Live Discussion: Royal Rumble 1/27/2008

Fuck yeah, finally WWE was unpredictable for a change!

I really think this was the best pay per view in a fucking long time.

Cena return was worth my $20 alone.
Ok I'll admit this was an unexpected twist, but I honestly would rather see HHH in the main event at Wrestlemania than Cena. Who knows maybe he'll find his way back in. The rest of the matches were predictable too. You could almost tell from the beginning with Undertaker and Micheals starting things off that the WWE was gonna go in a different direction for the finish... I still think last years finish was much better.
I'm not really mad Cena won, cause it's basically just whatever with the WWE these days. But why the hell do they do this. Of course they couldn't have the Undertaker be the only guy to enter 30 and win it. No, supercena had to do it too.
damnn. this sucks!!! i wanted either Taker or Kennedy to win the rumble but Cena.. !? are u kidding me?! i mean yeah.. he'll have a good match against Orton but so what? it's been done. i would've rather had Batista vs Orton!
I got a question? Why was Shelton eliminated so early? And where was Kofi Kingston. He should have replaced Chavo since CHAVO LOST A QUALIFYING MATCH TO CM PUNK. WWE sure makes sense with their booking.
This is only going to push the Cena haters to new levels of vitriol. I cant wait to see the reaction tomorrow morning.
I'm serious though. I think they will hot shot him the belt at Mania and let him run with it for a monster reign.
From the main WZ site.

"Bobby Lashley was not in the official Rumble flyer, thus confirming his release"
Of course they will. The WWE just sucks and keeps making feuds with the same people. How many times have we seen Tripls, Cena, Orton, etc. feud with each other? Can't wait for those monster TNA chants at Wrestlemania.
If Lashley wasnt gone from the company, and the post was a fake, then the real Bobby Lashley would have came on the site and addressed the situation. As such, he has deafinately gone. I wouldnt be suprised to see the WWE never announce it, and give him no extra publicty from it (i.e. just let him ride his release/NCC out).
They will be livid with him for being what is basically the new Brock Lesnar, in that they have given him a monster push from the start just to see him pretty much screw them over and quit. I read they were already overly cautious about giving him a push considering what happened with Brock, and i think this will be the last time we seen instant main eventers for along time. TBH, im glad he's gone, as the guy was VERY limited in what he could do. Good athlete, poor worker, very poor mic skills, zero charisma. No loss. Hopefully his spot on raw will go to someone alot more deserving now (Shelton........)
My favorite parts of the rumble were when all the good wrestling heels got cheered and when people booed for Cena when he was duking it out with Triple H. Oh, it was like One Night Stand all over again.
My Take on the Rumble:
Well at least we had a suprise winner! John Cena saying i cant compete until May '08 and wont be at wrestlemania.(I was expecting Big Show for #30) I thought at first his rumble entry was just a gimmick thing and he would have got eliminated by the Game or Batista but then it got down to the last two and i was "are they gonna have John win this but what about his injury and his new movie" maybe things have changed for both of those things (well obvious for the injury) maybe WWE has gone another way on the movie but it did seem odd to me that the plot for the new movie is really similar to the plot of the Marine.

As for Finlays non-elimination, non- participation i would have used the whole jumped the clock thing rather than the use of the shellaigh (i thought the rumble was NO DQ!)

Always good to see the Superfly and Hot Rod (although Hot Rod needs to get on the treadmill!) i think they should have had something with Superfly and Mick Foley considering the story about Mick seeing Superfly jump off the steel cage at the Garden!

Also i think the start should become the new rumble thing (sorry about the lack of intelligent vocab) that the last two in the previous year should start the next years rumble, i know that it really does defeat the object of drawing numbers but still i thought it was a nice thing to have the last two last year start out as the first two this year
They should have a TNA Vs. ROH storyline. That should be great with all the talent their. Imagine the Briscoes Vs. Machineguns or Morishima Vs. Joe.
i guess wwe didn't want tripe h winning another rumble trying to say winning 2 is special, saving the prestige for hbk austin and hogan
I honestly loving seeing all the Cena haters bitch and moan. It's hilarious. Honestly, like it or not Cena is their biggest draw regardless of his wrestling ability. I was surprised by having him return and am looking forward to tomorrow's show. Like it or not, Cena did his job and he just got a hell of a lot more viewers for the WWE, even those who only watch to see him get his ass kicked or get injured again.
i think that Lashleys release is being held back they are probably trying to work out a deal with him to stay like Carlito. Either that or they Lashley is in his toughest match yet trying to wrestle his way out of his WWE contract! because u know WWE is going to bang a lengthly no compete clause on him to get back at him!

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