Live Discussion: Royal Rumble 1/27/2008

I thought they were planning HBK/HHH? I think Hardy will win the chamber, his feud with Orton has been way over with the fans.
Really, the raw title match will pale in significance now no matter what they book, as everything from now till the mania will be about Cena. This is huge.
fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Cena In The Fucking Me At Fucking Wm, To Hell With That Shit, I'm Not Paying For That Crap, Ican Already Tell Wm24=shit
This friggin sucks. John Cena was worst pick for the winner because he can't wrestle at all. When he won, I punched my friggin printer and ripped the skin of my knuckles.
Meh, I'm hoping for an HHH/Edge match. But Trips won't go to SD! which sucks.

All I know is this is the first time in along time things are unpredictable...and I kinda like it.
Cena Wins
Orton Wins
Edge Wins
JBL Wins via DQ
Flair Wins

Need to clear up the whole Horny situation....then again knowing WWE booking...they wont.

Weird thing is over here in the UK, Cena was over for Promotional work and in an interview in our national newspaper said he would definately not be back for Wrestlemania, even if he was over the injury as he is filming the latest WWE film
Fucking Hell Cena is main eventing Mania again!!!!!!!!!! that is his 3rd straight and 4th if you include mania 21.............BULL SHIT!!!!!!
fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Cena In The Fucking Me At Fucking Wm, To Hell With That Shit, I'm Not Paying For That Crap, Ican Already Tell Wm24=shit

Lol I wont be buying mania this year... Cena is gunna win the main event and the title... but w.e it saves me 60$
Cena Wins
Orton Wins
Edge Wins
JBL Wins via DQ
Flair Wins

Need to clear up the whole Horny situation....then again knowing WWE booking...they wont.

Weird thing is over here in the UK, Cena was over for Promotional work and in an interview in our national newspaper said he would definately not be back for Wrestlemania, even if he was over the injury as he is filming the latest WWE film

JR said Horny was DQed because of Finley's Interference

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