Hulk Hogan Says Bobby Roode "Isn't Ready"; Says Jeff Hardy is the "Next Guy"

Hogan always has an agenda, whether its obvious or not.

As for the rest of the interview?

Screw him and anyone else who doubts Roode. Roode has the entire package and he's easily marketable if the company gets behind him. He's far MORE marketable then anyone else. You really think advertisers and stations, etc, etc, want to get behind and promote Jeff Hardy whose had legal problems time and time again, is a known drug addict, and draws a very niche part of the audience? Do you think they really want James Storm, whose nothing but a cowboy who drinks beer, as the face they're promoting? Compared to Roode who looks and acts like a champion and can reach a much larger audience, really, then the gimmicky Hardy and Storm. I really doubt it. Hogan must've forgotten what made him the face of the WWE and so marketable, or what makes other guys like Cena so marketable.

Jeff Hardy has a presence, sure.. but he can't cut a promo for the life of him and his matches aren't even good, either. So what the hell's he really got? People seem to suddenly be jumping on to some wagon being towed along for James Storm, but he certainly isn't better then Roode at anything. He doesn't have a better look then Roode, he's not better in the ring then Roode, and he's not even a better promo then Roode. Just because he can drink beer doesn't make him a great, marketable character. This isn't the Attitude Era, and Storm certainly isn't as good as Steve Austin.

storm is everybit as talented as roode but i think roode looks in better shape fits the family guy/athlete image better then storm

a feud between the two would be great in the future dont rush it.

as far as jeff hardy goes he is not the future of prowrestling he is part of wwe's past

hogan definitly has an agenda against roode plus jeff hardy doesnt look like a classic wrestler in his ring outfits.

hard to promote jeff hardy as champion when he looks like a guy in his mid 30s who wears hottopic clearance items in the ring.
1st I will say this one OBVIOUSLY isn't a work, if it was a work then he wouldn't have put over Jeff Hardy as the future if he stays out of trouble, Jeff's now a face so I don't think its a work.

Secondly this was just stupid of Hogan, I'm not gonna get into an argument if his comments had merit (I think they did personally although I love Roode) but the problem with that is this, Robert Roode is ALREADY booked in the main event of TNA's biggest PPV of the year, you don't bury your (most likely) next world champion 2-3 days BEFORE the event, that is stupid on Hogan's part. It has NOTHING to do with if he was right or not, that part is irrelevant but you don't BURY the guy especially since TNA is obviously putting stock into Roode and are trying to make him a big deal in TNA. That would have been the equivalent of Hogan burying Cena 2 days before Wrestlemania 21, it's not about being right or wrong its about keeping your mouth shut.

If Hogan truly thought Roode wasn't ready he should have done 1 of 2 things:

1) Beat around the bush and don't give a legit answer.
2) Lie and say he's the future ANYWAYS.

That's what you do, what you DON'T do is bury the guy right before his big moment, especially if you work for the company and you are supposed to help it out.

Agreed, that was just a lousy thing to do on Hogan's part to say a couple days before the PPV Oh Bobby Roode isn't ready to be Champion and doesn't deserve the Push. I was like WTF Hulk? If you thought that then why did you give him the chance anyway?

That would have been like if Vince came out and said John Cena & Batista weren't ready to win the Titles back at WM 21 days before the Show. Hogan just needs to stop tweeting or whatever and keep his mouth shut.
Roode is a better promo guy than Storm? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, thanks for the good laugh!!! That's why up until this week storm was doing all the talking pretty much for roode. And on the beer money thing @little Jerry lawler was talking about; Storm was the beer side for obvious reasons, & Roode was the money part because he was the snobby heel from a rich family, but undoutdedly we are all suppose to forget that now that he's "Bobby Roode the blue collar guy" instead of "Robert Roode the rich snob." I'm still puzzled by this, never have understood why all of a sudden he's the mans man family blue collar guy instead of what makes the team of beer money... The team beer money really makes no sense if all of a sudden the money half has nothing to do with money...
Roode is a better promo guy than Storm? Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha, thanks for the good laugh!!! That's why up until this week storm was doing all the talking pretty much for roode. And on the beer money thing @little Jerry lawler was talking about; Storm was the beer side for obvious reasons, & Roode was the money part because he was the snobby heel from a rich family, but undoutdedly we are all suppose to forget that now that he's "Bobby Roode the blue collar guy" instead of "Robert Roode the rich snob." I'm still puzzled by this, never have understood why all of a sudden he's the mans man family blue collar guy instead of what makes the team of beer money... The team beer money really makes no sense if all of a sudden the money half has nothing to do with money...

at the rate raw is going down the toilet impactwrestling/tna will have abunch of new fans that wont know the history of robert roodes career in tna they will tune in see and buy the whole blue collar family man athlete image

tna is headed in the right direction with this and yes james storms cuts a better promo but it will help him be a mainevent heel in the future

the one thing we all i agree is jeff hardy as champ is the wrong direction for tna.
Whenever a wrestler gives an interview, you assume that he is either going to give that interview in character or not in character. You know that but unfortunately Hogan knows that better than you.

