Live Discussion: Royal Rumble 1/27/2008

They should have a TNA Vs. ROH storyline. That should be great with all the talent their. Imagine the Briscoes Vs. Machineguns or Morishima Vs. Joe.

Both those matches have happened in ROH already, MCMG vs. Briscoes was fucking Insane, havn't seen Joe/Morishima yet though
It was a poorly booked match on the whole. I always think the royal rumble should be used to give a guy on the brink, like Kennedy/MVP/Hardy etc that last big final push, and having repeat winners like HHH/Cena/Taker, guys who have been over for years, is stupid really, especially now there is 3 titles the winner could fight for at mania, and thus still allow the guaranteed draws like Taker/HHH to be in the main event.
Secondly, having a WORLD CHAMPION in chavo make a cameo in the match was ridiculous. There was several talents, cruserweights like Jimmy WY and other guys like Festus, murdoch etc who could have easily taken his role in the match. Instead, they book Chavo and pretty much take a shit on the ECW title. This isnt even bad booking that will only really be noticed by the marks, id say even the average, casual wrestling fan will look at that with suspiscion. The fact there wasnt even an ECW title match on the card (last tuesdays match should have been tonight, they could have easily gotten another 10/15 minuite match on the card) was bad enough. Id say that tonight was several steps foreward for ECW becoming the new 'Veolcity'.
how the hell did finlay get DQ'd? isnt the rumble an over the top rope match? thats messed up! last year edge nd orton had chairs but they didn't get DQ'd
I also was expecting/hoping for the Big Show at #30 to mix things up. Maybe he'll be on Raw tomorrow. I guess misinformation is the name of the game to keep fans and the IWC on their toes...I'm regretting that $40 I just spent on this PPV. Hopefully WWE will throw some new twist on the Elimination Chamber next month. My hope is that Cena just showed up for this short term thing as I don't see how he could have recovered so fast from that torn pec. My guess is that he loses the title shot in the EC or up to it and he disappears for a while to film that movie, returning in full at Summerslam.
TNA is shit right now. I honestly think now is the time for WWE to strike and put a possible fatal blow into TNA. I would rather watch any WWE program including frickin Heat than TNA right now. The Sharkboy and AJ shit is so goddamn ******ed it's mindblowing. This Cena thing I think has definately put the ratings back in WWE's favor for at least the time being and if they do things right I think this may be the beginning of the end of TNA
Well, I'm saying something similar to the Invasion storyline with WWE only much better. Every wrestler in ROH should have an opponent in TNA. Like AJ Styles would face someone similar to his ability like, I have no idea. But you get my drift. Joe would face Morishima because they are both like the dominators in their industries. The babyfaces that beat the crap out of anyone they come to face. Haha come to face. How did that happen?
I honestly loving seeing all the Cena haters bitch and moan. It's hilarious. Honestly, like it or not Cena is their biggest draw regardless of his wrestling ability. I was surprised by having him return and am looking forward to tomorrow's show. Like it or not, Cena did his job and he just got a hell of a lot more viewers for the WWE, even those who only watch to see him get his ass kicked or get injured again.

I don't give a shit if he's the biggest draw in the fucking history of wrestling, doesn't mean I have to like the worthless peice of shit, he still sucks, I still hate him, and just cause he draws doesn't mean that shit is gonna change
Lashley is gone. There not going to keep him there, not now they have Cena back (seemingly) and an almost full roster (they even have JBL/Jericho back. Id say the roster is the strongest it's been for years). They will give him a HUGE NCP clause and pretty much do what they did with Lesnar. They will be furious with him for the way he's (apparently) just up and left, especially considering the rapid monster push they give him (even having him in the trump angle).
I really think that AJ shit is about to end. It seems to weird that he's doing all this crap so far. Waiting for that face turn and looking to see him face Kurt. I don't know about Sharkboy though. I thought his character now is better than his other one which was not even, I don't even know what his character was before. But they should let him go.
You know, Cena gets alot of bad rep, but he has put on some pretty good matches in recent years. Granted they were often against guys like Edge, who could carry anyone to a good match, but he's by no way the worst wrestler in the company, and he plays his role very well. He deserves his spot, as his character/gimmick is unbeleivably over, and has been loyal to the company in that he hasnt went and chased the Hollywood dollar, as well as several other factors.
And id also say, he has some of the best Mic skills in the buisness. Period.
I'm glad I don't have time to watch WWE anymore. It was the same old crap with Cena and It's gonna start again. Not cool
And yeah, id agree, TNA is absolutely auful at the minuite. There product 2 years ago was possibly the best American wrestling product ever shown on television. Now, its absolutely woeful. Repetitve, dull and full of stupid gimmicks, atrocious booking, and 2nd rate former wwe stars re-packaged with woeful gimmicks (Black Reign anyone...)
As much as i cant beleive im saying this, the WWE is alot better than TNA at the minuite, and unless something changes VERY quickly, i think TNA will be pushing up the daisy's in no time.
*giggles a little bit*

I didn't see it, but this sounded like a GREAT Royal Rumble. Can't wait for the DVD.

Who else liked the Royal Rumble winner?

*giggles a little bit*
I loved it. Thought it was awesome. A huge suprise, with a huge name making his return. Everyone bitches about how no suprises ever happen. and now they bitch when one DOES happen.
*giggles a little bit*

I didn't see it, but this sounded like a GREAT Royal Rumble. Can't wait for the DVD.

Who else liked the Royal Rumble winner?

*giggles a little bit*

I almost screamed like a little kid when i heard his music.
My friend called it but i didnt believe it.

I thought it was a solid ending.....
I loved it. Thought it was awesome. A huge suprise, with a huge name making his return. Everyone bitches about how no suprises ever happen. and now they bitch when one DOES happen.

I totally agree, I was in shock when this happened.

Was his injury a work?
This friggin sucks. John Cena was worst pick for the winner because he can't wrestle at all. When he won, I punched my friggin printer and ripped the skin of my knuckles.
wow dude calm down, its only wrestling... maybe you need a life who knows..

Congrats to Cena, nice to have him back
Maybe he'll win MITB and wrestle in WM24 anyway . . . . . .
Maybe he'll win MITB and wrestle in WM24 anyway . . . . . .

Hornswoggle deserved it more than Cena. Cena is easily the worst champion I have ever seen, we can only hope McMahon wises up and sees this and doesn't give the belt back to Cena.

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