If Lashley wasnt gone from the company, and the post was a fake, then the real Bobby Lashley would have came on the site and addressed the situation. As such, he has deafinately gone. I wouldnt be suprised to see the WWE never announce it, and give him no extra publicty from it (i.e. just let him ride his release/NCC out).
They will be livid with him for being what is basically the new Brock Lesnar, in that they have given him a monster push from the start just to see him pretty much screw them over and quit. I read they were already overly cautious about giving him a push considering what happened with Brock, and i think this will be the last time we seen instant main eventers for along time. TBH, im glad he's gone, as the guy was VERY limited in what he could do. Good athlete, poor worker, very poor mic skills, zero charisma. No loss. Hopefully his spot on raw will go to someone alot more deserving now (Shelton........)