" Best thing about High School is you can fuckin reinvent yourself."

Sully in all seriousness you are quite a strange individual. What 7th grader goes to Chuck E. Cheese? Also you said you dont want your parents driving you guys around which is stupid because it's not like they have to stay there with you guys. Romance is way overrated it just usually leads to slow soft sex when in actuality you want it fast and hard and I'm sure she will too
First of all, I'm warning you, this is long. You don't want to read, fine with me, go away. I don't want to see any tl;dr's either.

I played 4 seasons (two years) of Flag Football before I decided to sign up for Freshmen football. During the summer, half the freshmen quit, leaving us with only about 12 kids. We were thrown on the Junior Varsity/ Varsity team. I couldn't make it to Summer conditioning, as my parents couldn't get me there (work issues). I was barely able to find out the start of camp. The first part will be mostly describing my experience at camp, but once I get into it, I will start to describe the coach.

I was told it was 3 a days. Starting a 7am, and ending at 5pm. The first day, they had me barely do anything. They wanted me at lineman. I way 145 pounds, may sound a lot..maybe? But I'm not really a fat kid. I'm not really that big. I'd define myself as average. I do have a decent Mountain Dew belly though. I'm still not like an overweight type of fat. Hard to describe. Back on topic, he suggested lineman. He wanted me at lineman because that's the only place he has use for me basically. I denied, and told him I wan't to play Safety. I wasn't sure what offensive position I wanted, so he said, why not running back. I went with the backs for offensive indys, then when we did a little bit of teams, I just had to stand around for a good half hour.

I liked all the coaches, even the head coach. Let's call the head coach, Coach Asshole. All the other coaches we're pretty nice. There was Coach Lee, he was young, around 25-30. Coach Bravehart, can't remember his real name, it was Braithwait or something, but we call him Bravehart. He is in his 20s. Coach Leisure. He is 40-50. Coach Fleming, 40-50. Coach Money (his first name is Rich or something, so we call him coach Money). There was also Coach Crawford though, he was original the Freshmen coach. Then last, and certaintly least, Coach Asshole. The head honcho. He's about 40-50 years old.

After that it was conditioning time, we did Gasers, only about 3 sets. Then, practice was over....for the day. I skipped breakfast, put my equipment in the locker, and walked home. It was about a 45 minute walk. I cramped up when I got home, and fell asleep. I originally had a ride set to pick me up at 5pm, but because of the change in schedule, I ended up getting screwed.

The next day was pretty normal. First practice was offensive day, we did indys, teams. I can't remember what the conditioning was, but it was easier then the first day, and the first day's conditioning..to this day, has been the hardest conditioning. Maybe it was just because it was my first day. First practice was over.

Breakfast was sausage pizza. I knew all the freshmen, but hated them all. I didn't know anybody else. They had a lot too, oranges, pizza, Gatorade, those freezy stick fruit thingys (bare with me). I ate, went back to the locker room, and laid down on a bench.

We go back out for defensive indys. I go with the Safeties. After Indys, we do tackling drills. That was fun, you could say. After that, we do the same thing. Yeah we get like a 3 hour break between practices. I eat lunch, can't even remember what they gave us. This is where the 4 seniors, Mitch, Capan, Palmerie, and Pat invite me to sit with them. Mitch and Capan are Starting WRs, Palmerie is the starting HB, and Pat is the starting QB. Capan is the only one out of those 4, who isn't a CapTAIN of the team. He's still beast though.

After another 2 hour break, we go for our 3rd practice, which is half the team standing on the sidelines watching Special Teams.

Everything else from this point of Camp is kind of repetitive. Another Freshmen on the last day of camp got nailed by a Sophomore, and was taken away by a stretcher. This freshmen is also a Defensive Back and a Running Back. I ended up switching to a WR after camp, just because it seemed I could improvise easier, and fail less if I had to go into the game.

Now is the point where I'm going to explain about Coach Asshole. My Uncle played with him when he was in high school, and stated he didn't know anything about football. Coach Asshole was also a linemen back in High School. Our Training Camp was too easy. We didn't run heavy laps, we didn't push the sled, it was only one week, and two out of 7 of those days were the only 3 in 1s, one of those days being a 1 in 1. The special teams 3rd practice was always Shells too. We didn't get playbooks, nobody did. I didn't know any plays because I couldn't study them. Our playbook by the way, is a the Wishbone offense, the offense that most teams stop using after pee-wee football. He doesn't take any other coaches advice, and only listens to himself. He waits to the very last second to tell us when something is going on, such as the next practice, or scrimmage game. Practice times, ect. They don't even post the correct schedule on the website.

My dad emailed the athletic director asking him times, and asking for a correct schedule, and the next day, Coach Asshole yells at me for apparently not listening to him, when I know for a fact, that he never said anything about times. Unless he did it when I was going through drills or something, in that case, I was focusing on not messing up, not hearing on what Coach Asshole says to the Varisty team. Knowing I wasn't going to get in on any Varsity games anyways, hell, I barely played JV games.

