High School stories

I am deffinately out of luck now. I'm a freshman and I want to start back next year so I would be going into HighSchool as a Sophmore. I just mentioned it to my dad and he said they looked into it and the school won't except my work so I couldn't start back until next year anyway and I would have to start all over as a Freshman. I guess I'm stuck in this house for 3 and half more years.
Then I'll have to go a year more. That's like fuckin failing a grade. Shit, I'd rather get high by myself and see my friends once a month then I would do that. I would go back to be with them not a grade below them.
I went to a vocational school and you pick what particular area you want to study plus normal school. I picked Media Technology. My shop class was the same people for 4 years so we spent more time with each other than anyone else. It was mostly guys with only 4 girls. So I have some decent stories.

Well we played the game where we showed our balls to each other out of nowhere and shaped them into bat wings or whatever, and if the person looks you call them a *** and kick them in the ass. We stole it from that movie Waiting. We were told to stop when our Video teacher caught one of my friends doing it (she was a woman). We still did it but just kept it low key.

Also we couldn't use the bathroom inside our shop. We kept on pissing in the sinks and flooding the toilets, plus I shit right in front of the doorway twice and my friend shit in all three sinks. We shared it with the teachers so we were banned from that bathroom and had to use the one down the hall.

I got a ton of stories like these.
I loved high school. I spent most of my time in high school in the gym. Like, I'd get my work done and go down. I didn't find it all that hard to get good grades, either. The highlight of my years in high school, aside from my friends, would have to be football. I miss being able to go out on the field and just go full speed with my teammates. There's a real sense of camaraderie there, the injuries and all that sucked, but playing was worth every bit of it.
High school was shit. I hated everybody yet people always insisted on talking to me. Luckily I finished my schooling on the computer and never had to see anybody unless I had to take a test in front of an adviser. It would have been a better experience if anybody was worthy of my time.
High school is dope,Like tiger said it has its highs and low. Spent a good portion getting baked with my friends have to say my grades did suffer but I had a good time. Then there was this one time me and few friends went and got shitfaced over the lunch period and went to school later that day. A few people noticed our drunken antics but nobody did anything. Then there's all the ungrateful women you date, some are good some are just skanks. I didn't make the right choices sometimes, hell not a lot of people do..not in my town at least. But that's really all about the high school experience.
The only funny story I can think of is when my friends and I were selling "acid" (which was really just eye drops on sweet tarts) and these raelly douchy kids asked for some. Someone made a joke about peeing on the tarts instead of putting the drops, I took him seriously and dropped some piss on each tart.

They texted my buddy the next day and told him they tripped balls.
The only funny story I can think of is when my friends and I were selling "acid" (which was really just eye drops on sweet tarts) and these raelly douchy kids asked for some. Someone made a joke about peeing on the tarts instead of putting the drops, I took him seriously and dropped some piss on each tart.

They texted my buddy the next day and told him they tripped balls.

Me and my buddy did something similar but different. His younger sister was looking to get some alcohol for her and a few friends. So we managed to get a bottle of vodka. Instead we removed about 3 quarters of it and kept it for us and filled the rest with plain old tap water. Apparently her and her friends quote on quote got "wasted" later that evening.
Me a bunch of kids in my English class made Geoffrey Chaucer a legend greater than Chuck Norris in our school. My english teacher asked me to make a poster saying "Fun with Latin" and we were reading the Canterbury Tales at the time. So I made a poster with Geoffrey Chaucer in side of a UFO. It said Geoffrey Chaucer in a flying saucer with Fun With Latin underneath it. My teacher hung it up and asked me to make more.

From there it escalated into stupidity. We made about 150 of them throughout the course of the year (all of which got hung up on her wall), I spent most of my shop time senior year making them. I just took random things that rhymed with Chaucer and threw them on a poster, like Geoffrey Chaucer is the Lock Ness Monster. Eventually I ran out of things that rhymed with Chaucer so I used different lines. Like Geoffrey Chaucer is an Owl That's Committed Murder Most Foul, with him as an owl pointing down at a dead body.

People started asking me who he was so I would just reply in stupid ways like "Who isn't He?" or "He's everyone and no one at the same time" or they would say what did he write and I would respond "Everything that's ever been written or is going to be written". No one but a few of us really got the jokes and most of you here probably won't either. My personal favorites were Alien vs Predachaucer Latin to the Death and SpongeChaucer Latinpants, Nautical Nonsense with Latin. It was the dumbest thing ever but he grew into a legend because the wall that was covered with the posters we made stayed for 2 years after we left. Kids would ask our teacher about it and she would tell our tale, then they would tell the tale to people they know, even though they never fully understood it. It's probably my favorite thing I did in High School.
All kidding aside, you should REALLY try to go back to public school. The experience is well worth the extra year it may take you. Sports in particular were the best part for me, but also the chicks and all the gym classes I had. If you have any desire to go to college, then go to HS and start getting used to socializing now. It will make your college experience that much better.
I already know how to socialize. I take one class a week ten minutes from my house as part of my home school program. I don't really like anyone there. Bunch of pricks but the class is an easy credit. I might go to the University of Louisville. Plus I went to public schools for 9 years, and still go out a lot. I know how to socialize.
That's cool bud, I didn't mean it to come off as if you didn't. I was just trying to point out that IMO public school will help once you get to college. I hope you weren't offended.

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