Memoirs of a WrestleZone Moderator by Uncle Sam

Sam, you are a very intimidating and confusing person.

I am both scared and confused, as you may guess.
TM thinks me and GD are Jake and Sam in training. He's likely setting us up for a fall by saying such nice things, but that's neither here nor there. This next chapter is extremely important to us. Be thorough please.

Neither of you are anything like Jake.
I would like to at least be a footnote in your memoirs

Bonus Chapter
Miscellaneous Posters

If you're not included in this section, you'll likely get mentioned in another. Alternatively, you won't get mentioned at all.

Coco The Monkey
Mighty NorCal
The Lariat
The Canadian
The great white hope. It's because he's a massive racist.
Everyone else

I did mean a named footnote. Just for that...

I, Stephen S Polley, firmly believe that 300 is the greatest film ev...

I thought I could, but I can't
Hmmm, yes, he's definately up there with John Travolta in that regards. I'd say it's more to do with desperation to make money before people realise he can't act
And all you need are steroids, facial hair and the ability to sound grumpy all the time. You've already got number 3 down
At first I thought this was going to be pointless boring banter, but right now this is the best thread on the forums.
Chapter 5: Y 2 Jake

Before I go into details on my exact feelings on Jake - which I promise I will do by the end of this chapter - I'll give you a run through of how you, too, can become a Jake clone. Aside from Luther, I'd like to think I'm the only person to successfully pull it off, though I'm not a pure clone.

1) Come up with a ridiculous backstory
One of the things that make Jake Jake is his incredible backstory, which he's shared with us in bits and pieces over these past few years. Assuming it's all true - which would be truly incredible - he's led quite a life. Just some of the things which make up Jake's backstory:

He used to own a porn store. Of course, that used to be in the present tense. Never underestimate the money people will pay to see an attractive person naked. He currently sells porn out of his garage.

He's now setting up a new business, apparently. A tattoo parlour.

Other sources of the Y 2 Jake fortune include selling faulty shoes on eBay and making his mobile number available to the people of WrestleZone as a helpline of sorts.

He has a daughter, Amber, who took over his account when Jake briefly died. She's half-Asian and enjoys Micro Chips and parsnips. Or something.

Jake was, unsurprisingly, married to an Asian lady. She cheated on him with, I believe, a postman. Jake hit said postman. Not hard, but hard enough to know he was "displeased".

Jake has friends who he refers to as Team Jake. They don't know this.

Jake owned a duck. It died. We mourned.

Jake has a cat. Probably still alive. Has unexpected self-confidence.

Jake owns thousands of DVDs; 1/9 of which aren't porn.

Jake is real life best friends with Jonny B. No, not really. But he said it once.

Jake has no testicles. It's excessively comfortable and he recommends it.

Jake smokes "because it's cool".

Jake has/had a lawyer girlfriend that uses him for sex and annoys him. He offered her to me.

I think that generally covers it.

2) Use more full stops (periods if you're American) than commas
Though I think Jake does this as a grammatical mistake, it creates a voice. It's as if every one of his posts is full of sarcastic dramatic pauses. I now purposely use full stops to create dramatic effects. Sometimes I'll leave a line and then just type on word, for the impact.


3) Use smilies very, very sparingly
Sparingly to never, that is. Jake stands by the fact that all you really need is a :) and a :(, but doesn't even use them. If you don't feel you're posts with shit like this :lol::lmao::blush: then you won't look like such a twat. To try and create an air of cynicism with :disappointed: is ridiculous - you're trying too hard.

4) Never let anyone know that you try or you care
I often slip on this one. Jake, however, never does. I'm the JD to his Dr. Cox. You all watch Scrubs, right? How can you be no nonsense if you give a shit about stuff? You can't. I'd like to think that Jake cares deep down, and he's admitted to caring about things other than the forum. I know he loves me really.

