of the ring doing mini tasks. Despite being cocky and uptight, he was basically a face character. Lots of people liked him.

Michael Tarver
Easily a heel character. Didn't participate, lost matches and was boo'd 99.9% of the time. He moaned when "things didn't go his way" and by that we all know, Tarver was just angry that he was the first to be eliminated. Tarver was heel, no doubt.

Darren Young
Started out as a face character, however, he slowly decreased into the heel borderline. He started getting boo'd just at the fact that he was CM Punk's rookie.

Daniel Bryan
Lost every match possible and got physically and mentally abused by his Pro, The Miz. Again, he was a face character but quickly decended into the heel group. He wasn't the most liked character after a while. Just because he was being ranked #1 in the pro's poll after he'd lost every match. Rightfully so, he had charisma and the "it" factor sometimes, but there were alot more people in the competition who were better than, Bryan.

David "A-List" Otunga
I'm torn between the two. He had a mixed fan reaction sometimes. People boo'd and cheered him. But at the end, he was a heel character. He was too full of himself and didn't really deal with things the proper way. He moaned like a child and expected to be given a contract.

Wade Barrett
Personally, I think he was boo'd because he was British. More than half of the time, nobody likes British superstars in the WWE. Wade Barrett, Drew McIntyre, Sheamus and William Regal are British superstars and at some point (and some still are) are hated amongst the WWE Universe. Wade Barrett was the heel character, but towards the end, I believe people actually wanted him to win and become the next WWE breakout star.

So here we are. The NXT1 graduates are now WWE RAW superstars, so what do you think is next for each one of them? Should they fly it solo or should they stay with "The Nexus" and be hated by the WWE Universe and destroy everything and everybody to get their way?

Give me your thoughts.
i see most of them ending up being midcarders, jobbers then lost in the shuffle. much like the spirit squad was broken up and all, except ziggler, were gone.

barrett appears to be the only one i think can make it considering his title shot and the fact that he is the face of the faction and pretty good on the mic.

out of all the others, i personally don't care for Otunga too much. i think he tries to hard on the mic and comes off very fake.
This may have been brought up in another part of the thread but I don't have the patience to search all 46 pages for the question or answers but, with Nexus just constantly jumping people and all the segments started to appearance a little similar how long can the faction continue to exist while doing this same thing? They need to get out there and actually be put into something more constructive than a group that mugs everyone. I want them to stop being blocked off and start being given things to do.
Does anyone else think this could be the beginning for Bryan Danielson being brought back into the fold? We all know that he's a BIG TIME old school wrestling fan and Steamboat is one of his idols, could this be the beginning of bringing him back in order to help stop this Nexus group?
I don't think the attack of the oldies is any sort of motivator for Bryan's return. It was just a way of them staying significant when they couldn't attack "superstars".
Man, week after week I am loving this group. Their promo was excellent, and I love the vibe I get from the group: If you make a rule, they will find a way around it. Everyone in the legends segment looked great out there, and the Nexus got a huge rub. I was kind of hoping for a Daniel bRyan reference or return when they were beating down Steamboat. He is, after all, the "American Dragon"!

I love the name "Nexus" and I'm glad the WWE decided to go with it. It's a simple yet catchy name that suits them perfectly.
am i the only one who thinks the nexus shouldn't have a theme song? i feel it adds more to the threatening and scary feel of the group when they just show up unannounced and totally out of the blue.
So, PWInsider is reporting this, which quite frankly, I can't believe.

Drew McIntyre and Wade Barrett have been released as their current work visas have expired and they are no longer eligible to work within the United States. In the case of Barrett, he has returned to Great Britain while he awaits a new visa to be cleared. I believe McIntyre is still in the United States, but not sure.

From speaking to people within the company today, it appears there's no timetable for when Barrett and McIntyre will return.

I can believe TNA being incompetent as far as the Angelina Love situation went, but to screw things up with two of your biggest potential stars you're trying to push is mind-boggling. I mean, IF this is true, then Drew should be safe as he's married to Tiffany.

