S SavageTaker Everybody Has A Price! Aug 10, 2009 #227 Calgary kid looks kind of like Charlie Haas. Edit: Nevermind
S shafe_41 DON'T HINDER JINDER Aug 10, 2009 #235 YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREATEST TWIST EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Doctor Great and Devious Staff member Super Moderator Aug 10, 2009 #237 OH SHIT!!!!! YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! I marked out hard.
Z ztwhite The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly Aug 10, 2009 #241 Holy Fuck.... I just marked for the Miz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS FUCKING AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy Fuck.... I just marked for the Miz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS FUCKING AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
M Mr. Steve Everybody calls me Ruxin, Rupert. Aug 10, 2009 #242 I won't be surprised....the calgary kid DID win! Whoa, that's the Miz right there! Aw, dammit Miz, why not Smackdown?
I won't be surprised....the calgary kid DID win! Whoa, that's the Miz right there! Aw, dammit Miz, why not Smackdown?
The Doctor Great and Devious Staff member Super Moderator Aug 10, 2009 #245 Poor Eugene. Maybe he'll be back next week. I enjoyed GI Joe. Sue me.
J Jack bruce Occasional Pre-Show Aug 10, 2009 #246 ok nice swerve with the miz but im still not a fan of his.
S SavageTaker Everybody Has A Price! Aug 10, 2009 #248 Miz looks better with that attire than the shorts.
K klunderbunker Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House Aug 10, 2009 #250 The more I think about it, that's not good. Midcard is WAY too crowded for Miz right now.