Live Discussion: Royal Rumble 1/27/2008

You dont get it
They arent making long term plans by just continually pushing Cena.
They need to esablish more up and coming names like kennedy,MVP, Morrison and Santino.
Only with a well balanced roster will the company be able to continue to survive.
Basing the progam on Cena is extremly short sighted

Do you really think they are not establishing MVP? Morrison? Those guys are clearly established ... if Morrison could keep his ass off of drugs he would likely still be ECW Champion, and everyone knows that MVP will be World Champ sooner than later.
There is plenty of room to push new talent while riding with your top draws. That is how it always works with pushing new talent. Hell ... Undertaker has been a top draw for years, but they have still been able to push new talent without dropping his name.
You can say what you want about Cena ... I have heard it all. But the bottom line is RVD, Edge, Orton and Umaga all came out of feuds with Cena with better "spots." Hell Orton has become a solid uber-heel and Edge went from upper-midcard destined for a few titles to a major player who could be a ten-time champ by the end of his career.
Saying that having Cena around keeps from "pushing other talent" is just not that accurate. Many people have been pushed through Cena very well.
I do concede that it has been very nice to see Hardy get this push ... and I will concede that Cena vs. Khali sucked. But is that really Cena's fault? I mean doesn't Khali vs. ANYONE suck?
Lawlz Brain Lawlz.

If it was for that motherfucking Cena he would probably win gold this year. He hasn't flopped, he's still and doing some of the best work as any wrestler in the company.
Lawlz Brain Lawlz.

If it was for that motherfucking Cena he would probably win gold this year. He hasn't flopped, he's still and doing some of the best work as any wrestler in the company.

Who Kennedy? That is ridiculous... Cena is better than kennedy..that is why Cena is on top.... Kennedy was hidden behind the works on SD, and working lived really showed off his talent, or lack thereof.
Lawlz Brain Lawlz.

If it was for that motherfucking Cena he would probably win gold this year. He hasn't flopped, he's still and doing some of the best work as any wrestler in the company.

C'mon Wes you should know by now that if Brian doesn't like someone then they are automatically a flop:rolleyes:
Who Kennedy? That is ridiculous... Cena is better than kennedy..that is why Cena is on top.... Kennedy was hidden behind the works on SD, and working lived really showed off his talent, or lack thereof.

WHAT THE FUCK DID ANY OF THIS HAVE TO DO WITH MY POST?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Nothin. Jesus fucking Christ quit switching subjects.
Look I dig Kennedy and calling him a flop is way off base, but he did shit on himself a little. He got unlucky with the injury that wasn't ... and that kind of sucked for him, but the steroids thing is his own damn fault. He is about to get a MONSTER push ... and he can't avoid that kind of suspension?
Simply put ... the WWE seems a little pissed at him and that is never a good thing. Cena being at the top does not hold Kennedy down. Kennedy getting busted for Roids holds Kennedy down.
I was talking about Kennedy and you replied.. Who were you talking about? If it was kennedy i replied... he is bad, and some people know that... Who were you talking about?
Look I dig Kennedy and calling him a flop is way off base, but he did shit on himself a little. He got unlucky with the injury that wasn't ... and that kind of sucked for him, but the steroids thing is his own damn fault. He is about to get a MONSTER push ... and he can't avoid that kind of suspension?
Simply put ... the WWE seems a little pissed at him and that is never a good thing. Cena being at the top does not hold Kennedy down. Kennedy getting busted for Roids holds Kennedy down.

Someone got it... A monster push? Come on, when Cena wins at WM, HHH will probably turn heel, and there you go, Cena vs HHH...
You talked about Kennedy being a flop, I replied then you spit some ignorant BS about how Cena is better and something about SD! It had zero to do with my post Brian.
You talked about Kennedy being a flop, I replied then you spit some ignorant BS about how Cena is better and something about SD! It had zero to do with my post Brian.

Kennedy is a flop, he was about to receive a huge push, then he got busted for steroids... Kennedy did that to himself... he flopped, or choked...
Kennedy is a flop, he was about to receive a huge push, then he got busted for steroids... Kennedy did that to himself... he flopped, or choked...

Lawlz. If he fucking flopped he wouldn't be producing some of the best matches, promos and feuds in the business. Genius:rolleyes:

He made a mistake but that doesn't mean he completely flopped. Jericho's return was a flop. The crowd could give two shits about him and he went from title match to upper mid card in a month and will soon get lost in the shuffle. That Brain is a flop.
Lawlz. If he fucking flopped he wouldn't be producing some of the best matches, promos and feuds in the business. Genius:rolleyes:
Yeah best thing in the business. Yeah those matches are so memorable...

