" Best thing about High School is you can fuckin reinvent yourself."

High school and re-invention go hand in hand. Why else do you think all those teenybopper movies earn so much money? Look at Can't Buy Me Love, and Sixteen Candles, Easy A, and She's All That, and some of those other movies where people get to re-invent themselves. Its life imitating art imitating life. Then you get those freakin re-invention on steroids like teenagers in Beverly Hills getting the million dollar makeovers thanks to daddy's trust funds. Damn...why didn't I have it that good? LOL
I'm not sure what *********ing in lunch boxes had anything to do with that thread. Or any thread for that matter. The thread was about a girl, and then Macca went politian on it, and changed the story himself. Not only did he change it, but he loves to change it again, and again, and again. Watch, tomorrow it will be a lunch tray, then it will be..a milk carton. Then it won't be *********ing, it will be raping. So next week, he'll be saying I was raping a milk carton. I'm sure he can fit something with a kid from the missing persons list being on the carton too, knowing Macca.

Why did you even change your name back anyways LAB? That old name fit you so perfectly.

Sorry Coco, I'm going out to eat very shortly, and won't have time to tell about the crazy kid, you want it in a new thread, or should I just post it here. I'll also tell about my coach later too. Can't beleive we had a winning season, meaning I'm stuck with that asshole coaching the team for a whole new year.

The football Hall of Fame was nice though today. I'll have to come back whenever Hines Ward is in it.
I don't believe any of this, you're still a creepy little kid who needs serious help getting girls. I'll bet he asks for girl advice on a different forum now.
The truths of that thread are lost behind the cowardly edits of a child too insecure to own up to his past. You are such a pussy, Sully.
Having read your posts sully, i feel safe enough to say that you shall fail in your quest to become a journalist.
Sully why would you go on a wrestling forum asking people who you will more than likely NEVER meet in life and wouldn't realize if you did for advice about women. You were in the 8th grade you could not have liked her that much it's just impossible. When I was in 8th grade my main goal in life was to lose my virginity and I didn't give a damn who I lost it to as long as they were of the female persuasion. You on the other were trying to fall in love and shit. SMH 8th graders should be horndogs and nothing else.
I was socialized for the most part by television and films, so the only things I could think to do were stare longingly and say corny things. Ah, young Coco. So much to learn.

I also used to be just as receptive to sexual tension which didn't exist.

"Oh my goodness, she wants my pencil. Good thing she gets it sharp."
Sully why would you go on a wrestling forum asking people who you will more than likely NEVER meet in life and wouldn't realize if you did for advice about women. You were in the 8th grade you could not have liked her that much it's just impossible. When I was in 8th grade my main goal in life was to lose my virginity and I didn't give a damn who I lost it to as long as they were of the female persuasion. You on the other were trying to fall in love and shit. SMH 8th graders should be horndogs and nothing else.

You people need to shut the fuck up. Jesus christ. What part of it was a year ago don't you understand. This thread isn't about her anyways, fuck, I mentioned it, but it's not about how I'm madly in love. Matter of fact, I made a thread back in..March-April of how I'm not as obsessed with her anymore. I was 13 years old, going through puberty. No shit, I didn't like her that much, I realized that. Why not ask people I'll never meet in real life, seems easier. Better then asking somebody that will go and tell her. If I didn't like their advice, I wouldn't take it. These people aren't as bad as /b/, I would be flat out stupid to do that. Hell, I may do it anyways, just to see what I get.

I don't want to date anybody until I can drive. If she said she wanted to go out back in December last year, I would have probably said no. I was just crushing on her. I thought she was pretty. I don't want to date anyone until I'm a little bit older. Kids started "dating" back in 4th grade. Though all that meant was that they ate lunch together. Towards 7th grade they actually started going out with each other, but something about having my mom and dad drive my girlfriend and I to Chuckie E Cheese didn't seem very romantic. When I learn to drive, I'll start trying to date.
Having read your posts sully, i feel safe enough to say that you shall fail in your quest to become a journalist.

Yes, because I put all my devoition to writing when I'm on a non spam section of a wrestling forum. When I write essays in school, I work 100% in grammar, spelling, and writing style. My 8th grade English teacher said I was her writer of the year. When I write a novel, I won't be writing the way I do on her, in The Cage. The same section of the forum where you can call people ******s, and Chinks, and ****. So don't judge my writing ability just on how I'm typing in a fucking wrestling forum.

Not to forget I'm a fucking 14 year old. When I'm in college my writing will be the exact same as whenever I was 14. Totally accurate. Dick.

Coco, I will be making that new thread very shortly.
We all know you're waiting for your driver's licence so you have a means to transport the raped victims to the nearest forest and bury them with the rest of the little girls, mothers, and puppies that you've violated over the years, you sick fuck.
You're right Macca, I am a rapist, I can't hold it in anymore. There's one person I will rape, and then murder. I'm working on locating that person as soon as possible. Won't be hard, this person is ugly as shit, and will be hiding in his basement, insulting people on a forum site.

Macca I will find you, and I will rape your ugly fucking skull, slit your throat, and throw your body in the river. Your insults have drove me into a deep depression, and murder is the only way, I find it only jest that I kill you the same way you destroyed me. Be waiting....
Man, Sidious is gonna be shocked to see you.

Dude, that's no way to talk to your bestest friend. Words can be like daggers, so can penises.
The thought of Zero still posting on this forum makes my brian puke. I don't want to be a journalist, I want to be an author. And as I told Super Troll, you would most likely never see my true writing ability, as I will never give myself 100% on this forum. I will only do it in essays, projects, reports, and future possible novels. Like I also told that scottish asshole, I'm only a Freshmen in high school, by the time I go through college in classes such as English, and Creative Writing, my ability will grow strong enough to write a decent book.
Most of you weren't even around for the thread, holy shit

Tributes, you do realize you won't get anything out of responding to Macca, right

Macca's a towel

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