5) Posting on a wrestling forum is ridiculous and so should be treated as such
If you go out of your way to try and give such silly things meaning, you need mental help. This is not a job and definitely not something you should put your life on hold for. Any other view would make you look like an emo kid... Jonny.

6) Don't make it obvious where your inspiration is from
Not really a Jake thing but I can see you all coming up with seriously unfunny threads with 'humorous' back stories in. No. Bad. Pace yourselves.

7) Have a dry sense of humour
Americans will find this particularly tough. If it weren't for his sense of humour - and the fact that he cares, xfear would pretty much be Jake. This is why dropping the smilies and all that pretence about caring about the goings on of a wrestling forum are so important. Most posters run around like headless chickens trying to be funny and failing miserably in the process.

8) Be quietly manipulative
Making people look like idiots takes subtlety and patience, kids.

That's all I can think of right now. When I became a Jake clone, I copied him without thinking about it much - hence why I can't give you all the details on his mannerisms. Now into the meat of it:

For about the first year or so I was on WrestleZone, I was intimidated by Jake. Y'know, as intimidated as you can be with someone on the other end of I thought Jonny was a bit of a dick and posted well because I wanted to look good, not because I wanted to show off to the mods. Until he PM'd me, offering to make me a moderator, I'd had very little direct contact with Jake. He was just this distant figure that was revered by everyone on the forum. I thought that if I wasn't on his good side, I was fucked. Here I have what I believe is the first record direct communication between Sam and Jake:

Y 2 Jake said:
Having a murder being associated with you is a negative thing. Dont you know this? WWE are doing the right thing. Why would they have a tribute section too him? Why would they keep his merc on sale? It doesn't make sence. This isn't Eddie Gurerrero dying of a heart attack. If Benoit had just comitted suicide and not killed his family then a tribute show would be a great thing. But instead he murdered two people. One of which was a 7 year old child.

Certain people can forgive people for murdering an adult. I know there was times when I felt like killing my ex wife. And to a degree you can eventually forgive them. But killing a child put's you in a whole other category. It put's you with child abusers, murderers & paedophiles.

I'm not saying that Benoit was some sort of sexual pervert. But there are people who are into sexual stangualtion and suffocation. We'll never know.

Tributes to him are just innapropriate.

Uncle Sam said:
Agreed. As good an athlete as Benoit was, there are things in life that are much more important than professional wrestling and entertainment as a whole, such as life itself. Benoit took two people's lives before it was their time. To make it worse, they both loved and trusted him but were defenseless against him. For that, I think that tributes should be pusponed, if not cancelled altogether. You won't be seeing from me paying tribute to him ever. Sorry, but that's how strongly I feel about this.

You can see this is before I became a full fledged Jake clone. I'm not quite sure how me and Jake got the stage where I have a thread dedicated to chatting with him. All I know is that Jake is the person that has come closest to being someone I like without ever having met them. Xfearbefore and NorCal are alright, Becca's friendly enough, Colamania's fun to play with but Jake is the one person I actually enjoy conversing with.

Which brings me to how I think that Jake is, in fact, just a massive master manipulator. The amount of times I've seen him make you - yes, you - look like an idiot without you even realising it is beyond count. Being able to partially see through his facade, Jake is playing the long game with me. One day he'll reveal he's been making me look like an idiot all this time. I secretly suspect that this is just a dummy forum where he plays all the posters and where he's tricked me into thinking I'm a semi-popular G-Mod and that the real WrestleZone is hidden from me. Would not put it past him.

But yes, I'm a Jake imitator. More of a thief, really. Read something something of mine and thought "Oh, that's funny/interesting/true"? I probably stole it from Jake.
I've tried to be like Jake in the past. That's a lie. I just wanted him to like me. Apparently it worked.
Occasionally, I try to be Sam in the Non-Spam Sections.

It has worked to some degree. Sam green repped me once for talking about my penis all throughout one of my posts in the Official John Cena thread.

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