He made a mistake but that doesn't mean he completely flopped. Jericho's return was a flop. The crowd could give two shits about him and he went from title match to upper mid card in a month and will soon get lost in the shuffle. That Brain is a flop.
He completely flopped and choked at that time.. He has a lot of work to do.... He isnt even the top heel on Raw...
Lawlz. If he fucking flopped he wouldn't be producing some of the best matches, promos and feuds in the business. Genius:rolleyes:

He made a mistake but that doesn't mean he completely flopped. Jericho's return was a flop. The crowd could give two shits about him and he went from title match to upper mid card in a month and will soon get lost in the shuffle. That Brain is a flop.

I am a Jericho nut ... as evidenced by my avatar ... and even I can call it a flop. I don't think Kennedy is great like you do, but I do like him and think he could be main event material.
Hopefully they get Kennedy and Jericho both going in the right direction. They have far too much talent to be stuck in matches noone cares about.
^^^ how, Kennedy screwed himself over, which is basically a flop.... He isnt even main eventing shows with his stories... He was given the world on SD and he has did nothing good on raw...... He isnt getting praised like he use too...
as soon as jericho came out in that sparkle vest with that pretty boy hair-cut, he lost the fans. as far as kennedy, he has talent and his match between hbk last raw was a very good one and he has good mike skills. he could easily main event. they could have done so much more with the hardy orton match tonight. orton could have won but please, not the way he did. it looked like a match i would see on raw, not a big time PPV.

CENA WINS!!!!!!!..........never heard that before.

same old sh*t
I actually went to the event tonight, and I have to tell you, I hate cena as much as some of you guys, but that moment was amazing. The place shook while everyone screamed in pure shock. Very similar to the live reaction of Kurt Angle signing with TNA. It was a great show live, and the Royal Rumble match was amazing.

By the way, anyone notice the nice feuds set up for Mania.

Flair vs Kennedy
Taker vs HBK (Dream Match)
im not saying the rumble was not a good match nor that the cena return was not crazy, just that cena gets pushed so much more then anyone i have ever seen before. i mean we know big show is coming back, why not him instead of cena? i think thats a fiar question.
im not saying the rumble was not a good match nor that the cena return was not crazy, just that cena gets pushed so much more then anyone i have ever seen before. i mean we know big show is coming back, why not him instead of cena? i think thats a fiar question.

Big show wouldnt have won the rumble, therefore he would have been just another guy in the Rumble, and people wouldn't even remember what he did... When he returns he will more than likely make some kind of impact.
Saying Kennedy flopped is ******ed, sorry, but the pop he got tonight says something else.

******ed, explain? He was given the world on SD, and has choked on Raw( for the most part). SO how is it dumb or as you said, ******ed?
I was at the show tonight and I thought it was a great ride. One of the better PPVs they've put on in a while.

Kennedy should have won the Rumble the pop he got was ricockulous.

But Cena....Cena was odd. Before the show there were massive Cena Sucks chants. And this was before we knew he'd be on the show. Then he came out and the place marked like crazy. Then he fought HHH and he was booed to hell and back. Then he won and everyone loved him. Then on the way out people trashed him while leaving the arena. It was a sight, people just do not know how they feel about the guy. I personally have no problem with him. I cheered the guy, I'm glad he's back, but Kennedy still should have won.

Edge was way over, you would think he was the top face on the company. The only people whole cheered Rey were the littlest of the little kids. Orton was way over as well, but people still loved Jeff. I actually think that the crowd would have been happy either way, but I (and the rest of MSG) was truly satisfied with the clean finish.

We had a dark match of Deuce and Domino vs Jimmy Wang Yang and Shannon Moore which was fun to watch. Jimmy Wang Yang really can do no wrong. They need to bring back the cruiserweight belt so they can give it to him.

Flair was well received and MVP got good heel heat. And save for Flair being saggy and bald it was a decent match.

JBL vs Y2J was a bore. I love Jericho since the original ECW. He was great in WCW. He rocked in WWE for the longest time. It's sad to see him flop so badly. I think he'd be better on SmackDown at the moment.

Tommy Dreamer got a huge pop since we were in NY. Crazy ECW chants for the man. He's a class act out of the ring and a good performer. I hope he gets a little taste of the spotlight before he needs to retire. I'd love him as a 3rd commentator on ECW after he's done wrestling.

The entrance set sucked live, I'm curious as to how it looked on TV but I'm sure I'll see a few clips and stills on Raw tomorrow.

All in all it was great being there live. Great show if you ask me, I think most people left happy. I know I did.

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