Lee answers VideoGame questions

Indeed I have, my mom had a roommate who had it (we called him uncle although he didn't look like an uncle, but i digress).

All you do is basically walk from crater to crater finding pieces to a phone so he can call home with reeses pieces to restore health. Once you got in a crater it was almost impossible to get out. He could jump and extend his neck, both features were useless (especially since it was so fucking hard to get out of the craters).

Sounds awful, well it does have a terrible reputation.

If you could make a game about anything what would it be about?

It would be on the back story of the Sheikah from the Legend of Zelda
I got two more questions

1. what game do you think should of got a sequel but never did?

2. What game series do you think is the worst?
1) Easily Jet Force Gemini, it's a criminally under rated game.

2) I usually say COD for this one as not much differs from game to game and they know it but I'm actually going with Madden which has the same problems but they update the roster. FIFA would be close but I enjoy football.
Someone asked me in rep what the funniest gaming moment was.

The answer is Link pretending to be a cat in Wind Waker.
Do you need to ask? It's 2 for the Gamecube.

As I've said several times I prefer the top down GTA's as opposed to the sanbox 3D ones. I couldn't tell you a specific mission.
What is the worst Video game based in a motion picture that you have played?

Oh and have you ever played a game on the Philips CDI?
1) The beverly hills cop game.

2) Yes I've played the zelda's via emulator.

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