Hulk Hogan Lobbied for Robert Roode to Lose?

The thing I have a problem with in this whole thing is 1 not only did Hogan run his mouth(supposedly in character as he claims) days before their biggest ppv of the year saying that Roode was not ready and he is not the guy, but Angle was going into the match already injured, and reportedly is taking some time off and will be gone for at least a little while. So, knowing that beforehand, while have Angle go over, if it the rumors are true and Angle is gone from tv for a while. Where does that leave the World title. It that happens will they just keep the title on Angle until he comes back, which would be rediculous, or will we have another Rob Van Dam situation where they decided to vacate the tile rather than have RVD lose it in a match because he was at the end of his contract dates. If they do this and Roode wins the vacant title it will mean nothing because Angle can come back and say that He never lost the title and it will look like Roode is a paper champion because they didn't want him to beat Angle.

it doesnt take a genius to see hogan and bischoff really sabotaged tna
hogan badmouths roode in interviewsd when fans complain about it he says he is a heel hogan has a face turn goes backstage and gets them to change the finish

hogan bischoff and vkm have to be in it to destroy tna

heres the thing roode could of been not ready as hulk says but it would of made tna look great for one night if they didnt screw up the ending
Yes because nothing's wrong with a one month title reign. They could've had Roode win the title from Angle at Bfg and then have James Storm come celebrate with Roode afterwards and then at their next ppv they could of had Storm screw Roode out of his title match. Nothing's so horribly wrong with that.

you and me are thinking whats best for the company not whats best for hulk hogan

angle dropping the title would of been whats best for the company

tna is not on a stable network to let hulk hogan bury their company

spike tv is a mess and tna looks like a joke now after bound for glory

hulk hogan ruining the finish will be on wwe's the rise and fall of tna dvd
Just because other people do dirt, doesn't mean it's ok when you do it. That's like saying it was ok that you robbed that bank because other criminals have done much worse.

Never said it was ok on Hogan's part or anyone's part, I am just pointing out that is just the nature of the entertainment beast, period.

I have no direct proof that Hulk Hogan and Robert Roode aren't cyborgs from another planet, but I see, I hear, I read and I have been watching for many, many years. I think between all those I can form a reasonable opinion. If I'm wrong, fine. My opinion is only my opinion in the first place.

And that's fine, but I am going to argue and challenge that point, plain and simple.

I was being generous to include those two. Even if I were to go with your logic, it's still pretty damn pathetic on his part as far as giving back to the youngsters. If Roode's not the guy, fine....then who's the guy? When has Hogan created a star?

Guys like Warrior, Goldberg and Lesnar had more legitimacy added to their characters BECAUSE they beat Hogan. If these guys were just coming out of nowhere there'd be little to no point in having them beat Hogan, I'm a Hogan mark so be it, but even if I weren't I would have to say that you should only have certain people beat the Hulk Hogan character, plain and simple. And at various points and times those three were the characters that were qualified to receive that honor.

Ok, what part of a gimmick involves consistently degrading a wrestler that is not only no longer relevant, but by all accounts never did a thing to hurt your "character" other than fictitiously beat you? I could understand if Warrior was a bad guy and beat Hogan. Then it'd be an example of another evil guy thinking he's going to kill Hulkamania, blah, blah, etc. They were both faces. What's the benefit?

If anyone's ever heard half the stuff the Warrior has said about people it's warranted, that's of course if it's true and not just part of the script. If you listened to half of the stuff Warrior says you'd realize that

I don't think anyone is infallible, especially Hogan. In fact, I think that's my point. He's an proven opportunist. Yeah people make mistakes and Hogan's just happened to have been ruthless politicking.

And again I still say give me more proof than tabloid BS and bitter shoot interviews from disheveled and washed up has beens that couldn't save their own money. Yeah, like I've told other people on these forums I'm not saying that Hulk Hogan hasn't played his hand and taken advantage of his stardom but who REALLY knows to what extent, the rumor mill is just that...the rumor mill. If you're going to be so quick to believe everything you read in the dirt sheets about wrestling stars you're probably open to believe anything and everything you'd see on the cover of a National Enquirer. Yes, I'm sure that there are some incidents that happen and are true but they are then taken and blown greatly out of proportion. Professional Wrestling like any other entertainment art form is no different.

1. Lesnar never pinned Hogan. Coincidence?

No, he didn't....

2. He never made Hogan submit. Coincidence?

No but he rendered Hogan unconscious and Hogan's super heroics were rendered moot in the match, I say that was a pretty sound beating the Hulkster got. Go and pick up Lensar's book and you'll even read it in the man's own words..."Hulkster put me over big."