Hogan is just raking up some controversy to make Bound For Glory more interesting. You think that Booby Roode is going to walk out of BFG as TNA World Heavyeight Champion? Well think again brother! The upper brass in TNA does no consider him as championship material. You think that Immortal is no longer interested in Hardy? How true does that sound now after Hogan's comments on Hardy? This is what Hogan wants to get at.

That is the way in which Hogan does his promotion. He is one of the very best in the business and thereby has the ability to confuse even the smarkiest of smarks and work them. The message from Hulk Hogan is loud and clear, brother. Watch Bound For Glory!!! And take nothing for granted.
Where in the world do people get the idea that Storm is better then Roode? It's like the second Roode gets a push, gets over, and starts getting his main event run as he's earned all the Internet marks and smarks change coats and jump on to James Storm, when no one thought he was the better of the two months ago. Unbelievable.

Bobby Roode always stood out in the Fourtune stable. Everytime they were all in the ring cutting promos, it was hard not to see Roode and wonder why he was standing in the background while AJ Styles was cutting a promo. Roode always has stood out, and has always had that presence, and he has it much more then Styles or Storm. The second he got a chance to take the mic and cut that promo against Hogan and Immortal? He blew it out of the fucking water. He overshadowed AJ Styles and proved why Styles shouldn't have held that spotlight in Fourtune at all. And Storm has NEVER cut a promo like Roode's. Never.

How the hell do you expect Roode to build upto his match at Bound for Glory? What do you expect him to talk about in his promos? He's the FACE. He's challenging a heel Kurt Angle whose aligned with Immortal. You expect him to start cutting a heel promo about money? They're going with the REAL Bobby Roode.. whose paid his dues in the wrestling business, and has always dreamed of being the champion and is now getting that chance to become it. What else is he suppose to talk about to build up his match as the challenger to the champion at Bound for Glory? Some of you have no common sense, clearly.

When Roode is in that ring cutting a promo, or especially during the backstage interviews and the segments that haven't even been televised or the ones that were on Reaction, Roode has always had "IT" and shown how good he is at talking. He shows passion. I don't see how anyone can claim Storm talks better then Roode. Storm's gimmick certainly doesn't draw to a mass audience. The APA drank beer, and Bradshaw was even a cowboy. Steve Austin drank beer in the ring. So what's so special about James Storm? Because he comes down to the ring with a BOTTLE of beer. Or he's wearing a cowboy hat?

Roode's in this position because he has the entire package and he's also marketable. In fact, he's a far better choice then anyone else right now. And Hogan trashes the fact he's Canadian? Maybe he's forgotten about Bret Hart who helped the WWE expand internationally and all across Canada. That's a huge part of WWE's business now and a HUGE part of that was because of Bret Hart, his appeal to those areas, and him being the champion during that era. Roode could help TNA expand just the same and grow a larger audience across Canada and internationally.

What the fuck's James Storm going to do? Help them keep their hick audience they've had from the very beginning of TNA? Great! Drink beer and wear a cowboy hat, let's put the championship on the guy with the pot belly!
I've always liked Storm over Roode so don't list me as one of those who hated him as soon as he got into this position. Roode is good in the ring but thats where it ends for me. He just doesn't give me a damn reason to care about him.

And you clearly didn't understand what I meant by the buildup. Roode should hate Angle for thinking he's better than everyone and trying to destroy TNA. The "respect" promos are way overdone and take the emotion out of a feud. It's like they are having a match just to have a match.

Just curious. Did Christian help TNA internationally in Canada?
The interesting thing, whether it is "in character" or just Hogan being Hogan, is that AJ Styles came out and blasted Hogan for his comments on Roode and himself.

Styles has this whole "I've been here from the beginning and made TNA" attitude, and if it is "storyline" from Hogan, then one could assume that he's going to have a run-in with AJ Styles down the track.
I've always liked Storm over Roode so don't list me as one of those who hated him as soon as he got into this position. Roode is good in the ring but thats where it ends for me. He just doesn't give me a damn reason to care about him.

