" Best thing about High School is you can fuckin reinvent yourself."

Oh, the name was Mrs. Ava gelife? Huh. When I first read it, I thought it was Mr. Savage Life. Simple misunderstanding I suppose.
Don't turn your back on true love just to save your pride. Your pride means nothing when you're alone at the end of the day. Go to her. Carry her books. Enjoy the love that dare not speak its name and use it in your memoir.
DirtyJosé;2604665 said:
As for Cheeky/Next *******....I am disappoint. I do like seeing kids escape the stigma of a Cage/Bar thread which didn't go their way and move on to become at least somewhat respected around here. Cheeky seemed content to be ********-lite instead. Which is, you know, cool and all, except that he seems to expect recognition and/or respect for such. You aren't the forum heel, dude. No such thing exists, really. I know it must be hard to have been overshadowed by Jenks as the Douche du Jour, but thems the breaks. Your recent attempts to up your Cage Rat game is too little, too late. If you really want to be remembered, post some porn or something.

I do not want to be respected Jose, I am not the forum heel and I will not post porn and I will not be remembered Jose. What I am sick off is the great cage getting turned into general spam 2.0 so I am campaigning to at least get one hate thread back!
What I am sick off is the great cage getting turned into general spam 2.0 so I am campaigning to at least get one hate thread back!

Well, it's an ebb and flow thing. Either it's dead and boring, or it's offensive and divisive amongst our members. However, your kind of thinking isn't going to get the fires going. You have to aim higher than Sully if you want to make waves like that.
Барбоса;2605118 said:
Allowing the new Kravinoff to venture into other sections, Coco?
Not really. I just want to read that book.
DirtyJosé;2605153 said:
Well, it's an ebb and flow thing. Either it's dead and boring, or it's offensive and divisive amongst our members. However, your kind of thinking isn't going to get the fires going. You have to aim higher than Sully if you want to make waves like that.

Wait being an ass-hole is not good enough to beat Sully then with this shit

A pretty smart poster said that awhile back. He wasn't really popular, he had a bar of rep..14 non spam posts...last post was January 23rd. He couldn't have been any righter though.

I completely turned myself around. Made friends, joined the football team, I'm in shape, I get good grades. As far as I know, I don't post on here like a complete idiot anymore, although thats debatable. The girl from a year ago...meh, I don't act like her little bitch anymore, I talk to her a little bit, because she occasionally sits at our lunch table..but that's pretty much it. As in I don't act like her bitch, I mean by doing some stupid shit for her because she try's acting all desperate and shit. I tell her no, she get's pissed, I laugh. Eh, she's hot I guess, but I wouldn't date her. She's the type of girl that would probably give great sex, but having a relationship would be a living hell.

As for Football, I love the sport, so I decided to play. I'm more of a sideline type of guy, I'm not really good, but I'd be a better referee, or coach. I know the game, but I'm not really fast. I play WR and Safety, which you both need to be faster. Luckily my school is only AA, so there isn't any try-outs. When I joined though, I made friends. The seniors automatically loved me, probably the reason I kept my motivation, and went to practice every week. I predict over the next 2 years, I'll get taller, bigger? 4 years of playing football, I couldn't completely suck the entire time. I'll get better, I'll go to weight lifting. My coach is a complete fool, but that's an entirely different story.

I was on the JV team though, we were supposed to have a freshmen team, but not enough freshmen played, so we got thrown on Varsity. Our school went 2-7 the last two years. This year we went 7-2, made the playoffs for the first time. My head coach had literally nothing to do with that, like I said, he is a whole new thread. Having every Senior on the football team really helps though, mostly in cases when some pot smoking Sophomore try's fucking with me. I tell them, they scare they shit outta the sophomore, and I get left alone. I'm fucked when they leave next year though. The Freshmen on the football team have also taken an easier liking to me, in fact, I'm quite good friends with the kid who took what's her name's books off me a year ago.

As for good grades, my lowest grade is an 85%. All the others are high B's and A's. I think I had a 91% average. So my terrible reputation which I fucked up going into middle school 4 years ago is finally starting to shape up for the better. I used to be really fucked up back in..2006-2008.

Although my grades are great because all my classes are easy as shit. My History class is full of idiots who don't care about school, got held back last year, and are junkie drug addicts (which I hate). Sophomores and Freshmen are probably the worst, but Sophomores are probably a little bit more terrible. Freshmen are 95% immature. Sophomores are going through that stage where they're becoming mature and are still immature, and think they'll all bad asses. Most of the Juniors are pretty good, but theres still a few fucked up ones. By Senior year, the fucked up ones are either dropped out, or kicked out, so that class is pretty clean. All my classes though are incredibly easy though.
That smug fucker can't fight his own battles so he gets people to fight his battles for him against younger opponents and still fucking claims the victory what a piece of shit and also a cunt.

But anyway's I am Next Jericho and fuck the *****es that stand in my way because I am the cage saviour!
That smug fucker can't fight his own battles so he gets people to fight his battles for him against younger opponents and still fucking claims the victory what a piece of shit and also a cunt.

