I fucking hate spaghetti.

Unless there was Raw chicken on your floor that no one cleaned up I'm pretty sure you're safe from Salmonella.
Might as well properly dissect this thread.

Every time, every single fucking time.

How often does this happen?

So I warm up the left over spaghetti, I take it out of the goddamn microwave, and what fucking happens, the spaghetti slides right off the fucking plate. Every fucking noodle, every one of the six meatballs, every bit of sauce splattered all of the counters and floor.

Were you holding the plate sideways?

First I pick up the noodles of death and put them back on the plate, put the meatballs back on, one by one

I hope your house is clean.

until all six are safely on the plate.

They should have been safe before, unless, as established, you were holding the plate sideways.

I then grab the paper towers

That's a lot of paper.

and try to wipe the sauce off the floor. Eventually I run out of paper towels, so I grab the convenient little towel that isn't used for fucking anything but goddamn decoration

Not anymore

and I wipe it's face

I'm sure it doesn't mind. It's an inanimate object.

in the splatter sauce, I wipe the counters. The little cloth cow that hangs between the handle on the cabinet looks like I just got slaughter in the meat grinder, sauce all of it's face, probably won't ever come out.

Why don't you wash it?

Once I get the majority of it cleaned out,

Should have gotten ALL of it cleaned out, lazy pants.

I take my plate, go in my room, and type this nice little rant to make me feel better, as a await for my 78 year old great grandmother to realize what happened, if she ever will.

That's pretty creep. When she slips and falls on half-ass cleaned spaghetti mess, you're going to blame yourself for her death.

I'm sure she'll notice the sauce on the cloth cow

Something you should have cleaned...

or the missing decoration of a fucking towel, or the fact that the floors are somewhat wet and slippery.

Should have made sure they were dry. You have a 78 year old woman living in your house, that's the last place you want to have wet floors.

I will now eat my fucking spaghetti, and hope to god I don't get salmonella.

That's not how you catch salmonella.

And as much as the last fifteen minutes sucked, it wouldn't have been as bad if that was the first time this happened, but no, that fucking slippery ass spaghetti falls of those flat glass plates every single fucking time.

Not surprised seeing as you tend to hold plates sideways and avoid bowls like the plague.

Well fuck you spaghetti, and your elusive ass noodles.

Well now...I feel a little better.

Use a bowl.

Use a bowl

EDIT: EDIT: God dammit

Use a bowl.

Use a bowl.

Use a Bowl.

Use a bowl.

Definitely use a bowl. Not just being a bandwagon jumper, either. Use a bowl.

Use a bowl.

Use a bowl. Also a spoon then you won't get it on your hands.

Survey says....

In fact why not get your mother to feed you.

This may actually be the #1 answer. "Use A Bowl" would be a close 2nd.

3rd: Why not eat all the spaghetti when you first make it, leaving no room for leftovers, or this moment of stupidity?
Thanks for all your suggestions guys, means a lot. But I think I figured out a soultion to the problem on my own. A bowl would solve this completely, and will avoid any spaghetti sliding while I move the plate swift and fast.

But everything else you guys suggested was good too. The napkin idea for the sauce on the hands was useful, but I found soap and water quicker and more effective. I decided to deal with the cloth cow the easy way, I decided to be the selfish little 12 year old brat that I am, and waited till my grandmother found it, and which point she cleaned it herself.

Although I only ended up eating the meatballs. Eating the spaghetti off the floor kinda made me feel wrong. I also had some bread to, which I had planned to dip in the spaghetti, but of course there was no spaghetti sauce to dip it in, just dirty noodles, so I just ended up eating an entire loaf of bread.

Anyway, everything is better now. Thanks for the support. :)
I would suggest you just take this


and poor it on a pot and heat it up on teh stove, like a normal person, however I have a feeling you would somehow find a way to fuck that up too, resulting in something like this...

I would suggest you just take this


and poor it on a pot and heat it up on teh stove, like a normal person, however I have a feeling you would somehow find a way to fuck that up too, resulting in something like this...


Based on the evidence in that picture you found using google images, I suspect that somebody was unloading groceries (Most likely a woman based on the coin purse on the counter, along with the groceries), when the can rolled out of the bag, broke on the edge of the counter, and splattered the sauce onto the wall and floor. You can tell by the shape of the can lid that it wasn't open previously.

That, or someone got made and threw the can.

Relating to me, I don't make the spaghetti, I just eat it. So that won't be a problem. Plus, those are two different types of cans, It's not even the same brand. But even if I was, despite what you think, my intelligence level isn't that low. I don't think it's even possible to be able to do that, unless I actually am mentally challenged, and on top of that, have muscle spasms. And if that was the truth, that is nothing to make fun of, and laughing at it makes you a sick asshole.

Luckily it won't be awhile before I eat spaghetti again, and even then, I will be very careful. Then when leftovers show their ugly face, I'll use a bowl. Thank god I thought of the bowl idea or who knows, maybe that would've happened again.
Sully you dim witted fool those are jars of sauce not cans :disappointed:

I knew the first was a jar, but the second I thought was a can based on the color, but now that I pay more attention to the shape of the can and the lid, I see it's a jar. My apologies my good sir.

As for the video, I highly doubt spaghetti could fit in there, but for anything such as chips it could. Well no...my serving size is still too big. Sorry I would find no use for that. Maybe if they made bigger versions.

But in my defense, the spaghetti slid off the plate because a moved it too fast. As I pointed out myself, a bowl would have prevented that, being that the device in that commercial is already a bowl, it would probably be no use. A matter a fact, it seems you used that video to mock me, saying I was immature and like a child, and that I need something that would prevent spills, but if you watched the full commercial, that also point out that it works for adults too. The one women using it to dip chips at work, and another uses it for nails and screws. So once again, your point is invalid. Try another commercial.
first of all, I just wanna know what do you store the leftover pasta in? Do you just put it on a plate in the fridge or something? When I store leftover Pasta, I put it in, get this, a BOWL (a microwave safe bowl, by the way).

Oh, and use a bowl. Don't know why you would think moving a plate of pasta too fast wouldn't have it fall off the plate.

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