"This guy isn't ready. It's too soon to give him the strap."

When I first started posting in WZ a few years back, one of the most constant themes you'd see pop up in threads on a regular basis was the idea of change. People screaming that they wanted to see new people elevated into more prominent spots and feuds. They wanted different people holding titles, they wanted different people feuding for certain championships etc. It was a ceaseless, neverending bitchfest.

A lot of change has happened and there's still complaints, not as much as there was but there's always going to be someone not happy. You can't please everyone and the WWE would run themselves into the ground trying to do just that. Now it's natural to want to see wrestlers that you enjoy more than others be in top spots, we all do that. But the problem is that there are people that won't be satisfied unless very specific people that they believe should be in a World Title feud are placed in that feud. For instance, I can't think of how many posts I've seen in which people say that Shelton Benjamin should have been a World Champion in WWE several times over.

Of the young guys that I don't think have been ready for a World Championship, I'd have to go with Jack Swagger as really being the one that I don't think was ready. Swagger came out of left field and, just a few weeks before the MITB match at WrestleMania, had lost a couple of matches to Santino Marella. I wish that they hadn't given Dolph Ziggler his 5 minute WHC run because I just don't see what it accomplished.
Celtic Corey you keep doing it.

I never liked swagger, and never wanted him near the title. once he got it, i said i didnt like it. what im saying you are doing is saying we are all the same. in case you never noticed, the iwc disagrees all the time. just because we dont like certain people as champion, does not mean we dont want new champs. seriously man, you proved my point with your post.

but i must apologize in that i didnt try to say that the miz is horrible on the mic, i tried to say he is a ripoff of jericho on the mic. and he is decent, but no where close to jericho, and his in ring work is way below that of jericho. i just dont think the miz should be anywhere close to the main event.
No I don't. Yeah you're different and I know that and all but what I am saying is once someone in the IWC gets what they want, the amount of hate for what just happened will rise. I mean C.M. Punk could GTS Hornswoggle next week on RAW and someone will manage to complain about it. I am not saying you can please all the people all the time. I am not saying everybody likes somebody or everybody wants to see this or that but once this or that happens, things change. I saw so much fucking shit all summer for the IWC begging on what seemed their hands and knees for Danielson to come back and now I have read posts from a lot of anti Danielson people.

And it's the same thing with the World Title. My original point was that you don't have to like the Miz one stinking bit but was he ready? In my mind, he absolutely was. Was it too soon to put the championship on him? Hell freaking no. THAT was my original point. How people could think otherwise is beyond me.
This topic is essentially what I just fought out of the Prison to post. I read from the main page a thread about Miz becoming champion too early. I felt the same exact way CelticCorey does. It's not about whether or not these guys are being given their shots too early, you just haven't paid them much attention to them in the first place.

If you hate someone on day one, it's gonna take them a lot more time to win you over. That doesn't mean the people writing the paychecks share your opinion of them. These guys do a lot more then just try to win you over (be it with a cheer or a boo), they work to get better and better and earn the respect of their peers.

To back CC, if the IWC was in charge, we'd have a terrible thing on our hands. Opinions constantly change and assumptions are made way too much in advance to warrant listening to what "John Doe" has to say. If The Miz wasn't ready... who was? What new face is in the market right now that would have been more prepared to take his spot at this current point in time? Truth be told, when Miz was booked against Lawler at Hell in a Cell, I realized Miz was going to Wrestlemania. Now, at that point in time, I believe a lot of people, myself included thought it might be too soon for a WM Main Event. BUT, the more this thing builds the more I'm coming around to believing Miz can pull it off.

Del Rio is the same instance. He hasn't been around too long, and Wrestlemania might be asking a bit too much from him. But he's coming around and turning into a very good performer, in a really short time. Considering hes spent most of his career under a luchador mask, his facial expressions are priceless. He's grown on a lot of people.

You can't just outright call foul on something with at least giving it a shot to succeed, or else it never will. Likewise, I think WWE may have taken one of the biggest risks they've ever taken by entrusting this years Wrestlemania, with two matches consisting of two veterans against two "greens". Veterans in the sense that they've been household names, against two guys who have just recently garnered the attention of the casual fan.

Miz is getting over, and has been getting over, and win or lose, he will make a name for himself. Del Rio is well on his way to even beating Edge at Wrestlemania, as he just looks and acts like the belt was made for him.

And there are others that are well on their way to becoming championship material. WWE is actively changing the tide. This is something people aren't used to seeing. Because when Rock and Austin left. They really didn't have anyone else to fall back on. That's why Cena and Edge fought ALL the time. They're widening their main event picture with younger guys, it's time to accept it.
I understand your point, but you are creating a straw man of the iwc, and that is why its not a valid point. you will always notice that the most upset people post the most. the reason that everyone was saying that swagger was not being used right and should be a main eventer is because his fans were talking at that time. the people who didnt like him didnt feel like posting anything. then once he won the championship, everyone who didnt like him spoke up.

for instance, i never liked shelton benjamin. he is a joke imo, but i didnt debate too much with the people who thought he should be world champ. i did every now and then, but not as much as the people who liked him complained constantly how he wasnt being pushed. if benjamin won the belt, i would probably bash him more because i think it would be stupid on the wwe's part, so you would see more people pop up against him. how different people respond makes sense for where a certain wrestler is. you are getting different people saying that the miz sucks, not the same ones who were praising him a half year ago. different people saying different things at different times. again, the iwc is not the same person. i dont get how you dont get it.
different people saying different things at different times. again, the iwc is not the same person. i dont get how you dont get it.

The IWC is a fickle bunch though, it's not just that they speak up once something happens. They grumble and sit on it, and never accept something that is actively happening. Most of the IWC are just smarks who think they know what will work and what won't work. And the truth of the matter is they know nothing about what goes on backstage. Despite how much they like to assume they do. The IWC doesn't know what they want, because there are so many different opinions even on just one person. If what you said holds true, the IWC that don't mind the Miz... aren't saying anything, and only the haters are talking. And once the Miz loses, they will change places. "This" IWC will thank the WWE and be silent, while "That" IWC will complain that it was a bad move to kill the Miz' momentum.

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