JGlass - Moderator Intern

But it would be so much more convenient to buy even just a cheap netbook. You could watch videos! Quote posts! See smileys! Even have a sig! The world would be at your fingertips!!
How did a thread congratulating Jglass on his temp mod spot turn into another 'Buy a fucking Laptop Milenko' thread?
How did a thread congratulating Jglass on his temp mod spot turn into another 'Buy a fucking Laptop Milenko' thread?

Aww, how cute.

All I see is a sideways smily face when people use emoticons SSC.

You know damn well what you posted Milenko.

I know what I posted but not what Crock posted.

You guys posted the same thing, mystery solved.

^^^that how, now stop trying to change the subject and put a laptop on lay-a-way:suspic:
You can prolly get a cheap netbook for like $250 from Wal*Mart, and by the time you save up the money you'll have been at Walmart long enough to get your discount, which means you'll save yourself a nice $25 on it
If you used red when you were being sarcastic like everyone else I would probably be a bit faster on the uptake.
congrats on attaining the position of Moderator Intern, JGlass.

Oh, and Milenko, buy a laptop...... (apparently using red text now means sarcasm?)

Or buy an iPad.
Was this the whole "I need a fucking loser with a lot of time and likes to organize to be a loser because I'm just so fucking amazing" thread's product?

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