I fucking hate moderators

You do realize, if you quit writing back, the thread dies, correct?

But then everyone would forget about him and he'd fade into complete obscurity while wondering why nobody gives a shit about him on the interwebs.

The subject changed waaaaaaaaaaayyyyy back. It's turned almost into a Chester hate crusade. It's bullshit.

All I'm heearing is "OH NOES DOZENS OF PEOPLE HATE ME ON A WRESTLING FORUM!!!!!!!!!! Why oh why do they hate me so much?" Since when has it been bullshit for people to hate on shit posters that can't debate or even successfully troll?

Enterkey > Chester


Thank you Stinger, maybe one day my words will get through to the guy but til then we can only hope that he gives up and posts a picture of a monkey batin so we will be free of his stupidity.

Your wife and chester (wife):pacman: :boobs:(Molester)

Looks more like his wife trying to eat your moobs if you look at the placement of the words to the placement of the smilies. Fail Molester, epic fail.

I'm signaling I'll eat her tits:disappointed::disappointed:

We know what it means dumbass but it still doesn't make any sense as a comeback. Go back to molesting your father in his sleep.

Lol jesus 58 pages? .....

You should change your settings to the 100 posts per page, only 6 pages on my end.
TBH there's nothing interesting on the forums anymore, this isn't interesting but made me laugh once or twice so I'll continue it.

If you're not interested by the forum just fucking leave and spare us your idiocy. We don't want you, we don't need you so go fuck yourself and suck whatever dick you've been dieing to suck in the real world. I am growing tired of pwning you without logical debate as you clearly don't have what it takes to even take down Doug Crashin. Just give up and get permabant so you won't have to deal with this "uninteresting" place anymore.
If you're not interested by the forum just fucking leave and spare us your idiocy. We don't want you, we don't need you so go fuck yourself and suck whatever dick you've been dieing to suck in the real world. I am growing tired of pwning you without logical debate as you clearly don't have what it takes to even take down Doug Crashin. Just give up and get permabant so you won't have to deal with this "uninteresting" place anymore.

^What he said.
If you're not interested by the forum just fucking leave and spare us your idiocy. We don't want you, we don't need you so go fuck yourself and suck whatever dick you've been dieing to suck in the real world. I am growing tired of pwning you without logical debate as you clearly don't have what it takes to even take down Doug Crashin. Just give up and get permabant so you won't have to deal with this "uninteresting" place anymore.

lol you butthurt rotten vagina. Look how agitated you are, :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Don't deny that your pissed of. Your there 'pwning' me while I'm here enjoying wasting your time. You fucking fool. You pittiful fool.
lol you butthurt rotten vagina. Look how agitated you are, :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Don't deny that your pissed of. Your there 'pwning' me while I'm here enjoying wasting your time. You fucking fool. You pittiful fool.

I'm neither butthurt nor pissed off, I'm just tired of worthless pieces of shit like you coming here and shitting on everything while saying that you don't care about the forum. You are boring me more than anything and the forums are used as a time killer anyway, it's not like you somehow found a way to pull me away from my busy schedule to do this. Perhaps you think I'm getting "butthurt" or "pissed off" but come one dipshit you're the exact same as about 2 dozen other noobs that I have seen throughout the 5-6 months I've been here and your unoriginality that you claim to be riveting "truth" does nothing but annoy people that actually enjoy the forum. Get over yourself and shove another dick up your ass.

Chester here is what happens when aborted fetuses find a way to live and grow up outside of the womb.
I'm neither butthurt nor pissed off, I'm just tired of worthless pieces of shit like you coming here and shitting on everything while saying that you don't care about the forum. You are boring me more than anything and the forums are used as a time killer anyway, it's not like you somehow found a way to pull me away from my busy schedule to do this. Perhaps you think I'm getting "butthurt" or "pissed off" but come one dipshit you're the exact same as about 2 dozen other noobs that I have seen throughout the 5-6 months I've been here and your unoriginality that you claim to be riveting "truth" does nothing but annoy people that actually enjoy the forum. Get over yourself and shove another dick up your ass.

Chester here is what happens when aborted fetuses find a way to live and grow up outside of the womb.

I made you tired. You concede, I win. That's how tough I am bitch I found a way to survive even when I was aborted, and as I departed my mothers vagina all those years ago, I'm now entering your mothers pussy, but this time I'm gonna take things nice and slow and feel every little. We don't want another enterkey asking to debate a noble man whose he insulted without a reason.

You fail enter key. You tripped and fell into a pit of failure, hypocrisy, arrogance and a false sense of achievement.:disappointed:
I made you tired. You concede, I win.
Not true, not once did I concede. Saying I'm tired of your shit is not saying that I won't still come here to make it painfully obvious how horrible you are. You noobs and your false sense of winning, so inexperienced you are Molester. Besides dude it took a collective effort of the dozen and a half other guys like you just to make me tired, how does that mean you win?

That's how tough I am bitch I found a way to survive even when I was aborted, and as I departed my mothers vagina all those years ago, I'm now entering your mothers pussy, but this time I'm gonna take things nice and slow and feel every little. We don't want another enterkey asking to debate a noble man whose he insulted without a reason.

Actually I think that abortion killed the majority of your brain cells as even when you're celebrating some false sense of internet "win" you still fail completely into the old and tired mother fucking jokes. How the fuck are you noble? This place is in no way corrupt and you are just some brain dead reject that got butthurt a long time ago and still can't get out of the shadow of being a giant turd. I insulted you with complete reason that seems to fly over your head. I'm still up for that debate any time you're ready to grow a pair and try to explain your faulty reasoning.

You fail enter key. You tripped and fell into a pit of failure, hypocrisy, arrogance and a false sense of achievement.:disappointed:

Show me some examples of that shit Molester without using your cliched "it's in your post dude look for yourself. oh you looked... look again cause i'm right cause i was aborted and i survived and then i hit my head a few times and now i forget what i'm here for so i'm uninterested but i'll waste everyones time anyway to feel important." Honestly you're a bigger disappointment than your mother was last night (yeah I can do horrible mother fucking jokes too, not hard at all.)

Perhaps I'll still live up to the title of Grammar Nazi though, you're still leaving sentences unfinished and misspelling easy words. I'll pull a you though and let you find them for yourself though :rolleyes:

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