Isn't this guy a badass?

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At least I'm not a 17 year old in the FBI, living in NJ, attending a California high school and a middle school in Pittsburgh, while at the same time being a fire fighter and an avid twilight fan.
Who's more of an idiot the person who puts obvious Bullshit on his facebook page or the person who gets riled up & annoyed over said obvious Bullshit
LOL, PedoSully.

Can't wait till this 15-year old firefighter gets my PM that shows him all this copied out, so he can ghetto stomp you.
Richard Dempsey March 2 at 3:03pm Report
why not u shot the fuck up

Dave Sullivan March 2 at 3:20pm
That entire sentence is so grammatically incorrect, I'm not even going to bother fixing it.

Why don't you get your FBI buddies to do it, Mr. 17 year old fire fighter/FBI agent attending two high schools at different parts of the country.

Go read Twilight or something Richard. Hey..what's another name for Richard...oh yeah...DICK.

Richard Dempsey March 2 at 3:21pm Report
im calling the police

Dave Sullivan March 2 at 3:31pm
Call your FBI buddies, they'd get here faster.

Richard Dempsey March 2 at 3:31pm Report
i just did ******

Dave Sullivan March 2 at 3:34pm
So how do you attend Seaside high school, AND Deer Lakes Middle school? Both of those schools are across the country.

Dave Sullivan March 2 at 3:35pm
Also, you look stoned in all of your pictures. Steal some merchandise from the evidence room?

Richard Dempsey March 2 at 3:36pm Report
fuck off im will call the police im reporting u

Dave Sullivan March 2 at 3:37pm
Uh oh. No! please don't! Please! I beg you.....please..don't call the police! I'd get in so much trouble with my mom and dad.

Richard Dempsey March 2 at 3:38pm Report
to late already did

Dave Sullivan March 2 at 3:41pm
So how is Mariah Oconis doing? You tapping that shit?

Richard Dempsey March 2 at 3:42pm Report
who the fuck are u talking about my girl who the fuck are u to her

Dave Sullivan March 2 at 3:43pm
Jesus christ...your girl? How old are you? First of all, apparently you live in New Jersey, next..she's freaking 12..hell she might be 11.

You realize that. You said you're 16-17? I know you were bullshitting about the cop thing, but you're the one who should get the cops called on them.

Richard Dempsey March 2 at 3:45pm Report
no im not my girl wants to know why the fuck u talking to me asshole

Dave Sullivan March 2 at 3:47pm
You're not 16? Well you lied right there. Let me're not an FBI agent either..are you?

I bet you don't like in New Jersey. Do you attend Deer Lakes Middle School?

Dave Sullivan March 2 at 3:48pm
Why are you telling me that your girl want's to know why I'm talking to you. That's kinda redundant don't you think?

Richard Dempsey March 2 at 3:49pm Report
fuck off i will kill you

Dave Sullivan March 2 at 3:50pm
Oh I'm scared. The 16 year old FBI firefighter is gonna kill me..all the way from New Jersey..New Jersey is shit by the way.

How's Snooki and The Situation?

I had this message type up:

Lol Richard...ignoring me? That hurts..

Btw, your girl wanted me to tell you this. you..can't type worth shit, maybe you can translate for me.

"he said to say this to u me niether baby tell him if he tells ur nrother im going to kill him"

But Facebook isn't letting me send the message. I guess he blocked me.
Convo between Mariah Oconis ("his girl") and myself.

hey dave richard dempsey dose not want to talk to u!!!

Richard Dempsey is a huge ******.

why are u talking to him then

To make fun of him. Look at his profile. Says he's an FBI agent, lives in NJ, attends Seaside High School in California, and DLMS.
Oh, and he's a firefighter, AND he likes Twilight.

so i like twilight and i am going out with him jackass!!

That guy is a grade A ***. Do you know him? Does he live in this state even?

yea i know him and he live in NJ i am goiing their this weekend

Jesus met a guy on Facebook, and you're now going to to NJ to meet him. I'm going to talk to your brother about this.

do u know my brother?

Oh I don't's not like he's in the same grade as me or something.

dud i waz joking about me and him

That guy is a loser just by looking at him. He calls you "His girl" by the way.
How old is he?

he is 13 in 8th and he said to say this to u me niether baby tell him if he tells ur nrother im going to kill him

wait..say that again?

richard said this to u me niether baby tell him if he tells ur nrother im going to kill him

....I didn't mean repeat the same exact paragraph. The way you worded that is pretty messed up and hard to understand.

NM see u at school tommore

3:59pm you won't. I go to the high school. Sorry to disappoint you.

u go to the mildde school i see u evey day

What..the hell..are you talking about. Girl, I think you really are psycho. You need to see a doctor or something. Do you even know who I am?

i am ur mom

Whatever. You're fucked up


I copied that from Facebook IM so it's doesn't come out and say who's who. It pretty much goes back and fourth though. If you get confused, I'm the one who doesn't type like a ******. Both of them are fucking ******ed. I have no idea who she thought I was...I thought she remembered me from two years ago when I went to the Middle School. This chick is really messed up though. I don't think she's actually ******ed, but she needs some help.
You both make no sense. When I was your age I was out tryin to get laid sully, not trolling randoms on the innerwebs
Yeah, Richard blocked me. It isn't giving me a name or a picture anymore. :lmao:

What didn't make sense. I thought I sounded pretty clear. Do I not make sense with Richard, or the 12 year old. There is some background info that wasn't all said out in the open, so it wasn't exactly clear to somebody like you guys simply reading it.

Lol I know, I should be getting laid, but I had a lot of fun with this kid.
Sully this is not 4chan. If you want random internet people to be creepy to a 12 year old head there.
Lol..I tried 4chan Lee...they ignored me.

Yeah I know, I sounded pretty stupid...but I couldn't have sounded stupider then that ****** and his "girl".

I'm kinda disturbed by that, I think she was serious when she said she was going to New Jersey to see him.

Anyways, I can't fuck with him anymore, he blocked me. So that's the end of this thing.
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