I fucking hate spaghetti.

Question. Why was Sully future endeavored?

For posting a pornographic image.

Look, I was always one of Sully's biggest supporters. He was an idiot, but he was our idiot. I would love to see him back, but he broke a rule that you simply cannot break. Unlike the spam or flaming rules we have –which are simply to keep conversations on track and safe for all users– we have the porn rules because the website can get sued for hosting pornographic images.

He broke that rule and he suffered the consequences. End of story.
Okay this is seriously ridiculous, I have no idea what the fuck is the problem with these mods, I've never been a mod for any major forum, but I think that I know as well as everyone else knows THAT YOU SHOULD LOOK AT THE FUCKING IP ADDRESS BEFORE YOU BAN SOMEONE!!!!

jesus christ, not only is there that proof, Sully clearly pointed out that I was on this forum LONG before he was even banned, so to all of the mods who let this happen, FUCK YOU, I barely ever used this account, reason being is I'm on a different forum.. and a lot better of a forum, whose mods actually consider who they are banning before they ban them, so to the mod who banned me, I hope you get fired, because you obviously don't know how to do your job correctly.

Thank you, and have a good day
The only thing that was stupid, was this this mods thought process, in deciding to ban me, before he even confirms that I have the same IP address as the alt account would
The point is I never should have been banned to begin with, and if this is the way that the mods here control things, then it's no forum that I want to be on.
The point is I never should have been banned to begin with, and if this is the way that the mods here control things, then it's no forum that I want to be on.

Please don't go. Get your cousin to join you and create as many alts as you can until they fix their mistake.
Ha I'm not from SC, I unfortunately live there, but I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, so inbreeding is out of the question my friend.
Yeah there's nice beaches, but I hate most of the people who live down here, and plus, I've always just liked the north for some reason, and I can't stand the hot fucking weather we get during the summer, especially if our AC breaks, then I'm fucked.
Sully I suppose, but it's hard to tell. I guess they're friends in real life but judging by Sully's history, odds are it's a lie. Even if it's not, it's not like any friend of Sully is going to have anything to offer.

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