I thought the "There's this girl..." thread firmly established Sully's testicular fortitude (which is none). It's hardly surprising to see him act this way.

But anyway's I am Next Jericho and fuck the *****es that stand in my way because I am the cage saviour!

Just remember to capitalize the J next time.

Also, what I meant was you have to do better than Sully. You want to be a cage savior? Hunt bigger game.
DirtyJosé;2605297 said:
I thought the "There's this girl..." thread firmly established Sully's testicular fortitude (which is none). It's hardly surprising to see him act this way.

Fuck when was that! I miss every big thing, Bill Lenser coming, Jenks coming every thing!

DirtyJosé;2605297 said:
Also, what I meant was you have to do better than Sully. You want to be a cage savior? Hunt bigger game.

Oh I get you now hunt that rubbish Sully yeah I can beat that smug shit easy. For example Sully who the fuck are you to come on a wrestling forum when you like wrestling second, this is a freaking wrestling mark forum not a bunch of shit bags that think wrestling is second best you fucking loser. Also fight back or I am labelling you a pussy poster just fucking watch me.
Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Lol. He'll, if this forum had only wrestling sections, I'd use it occasionally, but not very often. Plus, there's no way in he'll I'd put anything in front of the Steelers. I'd sell WWE out in a heartbeat for Steel City.

Your posts have a hint of anger, mixed with just a pint of stupidity. ( Edit: hint of stupidity with just a pint of anger).

Really, I kind of exaggerated with the help from the seniors. First time they helped, it was 95% a joke, and it was against somebody on the team. I simply asked him to scare the freshmen for the Lola, as he was harassing me ( jokingly, but wouldn't stop when I asked him too.)

So I just asked the kid who looks more pumped then John Cena to scare him. The purpose of this was solely shots and giggles.

The second and last time was when this crazy (literally crazy) kid wanted to fight me. This kid is very weak, and the entire freshmen class urged me to fight him, but he wanted it on a friday. Not only would infer kicked off the team, but I'd miss the game that night.

I did warn the kid myself, he didn't listen. One of my senior buddies knew this kid well, and offered talk to him. Another reason I didn't wanna fight this kid, not only was he planning to jump me from behind a corner, but he's the type that would take a knife and stab you in the chest. He once fed his brother " poison ivy salad".

Anyways, I ended up talking to the kid myself, again, and asked him why he wanted to fight. He claims he heard I called him ******ed, and he was all butt hurt about it. I straightened things out myself in the end anyways.

Yeah I could write a whole new story about that crazy kid though, the history I had with him. The little fucker thrives off attention.
I'm on my iPod right now, but tomorrow night or Sunday I'll tell ya. I've got stories back from 5th grade with that kid.
Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Lol. He'll, if this forum had only wrestling sections, I'd use it occasionally, but not very often. Plus, there's no way in he'll I'd put anything in front of the Steelers. I'd sell WWE out in a heartbeat for Steel City.

Your posts have a hint of anger, mixed with just a pint of stupidity. ( Edit: hint of stupidity with just a pint of anger).

Really, I kind of exaggerated with the help from the seniors. First time they helped, it was 95% a joke, and it was against somebody on the team. I simply asked him to scare the freshmen for the Lola, as he was harassing me ( jokingly, but wouldn't stop when I asked him too.)

So I just asked the kid who looks more pumped then John Cena to scare him. The purpose of this was solely shots and giggles.

The second and last time was when this crazy (literally crazy) kid wanted to fight me. This kid is very weak, and the entire freshmen class urged me to fight him, but he wanted it on a friday. Not only would infer kicked off the team, but I'd miss the game that night.

I did warn the kid myself, he didn't listen. One of my senior buddies knew this kid well, and offered talk to him. Another reason I didn't wanna fight this kid, not only was he planning to jump me from behind a corner, but he's the type that would take a knife and stab you in the chest. He once fed his brother " poison ivy salad".

Anyways, I ended up talking to the kid myself, again, and asked him why he wanted to fight. He claims he heard I called him ******ed, and he was all butt hurt about it. I straightened things out myself in the end anyways.

Yeah I could write a whole new story about that crazy kid though, the history I had with him. The little fucker thrives off attention.

Well Sully you are not a *****es because you can fight back if someone is calling you out. And well done on not getting into a fight with another kid that could have brought a knife to the fight ( I am sure that what American's prefer in oppents) but any ways well done on fighting back, I just wanted to know how many soft shits there are in the cage.
Oh no, don't be mislead, he is still a soft shit, he's just talking out of his arse again.

No way he can go from the creepy *********ing-in-lunchboxes stalker kid to the coolest kid on the playground in 9 months.
Oh no, don't be mislead, he is still a soft shit, he's just talking out of his arse again.

No way he can go from the creepy *********ing-in-lunchboxes stalker kid to the coolest kid on the playground in 9 months.

Maybe he is on a nine year old playground where they all think he is cool (like a pedo)
Oh no, don't be mislead, he is still a soft shit, he's just talking out of his arse again.

No way he can go from the creepy *********ing-in-lunchboxes stalker kid to the coolest kid on the playground in 9 months.


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