I hate my parents.

You brought that kid into this world, you give them a roof over their head, you care for them, love them, and give them what they need to survive. You damn well deserve respect from your child no matter your attitude.

And that's where we disagree my friend. I was treated more like something they owned, rather then a person. To this day, I have less respect for them for that. I did not come to respect my parents until they started to show some to me. I may have appreciated what they did, but I did not respect them. There is a difference. Your kids are people, not objects. Just because your parents treated you that way, does not mean you should do the same to your kids. Sheltering does not work as well as they think. Being sheltered from the sex, and violence is what drove me to do it. To see WHY they said it was "so bad for you" I was a pot head for 8 years, been drinking for 11 years. It wasn't until I returned back from Afghanistan that my mother finally admitted that she was wrong the way she did things. That kids are people, and should be treated as such. Just because you put a roof over their head and feed them don't mean shit. That's your responsibility to do so. That's like someone wanting praise for paying child support. Big fucking deal, what do you want, a cookie? That's something you're SUPPOSED to do. Do not deserve respect, or praise for it.
And I didn't disagree with you on that. I said to pretend he agrees with them, even if he doesn't.
This works to
But you brought up the bible quote. That's why I said that
I only brought that up because Angel for some reason thinks noah telling his parents to fuck off is a good idea. With them being Cristian and holding belief in the 10 comandments is the exact opposite of a good idea.
And that's where we disagree my friend. I was treated more like something they owned, rather then a person.

Well I can understand this, I was more or less the same way.

To this day, I have less respect for them for that. I did not come to respect my parents until they started to show some to me. I may have appreciated what they did, but I did not respect them.

I understand this, but at least show it to them, thats all that matters. You might hate them, but at least pretend you dont.

There is a difference. Your kids are people, not objects. Just because your parents treated you that way, does not mean you should do the same to your kids.

By the time I have kids Ill be in a great position to treat them well. Also I never really had a father so Ill just treat them the way I feel is appropriate.

Sheltering does not work as well as they think. Being sheltered from the sex, and violence is what drove me to do it. To see WHY they said it was "so bad for you" I was a pot head for 8 years, been drinking for 11 years.

This is true, sheltering someone almost always has the opposite effect of what was intended. I wasnt allowed to play M rated games until I could buy them, I still did, some with movies. television, etc.

It wasn't until I returned back from Afghanistan that my mother finally admitted that she was wrong the way she did things. That kids are people, and should be treated as such.


Just because you put a roof over their head and feed them don't mean shit. That's your responsibility to do so. That's like someone wanting praise for paying child support. Big fucking deal, what do you want, a cookie? That's something you're SUPPOSED to do. Do not deserve respect, or praise for it.

From the child you do. Without you they wouldnt exist, they would be dead on the streets, so you do deserve some respect. Not blind respect, but respect in general. They should at least pretend they respect you and not tell you to "fuck off" or tell you you dont do anything for them because its bullshit. A little subservience isnt a bad thing.
From the child you do. Without you they wouldnt exist, they would be dead on the streets, so you do deserve some respect. Not blind respect, but respect in general. They should at least pretend they respect you and not tell you to "fuck off" or tell you you dont do anything for them because its bullshit. A little subservience isnt a bad thing.

Yeah, uh, no. Fuck no.

My dad is a lazy ass who barely interacts with us, but acts like he rules the fucking world and everything we own belongs to him and we all need to do what he says at the drop of a hat and blah, blah, blah.

If you really think I should even pretend to respect that, you are simply flat out wrong.
I just thought it should be known that i love noah's parents. I may not agree with their stance on this website, but they look damn fine with their judgemental stares.
Just deal with it, man. Sorry you're stuck with them kind of parents who watch you while you take a dump, but you gotta deal with the card you're dealt.

Go crazy when they're not around or when you're off somewhere else. It'll be worth the wait, just like getting high after such a long time.

Doubt you're reading this, so whatever.
Well, after talking about it with them, I have convinced them to let me back on. I just need to find a cuss-free thread to show them to show that this site has clean language.

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