Game days, he always told us to "Fuck school, worry about the game." He used this language all the time, which I didn't mind, but my mother didn't think it was healthy. I knew from the start, that we we're going to be lucky to win a single game this season. And if we did, it was going to be 100% the players. Which reminds me, I forget to mention Coach Tuck. Coach Tuck is really who should be the head coach, he wasn't my favorite, my favorites we're Lee, Bravehart, and Leisure, but Coach Tuck sure was kick ass. He'd always tell us stories about how he got laid the night before, and he'd always write motivational poems before a game. He thinks up our conditioning methods, and he came up with the idea to use the Saints pump up chant, which I now know by heart.

So I'm on Junior varsity, because we don't have a freshmen team, meaning I'll be there on Friday night standing on the sideline full gear, to make the varsity team looking good, when on saturdays I'll get to play a lot for fun. So first game, which is a one and a half hour bus ride, get in the extremely shitty locker room, and stand on the sidelines cheering my team on. We of course lose, 3-0, and are coach is all pissed, and the whole team is all sad and gloomy, except me. I still had a smile on my face, because I'm supposed to make the varisty team look good, and me looking like I'm a sour loser isn't gonna make the team look good, so I stayed happy, and put the loss behind me. While everybody else is super sad and non talkative.

Our asshole of a coach (who I blame mostly for the varsity team loss), tells the JV team to be at the highschool at 8:30am sharp to get ready for our game. I come at 8, and we don't get our shit, or do anything for that matter...till about 9:40 (the JV game started at 10am btw.). So we get ready, I'm excited to actually play my first game. Turns out not only do the freshmen get to be on the JV team, but Juniors get to be on the team too! So we have about 30 kids on the JV team. Guess what that means for me? NO PLAYING TIME! YEAH!!!! The good thing was, that dickhole of a head coach would be up with the Varisty team watching their shitpiece of game they had, so he wouldn't be on the field. I forgot to mention, after the loss at Brentwood, the HC told all of us not to sleep or eat friday night, because we didn't deserve it, and that we're gonna be doing double conditioning, and double everything. So I start asking my coach around the 3rd quarter of the JV game to get in. I kept asking and asking and asking. (at about halftime it was 10-0, the other team.) At one point the coach said "Who's all the defensive backs?" "Me: I am coach." *I get ignored* *linemen goes in at DB*. With about 10 seconds left on the clock, I get thrown in (after the huddle was already broken.) at CB, so yeah, I get to go in for one play. And guess what? It's a kneel down. The clock runs out to end the game.

This whole thing is pretty repetitive throughout the season. I've got screamed out by coach asshole on occasion, because they changed practice times, which I couldn't get to. My parents work 12 hour days, and can't get me to practices. He obviously didn't give a shit. During October, I wore a breast cancer awareness sweat band, which he made fun of. My great grandmother went through breast cancer by the way.

Let's see, we lose our first game, then we won our first home game. Our season is 1-1, then our season goes 1-2. At this point, we all heard the school board told him this is most likely going to be his last season here. Then..amazingly, we win every game till the end of the regular season. How? I have no clue, pure fucking luck. We have 500 Pep Rallys the week of the play off game, we're signing fucking autographs, we have home field advantage, and our last game we won, we had a police escort home. With the whole school, who said we sucked at the begging of the season, now cheering us on. Our first playoff game, in school history. We get our asses kicked. We ended up making up points, the bandwagon fans ended leaving after the 3rd quarter. I think we ended up losing by two possessions, 21-35. I thought I was at a fucking funeral, everybody is balling out tears. I fully understand Seniors crying, it's their last game, but Freshmen were fucking crying. This red-headed fat ass linemen, who didn't play a down in the game, was sitting on the bench, with a Gatorade towel over his head, crying. I thought I was in the locker room with Brett Favre.

We were supposed to turn in our equipment that Monday after school, but they ended up changing it (Not the first thing they've changed, probably the 50th though.) We don't turn in our gear until two weeks later, after our football banquet. We got some cool sweatshirts though, with our last names on it. My number was 19, I'm hoping to keep it all throughout High School. Only the Freshmen got sweatshirts, the Sophomores got flags, Juniors got some type of poster of themselves, and Seniors got a plaque with a team picture and team records, and everything.

All in all, it was pretty fun this season, and I miss practice. The coach wasn't THAT bad, but he is still a fucking asshole. Unfortunately, he'll be there next year too. Next year we are going to get our asses kicked. Not only are the Seniors gone, but the Juniors aren't going to be able to lead the team as well as the seniors did. The shittiest thing about this, the pussy freshmen, who backed out before we started the season, which led to us going to the Varsity team, are ALL going to play next year.
The Cage needs Bill Lesnar back, bad.

Because this place is really in the pits with this shit going on.
What the fuck, you're 19 and you're a safety? 19 is QB/RB

19 is WR and QB. We have to have an offensive position, and a defensive position. Most kids picked Jersey numbers, but considering I couldn't make it to summer conditioning, they just gave me one. Turns out, I really like it. Mostly for the fact that it's the date of my birthday (April 19th), and because it's a QB number too, meaning I can use it for my created player on Madden. You know, the guy with 99s in everything? :D

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