Memoirs of a Moderator, Part Deux - By Uncle Sam

I'll be there, waiting. In related news, I went through the snoozefest that was the Meilichia return thread to try and find pics. No luck. Will's wife posted a couple of times - no doubt in an attempt to size up the e-competition.

Coming soon: SCW. Because it's not bandwagoning if you're over a year late.

I fear those pics shall be gone, Uncle Sam...Gone Forevah.
Somebody needs to find that bitch's MySpace page again. Jake has it bookmarked, surely. Then again, his computer caught fire and melted at some stage.
I'll be there, waiting. In related news, I went through the snoozefest that was the Meilichia return thread to try and find pics. No luck. Will's wife posted a couple of times - no doubt in an attempt to size up the e-competition.

Coming soon: SCW. Because it's not bandwagoning if you're over a year late.

I was too lazy to go through something about a poster that aren't here anymore.

Or stuff that's simply far too many posts in, like the Post a Picture thread, or the complete All Things NorCal thread.
I think you should review the thread about us watching Walking Tall(not together) that was a riveting night.
Not sure how this could ever live up to the first, but I applaud your effort.

I'm looking forward to the chapter about how underwhelming E&C winning the last Tag Tourney was.


Look forward to it.

I think you should review the thread about us watching Walking Tall(not together) that was a riveting night.

One of my top 100 WrestleZone moments, for sure.
Oh yeah definitely. But the emo like life-style is a bit of a turn off for me. Emo looks have never done it for me.
Touche. I could never set those two lifestyles apart. It's not a plus although.

But! That doesn't make the picture in this thread any less of a hot one. But the ones on her Myspace aren't.
Tournaments and Tournament-Related Activity
You want brackets!? I'll give you brackets! (You cunt).

I shall begin this chapter as I should probably begin every chapter - by recounting tournaments, their creators, their finals and their outcomes by heart.

First WrestleZone Tournament. Creator: Shocky. Final: Steve Austin vs. Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels (W).

First WrestleZone Tag Tournament. Creator: Shocky. Final: Edge and Christian (W) vs. The British Bulldogs.

Second WrestleZone Tournament. Shocky. The Undertaker (W) vs. Randy Savage.

Second Tag Tournament. Shocky. The Hart Foundation (W) vs. Edge & Christian

Third WrestleZone Tournament. Shocky. Bret Hart (W) vs. Edge.

Third Tag Tournament. Uncle Sam. Edge and Christian (W) vs. British Bulldogs.

Fourth WrestleZone Tournament. Klunderbunker. Steve Austin (W) vs. The Undertaker.

I like tournaments. I really do. I know I only posted approximately four times in this latest one, but I was repped at least three times for each of those posts. True story.

I don't really want to talk about them. That's literally the end of this chapter.

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