And you clearly didn't understand what I meant by the buildup. Roode should hate Angle for thinking he's better than everyone and trying to destroy TNA. The "respect" promos are way overdone and take the emotion out of a feud. It's like they are having a match just to have a match.

Just curious. Did Christian help TNA internationally in Canada?

Of course he did. TNA first started touring Canada in 2005. Christian came to TNA in 2005. Over the next few years TNA had the Team Canada stable and Christian as one of their main event players and one of their World champions, while they expanded into touring Canada.

I don't know how much they tour Canada now, but I'm sure they could do more to gain revenue out of a Canadian audience. They only just started touring the UK in 2008, which is when Christian left. They started touring Germany in 2009 when Christian was already gone. They're still clearly trying to expand and grow their audiences internationally, and there's tons more they can do in that regard compared to where they're at now.

And who said I was directly refering to you in terms of Roode buildup. I never quoted you, I don't even know what you said about the subject, in fact. But Roode's promos are certainly not ALL about respect and nothing else. And in reality that has nothing to do with him to begin with, that's the writers of TNA you need to complain about. The fact is Roode is very good on the mic and most of all he's OVER.
I've always liked Storm over Roode so don't list me as one of those who hated him as soon as he got into this position. Roode is good in the ring but thats where it ends for me. He just doesn't give me a damn reason to care about him.

And you clearly didn't understand what I meant by the buildup. Roode should hate Angle for thinking he's better than everyone and trying to destroy TNA. The "respect" promos are way overdone and take the emotion out of a feud. It's like they are having a match just to have a match.

Just curious. Did Christian help TNA internationally in Canada?

I agree with you completely on the idea of the mutual respect or even the respect for Angle is not helping build this feud. Let's not forget that Angle was intent on putting all the young talent out of commission, as in 'hurting' all of them. He hasn't. In fact, his singular focus has been on trying to drive a wedge between Roode and Fortune. Even with that, we have Roode showing Angle respect? Doesn't make any sense. If they really wanted to build heat for this match, they should have had some serious and physical confrontations between Roode and Angle. Missed opportunity in my opinion.
Yeah I have to agree also, the whole respect line shit is so asinine. That takes away the emotion every single time. It always "takes me out of the moment" and makes me not give a fuck. This is prob one of the reasons I find Roode bland, Storm had me more into this angle when he was doing the talking.

Oh & I've always been a bigger storm fan also, maybe @misterrob u should quit crying conspiracy and accept the fact that some of us like Storm more, not because "Roode got the shot and over with the fans (though the ratings would suggest otherwise) so now you're Haters" as you put it, but because we simply like him more. It's clear to c you're a bigger Roode fan, that's ok. But it's just as ok for us Storm fans to like him more.
Yeah I have to agree also, the whole respect line shit is so asinine. That takes away the emotion every single time. It always "takes me out of the moment" and makes me not give a fuck. This is prob one of the reasons I find Roode bland, Storm had me more into this angle when he was doing the talking.

Oh & I've always been a bigger storm fan also, maybe @misterrob u should quit crying conspiracy and accept the fact that some of us like Storm more, not because "Roode got the shot and over with the fans (though the ratings would suggest otherwise) so now you're Haters" as you put it, but because we simply like him more. It's clear to c you're a bigger Roode fan, that's ok. But it's just as ok for us Storm fans to like him more.

Agreed! Storm has more 'it' factor than Roode does but Roode appears to have the look they want in TNA. Look at Angle and Roode. Very similar body types. 'Cowboy' James Storm may not be exactly what TNA needs right now from a marketing perspective especially if we're to believe that Angle is taking time off for Olympic training. (though with his recent personal issues that might be off the boards now.)
Yeah that's been my thinking also, they seem to feel Roode has that look over Storm. I really hope Hogan is serious about what he said about Storm, and honestly hope he gets his way sooner rather than later. They need to turn one of them heel, and I personally would choose Roode as I've always felt he was better as a heel, and have a face Storm rise up the ranks & chase him for the title & win it. ( the more I think about it, hogan could have been foreshadowing this, he's been saying he's "turning good again" for a couple months now, & if Roode turns heel & possibly aligned with bischoff, hogan has Storm as his guy to go against Roode & say he always felt Storm was the better guy)
Yeah that's been my thinking also, they seem to feel Roode has that look over Storm. I really hope Hogan is serious about what he said about Storm, and honestly hope he gets his way sooner rather than later. They need to turn one of them heel, and I personally would choose Roode as I've always felt he was better as a heel, and have a face Storm rise up the ranks & chase him for the title & win it.