As far as Wade Barrett's situation goes... he was one of the more popular NXT guys from the start, and he won the competition. At that point, either he or the WWE should have checked in on his visa status and gotten that cleared up. Either way, this puts a huge damper on the NXT angle, as the two guys who they were building the stable around are now currently unavailable to work. I just can't believe for a moment WWE would be stupid enough to not check on the visa status of two of it's performers... especially someone like Barrett who is without a doubt the centerpiece of the biggest angle on TV right now.

As far as tonight's developments went, at least the black guys got to beat up on Michael Hayes. That was awesome.
As far as tonight's developments went, at least the black guys got to beat up on Michael Hayes. That was awesome.


Are we seeing the makings of a face turn for Justin Gabriel? I was watching last night and before he hit the 450 Splash on The Dragon, he looked at the crowd as if he was thinking about it for a second. Then he was the only one to look back on the damage they'd done and he actually had a slight look of remorse on his face. I'm thinking that it may be a face turn in the works or do we chalk this up to the 450 Splash fucking hurts when you land it cuz he was holding his ribs afterward.
I am wondering how the WWE is going to explain this whole visa thing. Barrett can't meet with the WWE executives every week.

I don't think any of the other six have what it takes on the mic to carry the group, I don't think Otunga is on the same level as Barrett, but I see him taking over while Barrett is gone.

I just hope with the two "main guys" gone that the remaining six will be able to step it up and not let the angle flop. This will be interesting to see how it all plays out.
I am wondering how the WWE is going to explain this whole visa thing. Barrett can't meet with the WWE executives every week.

Barrett wouldn't apologize for what he and the Nexus did, so he's taking the heat for the entire group and is on an indefinite suspension. I think that's the best way to write their way around this issue right now, and it makes a lot of sense as it really gets Wade over as the true leader of the Nexus. The guy who would stand up for himself and his group, even if he was threatened with a suspension.

I don't think any of the other six have what it takes on the mic to carry the group, I don't think Otunga is on the same level as Barrett, but I see him taking over while Barrett is gone.

I just hope with the two "main guys" gone that the remaining six will be able to step it up and not let the angle flop. This will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

I think they need to start getting more creative with the beatdowns. It's the same thing every time now. They crowd around their target, gang up on it like a pack of wolves, Skip clotheslines the target's head off, Wade does his slam, Gabriel hits the 450. They all should be getting equal attention, and they need to start doing something that makes each beatdown different, because the only thing that's changing is the target.
I think they need to start getting more creative with the beatdowns. It's the same thing every time now. They crowd around their target, gang up on it like a pack of wolves, Skip clotheslines the target's head off, Wade does his slam, Gabriel hits the 450. They all should be getting equal attention, and they need to start doing something that makes each beatdown different, because the only thing that's changing is the target.

I agree and disagree. Did you see how they were picking off the legends one by one?? I thought that was very original and different from the "nWo beatdown formula" that nexus has been using in recent weeks. However, I would also like to see someone other than skip, wade, and justin have a little face time in the beatdowns.

Also, Im hoping Wade is back sooner rather than later, but in the meantime, you could find a way to "suspend" the entire nexus "indefinably", putting some mystery around their return, hopefully to have them re-appear at summerslam with wade AND danielson in tow. (I know this is not gonna happen, but it would sure be interesting)
Boy is this storyline getting very stale very quickly.

Yes, they've had all the problems under the sun in getting this storyline off the ground - first Danielson, then Hart and now Barrett, but can creative not come up with anything better than a beatdown every single week?

We need explanations as to why they keep beating people up (post getting their contracts), and this needs to happen sooner rather than latter.
Sorry, mod's, i wasn't sure where this would go if you wanted it in NXT section or here, since I am discussing the storyline involving which is on Raw i posted it here.

Anyways, i think the reason why they changed the name, is because NXT season 2 is going to get involved some how.

So the Season 1 rookies don't want to be referred to anymore as a NXT.
My thought on this past weeks Nexus episode was thus:

If any superstar who touches a member of Nexus was to get suspended, why the flippin heck didn't they put their head together and think "hmm - they can't suspend us ALL - else there'd be no show next week"

If they're trying for any half decent attempt at realism, they failed badly there! Still, I suppose we have to accept that there's always going to be glaring holes in storylines - but that one just annoyed me!

anyway, loving the angle, roll on next tuesday! =)
Sorry, mod's, i wasn't sure where this would go if you wanted it in NXT section or here, since I am discussing the storyline involving which is on Raw i posted it here.

