Lee answers VideoGame questions

What's your opinion of MOBA games such as Defense of the Ancients or League of Legends?

I'd rather play a fighting game with mates.

Lee, I've been playing Ocarina of Time lately, and I've probably spent my last two hours of gameplay trying to catch a 15+ pound fish so I can get the gold scale. Would you continue if it took you this long, or just move on?

Have you got the sinking lure from near the rock where theres a crack in the wall? That should help.
Lee, have you played a game called Dungeon Siege which has been developed by Square Enix? If you have what are your thoughts on it?

Also is Assassin's Creed the best action adventure gaming series of recent times?
From previews and stuff it seems like they're goign the right way and making some nice changes here and there. I'm looking forward to playing it.
Dead rising was fun the first playthough, after that I lost interest.

Lee, how important to not only Sony, but the video game world, was FF7?
It was more important to Sony than the VG world, all FFVII did was give a boost in JPRPGs for a few years and made a twist to them being more emoey than normal. Great game but not as important as people think it is.
Is it bad etiquette to tell someone that you've *********ed over their facebook pics?
That doesn't make sense.

If you mean would I recommend you buy it for sure, it's quite an expansive game.

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