Lee answers VideoGame questions

I haven't played Brotherhood or the other "in between" games. But 2 is beyond amazing to me. I am going so far as to say it is my favorite video game of all time. Not saying the effect will be the same for you, but yes, 2 alone is worth continuing.

Fantastic, I need to get a job first then I can check them out.

Have you ever been turned on whilst looking at a video game chick Mister Lee?

Does this count?


What are your thoughts on Final Fantasy Tactics?

Not played it though I've heard great things about it. It's rather under rated and probably could have done better without the FF name.
Not played it though I've heard great things about it. It's rather under rated and probably could have done better without the FF name.

Tactics was an awesome strategy game. You should check it out at some point. However, the game was incredibly difficult in the end and almost impossible to complete without cheating.

Did you like any of the Road Rash games? How about Skitchin?
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Tactics was an awesome strategy game. You should check it out at some point. However, the game was incredibly difficult in the end and almost impossible to complete without cheating.

Did you like any of the Road Rash games? How about Skitchin?

Ah road rash was a classic, I think I still have it in my copious amounts of MegaDrive games I have. Great fun, yet really simple. Was Skitchin the rollerblade version? If so my cousin had that. Man rollerblading was once cool.
Ah road rash was a classic, I think I still have it in my copious amounts of MegaDrive games I have. Great fun, yet really simple. Was Skitchin the rollerblade version? If so my cousin had that. Man rollerblading was once cool.

Road Rash games were really fun. Yes, Skitchin was the rollerblading version. You could buy elbow and knee pads to minimize impact from falling off vehicles.

Final question of the night. I know you're a big fan of the Mario series. In your opinion, which is the worst Mario game ever? My pick has to be Mario 2. It was sandwiched between the epic Mario Bros and the innovative Mario 3. Plus, you could literally fly through the game if you chose Princess for every level.
Road Rash games were really fun. Yes, Skitchin was the rollerblading version. You could buy elbow and knee pads to minimize impact from falling off vehicles.

Final question of the night. I know you're a big fan of the Mario series. In your opinion, which is the worst Mario game ever? My pick has to be Mario 2. It was sandwiched between the epic Mario Bros and the innovative Mario 3. Plus, you could literally fly through the game if you chose Princess for every level.

Sunshine, what the hell was up with FLUDD? Seriously? I loved 2 and I think it gets a lot of bad rep because it wasn't a 'real' Mario game despite being made by Miyamoto and composed by Kondo.
Sunshine, what the hell was up with FLUDD? Seriously? I loved 2 and I think it gets a lot of bad rep because it wasn't a 'real' Mario game despite being made by Miyamoto and composed by Kondo.

Don't get me wrong, I liked SM 2. I just think it's one of the weaker games in the series. You can certainly beat the game within a couple of hours, no problem.

I'd like to get your thoughts on a couple other NES games:

Dragon Warrior- Although most people I know didn't care for it, I loved Dragon Warrior. The first time meeting a green dragon or a wyvern was unreal. I think Dragon Warrior was one of the RPG's that set the stage for future RPG's.

Mike Tyson's Punch Out- This is probably one of my favorite games on NES. Super Macho Man and Mike Tyson were both incredibly frustrating. However, I got a great feeling from knocking out Tyson. It's almost as if they made him so hard that you second-guessed if you could actually beat the game. I haven't tried Punchout for the Wii, but many people have given it good reviews.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts on these games, Lee.
Well yeah Dragon Warrior II to my knowledge is the first game to use the party system. Dragon Quest is actually my favourite non nintendo game. Warrior wasn't released here and we first got the series with VIII since then I've played Warrio IV V VIII and IX. All great games, though warrior is truly fantastic. Random fact but it's IC25's favourite game ever. :)

Now Punch OUt! was good fun, it was Mr Dream's version not Mike Tyson version we got and it was just good fun, took me a long time to beat the game but I loved it. Apparently the Wii version is good too.
Y'ever play Power Blade on the NES? Man that game had annoyingly respawning enemies and some fucking evil jumps. But I loved it, back in the day. Emulated it recently, quick-saves make NES games sooooo easy.
I think that was one of the games my 7 year old self hated.

Definitely played it though I have no opinion of it, I've never wanted to go back and replay it.
Probably for the best, it's not great, I was easily impressed by any technology as a child.
No, though it's in my list of games I want to play but can't find anywhere because Level-5 games fucking rocks.
Why shouldn't they? Microsoft should be able to develop their biggest franchises. It's like Nintendo publishing a Donkey Kong Country game developed by Retro studios when the rest of the DKC series had been published by Nintendo and developed by Rare.
Why shouldn't they? Microsoft should be able to develop their biggest franchises. It's like Nintendo publishing a Donkey Kong Country game developed by Retro studios when the rest of the DKC series had been published by Nintendo and developed by Rare.

That's exactly what I think. Thank god i'm not alone!
I assume by Drakes you mean uncharted? Of course there will be. This is Sony's big exclusive now.
how well is Star Wars: The Old Republic going to do?
Think it will be worth picking up?
(that may have been asked.. but 13 pages was a bit much to look through)
MMOs do well and Star Wars does well...you can do the maths there.

I won't be picking it up as I don't have the time to invest in an MMO but if they're your sort of thing go for it.

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