Anyways, i think the reason why they changed the name, is because NXT season 2 is going to get involved some how.

So the Season 1 rookies don't want to be referred to anymore as a NXT.

Well that is a main reason for the change, considering NXT 2 is going on we don't want to refer to these guys as the NXT1 or NXT 7. Nexus is a good name, despite some not liking it. The definition of Nexus is: the means of connection between things linked in series.

This shows their unity. The season 1 guys are sticking together and it shows their strength and the name is just another side of unity. Plus it is a play of words of sorts to NXT.
Think about it. It's been a full year of Raw Guest Hosts. Some have been entertaining, some have been awful, and some were just pointless. And now with an anonymous GM lurking around and having all the power, there is no need at all to have guest hosts (other than plugging upcoming projects, but there's a time and place for that, and it's called late night talk shows on CBS, ABC, or NBC.)

Enter Nexus...for a couple of weeks, Nexus could just destroy guest host after guest host. Claiming that it is time that could be used on them, since they are now under contract. After a couple of weeks, the anonymous GM, OR the WWE Board of Directors finally decide to pull the plug on the guest hosts because it has become too dangerous and unpredictable for them to be on the show.

What do you think?? Could/would Nexus be able to put an end to guest hosts? Would you like to see something like this happen? Discuss and enjoy!
The problem is that having Nexus take out the Guest Hosts is that it would come across like a cheap stunt rather than making a statement. There've been several examples in the past already of wrestlers "taking out" celebrity Guest Hosts of Raw. It's been a good way to garner cheap heat or a cheap pop for the most part, but it's already been done.

Nexus has assaulted legendary wrestlers, the most beloved WWE Champion of the decade and the CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment. Taking out some B or C level celebrity just isn't going to compare with that. However, the concept could work and work well, but only if the Guest Host or Hosts were certain people. For instance, the WWE and The Rock have been trying to work something out so that The Rock can host Raw for some time now. I don't know if both sides have given up on it or not. However, The Rock just isn't any other Guest Host. He's one of the biggest stars in wrestling history and if Nexus physically took The Rock out and then the WWE put an end to the Guest Host segment, THEN it'd really make an impact. Maybe even the biggest impact Nexus has made thus far.

But, in the end, doing it with just any Guest Host won't have the same feeling with it.
The Nexus are far more interesting than any guest host. I kind of agree with you that they should end guest hosting on Raw. Having said that some guest hosts have been great to watch but I dont really take much note. I'd rather see the standard of wrestling in the ring improve but with raws PG rating the wrestlers can only do so much. Shame about Wade Barretts Visa expiration and Bryan Danielsons release. Those two really got the group together and attention they deserve. Nexus is still going strong though, and the thought of them randomly attacking both face and heels on Raw does give thoughts of how all the raw wresters will have to work together to beat the Nexus. I hope the Nexus last a while. They all have great potential, could get the best out of stars who are normally average and hopefully a WWE champion in the making within the group.
I personally would love to see Austin & The Rock go head to head as Co-Guest Hosts. Then have them threaten to square off in the middle of the ring then suddenly *BOOM* Nexus appears and Austin & Rock put up a decent fight but the Nexus group leaves them laying. Then the following week the "GM" (as previously stated) could announce that due to the Nexus group constantly assaulting GM's and legendary superstars WWE has pulled the plug on Raw guest hosts and the new GM could emerge as good Ole JR!! or one of the McMahons but that's been done so many times! No more guest hosts and WWE can return to the way it used to be. Having someone in charge of the Raw roster that actually cares about the WWE product and won't drive the ratings so far down that creative is forced to make desperate decisions.
I love the new storyline but come on if they touch any RAW superstar they are fired and if a RAW superstar lays a hand on the NXT members he is suspended. Well last time I checked on the RAW poster none other than Jerry Lawler was on the RAW roster and lay a hand on an NEXUS member and the NEXUS member beat the crap out of Lawler so does that mean that the NEXUS members are now fired and Lawler is suspended. Just a thought or is the fan just to stupid to realize this.

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