I hate my parents.

don't do this as anyone with a brain willl tell you this is a bad way to get what you want.

Just keep being sneaky, that's what I did when my parents told me I couldn't do something. I just did it anyway and made sure they didn't find out about it.

I live with my parental unit dumbass, I know what works and what doesn't.
Im sure he has also lived with his parents at some point in his life as well, Angel.

Yea but I live with my dad, like right now,

So Noah telling his christian parents to go fuck them selves is a good idea?

What works for you may not work for everyone.

Yep, sounds like a great idea to me :shrug:

He obviously wants to do it, and maybe if they realize just how angry they're making him, they'll back off.
He obviously wants to do it, and maybe if they realize just how angry they're making him, they'll back off.
He may want to but one of the 10 commandments is Honor Thy Mother and Thy Father and he realizes that telling them to fuck off would do the exact opposite of what you seem to think it's going to do
Noah, My mom thought I was a goody good little boy until she found out when I was 17 that I'd been drinking, smoking, and sleeping around since the age of 12. Sure it got me kicked out, but that didn't bother me much. It's all about how you do it. If they tell you not to do this and that, pretend you don't mind, put up a fight, and they'll think they need to monitor you. Pretend to fully accept it, and they loose track from time to time. It's only cheating if you get caught. I'm strongly opposed to strict parenting, as it drove me to DO all the things they told me "Don't do this, or I'll punish you". I am not this way with my daughter. Hell at the age of 5, she already has more freedom then I did at the age of 15! You're still young, and you're going to be fucked around your whole life by people. Parents, bosses, teachers, and the Government. Might as well accept it now, and just find any way you can to have fun on the side.
He may want to but one of the 10 commandments is Honor Thy Mother and Thy Father and he realizes that telling them to fuck off would do the exact opposite of what you seem to think it's going to do

If "thy mother and father" are total douchebags then why the fuck would you honor them?
To back Angel up on this one, Noah said his parents were the big time Christians, never said he was also. So why would he need to "follow the 10 commandments"?
Trouble is Noah's 14. At that age kids start doing things that parents don't like (Smoking, drinking etc) so his parents want to shield him from the world. trouble is shielding a kid like that usually makes the kid do stupid things when they have the freedom.
because it's the right thing to do

See, I'm not in agreement to that.. Who says it's the right thing to do? I'm a parent, but if I'm a total asshole to my kid, you're damn straight I expect her to say so. Respect is something that should be earned, not given freely. Are you saying that if a father beats his kid, that the kid should still "Honor thy father"? No.
because it's the right thing to do

I wish Ricky was here he would be able to explain it a lot better than I am.

Obviously noah isn't all that interested in respecting his parents wishes, he is on this website right now, is he not? And just because it's in some book, it's "the right thing to do"? That's bullshit, if my dad raped me every night, and beat the shit out of me, I wouldn't respect him. I don't give a fuck what some silly book says.
See, I'm not in agreement to that.. Who says it's the right thing to do? I'm a parent, but if I'm a total asshole to my kid, you're damn straight I expect her to say so. Respect is something that should be earned, not given freely. Are you saying that if a father beats his kid, that the kid should still "Honor thy father"? No.

You brought that kid into this world, you give them a roof over their head, you care for them, love them, and give them what they need to survive. You damn well deserve respect from your child no matter your attitude.
Obviously noah isn't all that interested in respecting his parents wishes, he is on this website right now, is he not? And just because it's in some book, it's "the right thing to do"? That's bullshit, if my dad raped me every night, and beat the shit out of me, I wouldn't respect him. I don't give a fuck what some silly book says.

Gotta love todays generation. If its so silly why not burn it then?...oh...wait...
See, I'm not in agreement to that.. Who says it's the right thing to do? I'm a parent, but if I'm a total asshole to my kid, you're damn straight I expect her to say so. Respect is something that should be earned, not given freely. Are you saying that if a father beats his kid, that the kid should still "Honor thy father"? No.

Obviously noah isn't all that interested in respecting his parents wishes, he is on this website right now, is he not? And just because it's in some book, it's "the right thing to do"? That's bullshit, if my dad raped me every night, and beat the shit out of me, I wouldn't respect him.
You both are taking this way out of context. beating and raping your child is illegal and should not be tollerated by anyone, but that's not what I was talking about at all.

What I said was him telling his parents to fuck off would just get him in even more trouble and do the exact opposite of what he wants (which is to be able to get back online)
And I didn't disagree with you on that. I said to pretend he agrees with them, even if he doesn't. But you brought up the bible quote. That's why I said that

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