Lee answers VideoGame questions

Most MMOs with a bigish hype launch well when they first are released so I imagine that will be the case due to the Star Wars factor.
The only problem with that, and it's happened with every single MMO that's come out alongside a WoW expansion, is that people will play it for a month, maybe two, and realize one of two things, or both:

A) It's not WoW
B) Their friends aren't on it
Having not really played the other two I can't comment.
Really? They're worth a play. At the moment, it's probably my favorite series to play.
I'd rather play that, then COD like all my friends seem to do
Ah okay. Yeah you should definitely check them out. I get heat for it, but I think it's a better series than God of War.. And I'm a big fan of those games too.
I quite liked God of War one and two. Good mindless fun.
It looks weird. It's a risque horror puzzle game? Did they just pick three genres out of a hat?
Fire Emblem has the best character development in any gaming series. Truly an under rated franchise.
Fire Emblem has the best character development in any gaming series. Truly an under rated franchise.

Apparently NOA doesn't think America deserves the latest installment on the DS

Hey, watch the MLS all star game with me punk
What are your thoughts on the game Oblivioun. I bought it on PS3 and it seems really good, and long which i believe games are lacking these days. What is your opinion of the game?
Never played it but I know enough about it to know
A) It's brilliant
B) It's spelled Oblivion

I'll be getting skyrim no doubt about it!
Lee, I've been playing Ocarina of Time lately, and I've probably spent my last two hours of gameplay trying to catch a 15+ pound fish so I can get the gold scale. Would you continue if it took you this long, or just move on?

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