The People's Choice for Moderator

That's not gonna end well, I fear. I think the admins would make my name [b]JANE[/b]...

That'd be unfortunate.
That's cool. How are you guys doing that?


Oh, shit.

I have a legit question for anyone who knows. Is the TNA vs. WWE forum staying around for awhile? And if so, is there a mod for that section? Just curious since we are talking about staff anyway

I'm thinking it'll be going bye-bye soon. I don't know what the real plans were/are.

I love seeing all the suggestions for Sports and Cigar Lounge, as if FTS and TM don't exist.

KB 4 Admin <~~ This would be the place to make such a nomination, right?
And if you want to post what TM just posted, put this


I smell a never-ending chain...
Tdigs for the book section because he's well read and he's the bomb-tdiggty. No book section, you say? Make him a g-mod.
Bitches be tryin' to take my mod spot. Waaaaaaaah.

I formally elect Norcal to become Mod of the WWE forums, or G-Mod if that can be arranged without stepping on any toes. Norcal was a wonderful G-Mod from what I can remember, always looking out for the people he knew would end up doing something for these forums. He definitely deserves any mod spot you want to give him when he makes his official return this weekend from kicking ass in parts we can't know.

And, since KB and Sly said one nomination, I'm done with my post. Yay for following the rules of the thread.
Ima go out on a limb and say wwetributes. There's something about that kid, he's going places, even if that place is surrounded by padded walls.
I'll be unoriginal and say Lariat for Old School, or just any of the wrestling sections. He knows his shit, and definitely deserves it.
NSL for G-mod, kids. Simply because he's fantabulous poster, and would be fair.......... Also, he's a jam-up guy.

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