Live Discussion: Royal Rumble 1/27/2008

HHH will never move from Raw. Never.

I think its going to be Cena vs Edge and possibly a evolution 4 way for Orton's strap.
The bottom line is Cena sucks. Ever since they gave him a push, the WWE has actually decreased in ratings. Went from 4.0-4.2 to 3.7-3.2.
Disappointing, but surprising end to the Royal Rumble.

I was hoping to see Edge vs. Undertaker at WM but I don't think that's happening anymore. Maybe there'll be some sort of 'Taker/Michaels rivalry? They've teased it twice at the Royal Rumble. I'd love to see those two go at it at WM.
The whole Cena injury thing was probably a massive work (well, the injury was real), but the length of the injury/severity was probably a work to make his comeback even bigger.
yayyy cena back,the haters going to be riot cant wait to see the new tomorrow morning.
The WWE just sucks. Their logic in matches makes no sense. Finlay and Horns if just proof of that. Looking forward to seeing TNA - Against All Odds. I know they can't disappoint with the matches they have booked so far. BARBED-WIRE MASSACRE 2!
I think its also fair to say that Lashley IS gone from the company otherwise I think he would of been in the Rumble tonight to throw yet another curve
wow i called it i knew cena would over come the odds again. Good job wwe with this curve ball. raw should be interesting tmrw now
The WWE just sucks. Their logic in matches makes no sense. Finlay and Horns if just proof of that. Looking forward to seeing TNA - Against All Odds. I know they can't disappoint with the matches they have booked so far. BARBED-WIRE MASSACRE 2!

Yeah I saw the Original Barbed wire match in ECW and the first one in TNA with Abyss and Sabu. Both were awesome
I wanted anyone except HHH, batista or CENA to win and they were the damn last two fucking WWE
Why is everybody bitching about Horny's elimination? Surely the fact he didnt win was a good thing? If he'd won, the marks would have been livid. His elimination was stupid, but so was his involvment in the match in the first place.
I think its also fair to say that Lashley IS gone from the company otherwise I think he would of been in the Rumble tonight to throw yet another curve

I never thought of that, but it's a good point. Of course, they never announced he was gone on their site how they normally do, so it wouldn't have been that much of a swerve in that sense.
Hopefully They move Cena to SD! for ratings, Have a Taker-Batista-Cena-Edge type match, I really wanted HHH to win. :(
The difference is Cena can't entertain us, but Trips can. If you compare the two, I would much rather see Triple H winning anyway. Cena isn't a deserving champion, because he can't even wrestle. If you want to argue about that, just look at his moveset right now. Hell GO TO YOUTUBE and look for wrestling cena upn, or some crap like that. It shows Cena demonstrating wrestling moves, and he can't even do that right. At least Triple H can wrestle and his character isn't some hyper white guy that keeps saying "THE CHAMP IS HERE", even though Trips does say the same thing every week. Just in different words.
personallly, I thought it was fuckin awesome. WWE never comes with the suprises, and boy, did they ever bust out a huge one tonight. rest of the show was horrendous, but DAMN that mightve been the best rumble ive ever seen.
I wanted Kane to win, I guess can't all get what we want

I say take what you can get, Cena may not be the best, but he's definately not the worst, or even close to the worst

What if Great Khali, BDV, or Hornswaggle had won the rumble? Then what?
I'm actually glad I payed $40 for this. That was actually pretty awesome. I totally did not expect Cena. I too think they overplayed the severity of his injury just to make it a bigger surprise when he came back. I'm thinking Edge/Cena at WM. Hopefully they will make him choose who he is going to face tomorrow at Raw.

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