Yep the heel persona has worked better for Roode in the past than his current babyface run has which I feel some fans see as boring. Even when Angle has been a babyface, he's been interesting to listen to and to watch. I don't sense that from Roode, but can certainly see that in Storm. And since AJ is once again relegated to yet another (really?) match with Chris Daniels (why?) it seems as good an idea as any other they have.
If Hogan is the reason why Roode didn't win the Title tonight, he's a f***ing dirtbag and doesn't deserve ANY of the adoration that crowd gave him.

I agree it ruined a feel good momment for the live crowd and the ppv crowd

im still shocked how they just didnt end the match earlier with roode pinning

who ever book that ending should be fired
If Hogan is the reason why Roode didn't win the Title tonight, he's a f***ing dirtbag and doesn't deserve ANY of the adoration that crowd gave him.

Because Roode didn't win? That's just stupid. Yes, it seemed pretty bad at the end of the show. But if Roode wasn't close before, he's a lot closer now. Despite how the match went and ended, one could feel for Roode after that ending. It may have a been a depressive ending, but it helped but Roode over way big. A high caliber match with Kurt Angle that left asking for more. While it probably isn't the best feeling to have at the end of the company's biggest show, it definably got people to notice.
Hogan can put over Jeff Hardy all he wants, that doesn't make him the next big thing. He had his chance and he blew it. The man needs to overcome some personal issues before he should be given another opportunity to be the face of a federation. Hardy definitely has more potential to be a mainstream star than Roode, but several bad choices have derailed this from happening. Roode deserves a shot. If he doesn't succeed, they can just take the belt off him. I'm not going to start on the results from last night, TNA may be going somewhere with this so I will hold off my rants for now on that. Roode will still be a main eventer and is still a future world champion. He deserves it more than Hardy right now due to having paid his dues and behaving in a way becoming of a champion, unlike Hardy.

Sometimes I wonder if Hogan even knows what's talking about anymore. This is the same guy who said ABYSS was "the next John Cena". Think about that for a moment, and then re-read his comments. I get just as excited as the next guy when Hardy does his insane spots and he has mainstream potential. Yes. Does he deserve it more than Roode right now? Absolutely not.
prior to the BFG series, how many viewers on TV KNEW the name Bobby Roode? I bet not many. before the BFG series Bobby Roode was one half of Beer Money.

as long as Jeff Hardy can remain clean then I think he will be the champion again. he still has the same talent that he had when he came to TNA. he is still one of the biggest names to viewers watching on TV. you saw the crowd go crazy for Hardy on Sunday night, so he still has the fans support.
he does need to stay clean, and I do think it's going to take some time before he can work hi way through multiple other wrestlers to get back up to the main event level.
prior to the BFG series, how many viewers on TV KNEW the name Bobby Roode? I bet not many. before the BFG series Bobby Roode was one half of Beer Money.

Myself included ... but that's what made the BFG series work. It put a mid-carder on the map and made people take notice. BUt then if you have that guy people start to get behind loose at the big match then people, who didn't know him before, think eh ... "he sucks".
This is for all the people doubting Hardy & Storm:

Storm already became champ,then the Impact after that Roode became champ. TNA obviously has Hogan as a leader no doubt,it's obvious that they re-wrote the Angle-Roode match just because of Hogan's words. I don't think they should have had Angle beat Roode at BFG they should have had him win it anyways,either way THEY NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAD STORM BECOME CHAMP THE WEEK AFTER,THEN have Storm lose it to Roode the week AFTER THAT(Turning Heel).

If they were going to do a Roode-Storm feud they should have built it up at LEAST to the end of the year,not the week after Storm won it,they shouldn't have given it to Storm anyways. Since Kurt won,they should have had Jeff Hardy interrupt Kurt while he was cutting a promo the Impact after BFG & have Hardy feud with Kurt(Since Jeff said"Maybe you don't want me here,maybe because i'm your biggest threat)winning the title at Turning Point(To let Kurt heal his hamstring injury)& then have Jarrett or some Immortal member come after the title.

Have you forgot Hardy was the top face of Smackdown,out selling Cena in merchandise in WWE? Have you forgot he made CM Punk the main-eventer who he is today,if it wasn't for the Hardy-Punk feud Punk would still be a Mid-Card wrestler if he didn't turn heel & become the super Mic-guy he is today. Let's face it the three most KNOWN around the world is:Hulk Hogan,Jeff Hardy,& Kurt Angle. Jeff should have been the face of the company when he first arrived,he was the #2 guy in the WWE only 4 MONTHS before his return to TNA.

It just shows TNA either has the worst writing staff of all time OR they are Hogan's little slaves,hell maybe even both.

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