3. Lesnar was already champ before and already the man. See a pattern?

Uh...nope. Sorry boss but you are WRONG yet again.

Brock Lesnar wrestled The Hulkster on the August 8, 2002 edition of SmackDown.

Obsessed With Wrestling - WWE SmackDown - August 8, 2002 Results

YouTube Clip of Brock Vs Hogan - SmackDown -August 8, 2002

Since I don't have anything regarding this match from WWE's greatest matches I have checked a couple of sources to confirm that Lesnar vs Hogan predated SummerSlam 2002. Lesnar had won his first title at that event.

Brock Lesnar's First WWE Title reign info from

That debunks everything you've just said about Lesnar's beating Hogan and again I do feel that Lesnar's victory over Hogan while not absolutely necessary definitely didn't hurt his character. It only helped to enhance his dominance.

4. Hogan was under contract and on his very last legs. Vince wanted him retired from active in-ring performing and eventually let him go. Hogan then stated he wouldn't mine one more run, preferrably where he didn't end up "on his back all the time". His words.

But Vince kept bringing him back anyway and sure didn't seem to mind doing things the way they got done, after all this wasn't WCW anymore, this was Vince's backyard Hogan was back in. Let me expand more on this in the next point you mentioned.

6. Hogan then went on from that non-defeat to pin Shawn Michaels and the future young superstar Randy Orton for some reason.

So a bloody and beaten unconscious Hulk Hogan is considered non-beaten by Brock Lesnar according to your view. If you can convince me that I misread that then I'll owe you a coke, good sir.

For one thing Shawn was an established star, it was a battle of two superstar legends and obviously Shawn was the one to lose to Hogan. Again Vince chose to let this slide, Vince probably saw a better conclusion in having Hogan go over Michaels and alas it happened.

As far as Orton goes, well there are rumblings behind the scenes that Orton's conduct was unbecoming of a professional. He was supposedly busted for drug use and what not and I HEARD that this has something to do with him losing to Hogan. Again since you are so adamant to rely on dirt sheet news...maybe just maybe that was the case with Orton too. I mean I think I remember WWE mentioning something about him being suspended too. I got a feeling that probably didn't help Orton's case.

Chicago Sun Times Orton Suspension Excerpt from High Beam

So take it as you will, I've got no real clue if this was really the case with why Hogan went over Orton but it would definitely make a lot of sense if the circumstances behind Orton's suspension are as true as has been said.

In conclusion I am going to definitely agree with accusations regarding my fandom for Hogan but so be it. I'm not saying that I don't accept criticisms of the man himself because I know he has rubbed fans the wrong way from time to time. But basing such animus on what you read and hear about behind the scenes is just ignorance. Especially with the sensationalistic nature of Professional Wrestling and most other forms of entertainment, truth and fiction are very hard to distinguish especially in the case of something like pro wrestling and all its associated rumors.
Isn't it funny how the announcers kept saying that this match could go 40 to 45 minutes and they both were in the best shapes of there careers. Yet angle was injured with a hamstring and they had a 7 minute main event. All i heard in interviews with hogan and angle was how this match could go on for at least 45 minutes and how great of shape they were in. Total bs spewing out of there mouths.
See the thing is... I don't actually disagree with Hogan's reported sentiments.

Roode isn't ready, and he isn't the guy you can build a company around, IMO — BUT if that were truly the case, why the fuck did you just spend months building him into playing that role? It was a monstrous waste of time.

If Roode wasn't the guy and Morgan was, or AJ was or whoever was, that man (whoever it may be) should have been the one to win the BFG series. That man should have been the one to have all the hype surrounding him. That man should have won last night.

Along with the majority, I have to agree with IDR here. I'm not sure why Roode was automatically pushed so fast into this spot if he wasn't ready or Hogan didn't feel he was the right guy. Hogan has been in "work" mode recently on interviews and on Twitter about Roode not being a main eventer compared to Jeff Hardy.

He has also told fans to "stop being marks" and that he has big plans for the Canadian. I guess we will have to wait and see whether Roode will continue to be pushed in the spotlight or fade into obscurity. Roode may just be holding Hardy's main event spot for the time being.

If the main focus on the show was Hogan turning face again, then Hogan vs. Sting should have went on last. It does make the months of the Bound for Glory series seem meaningless if the #1 contender doesn't win the grand prize at the biggest stage of them all or isn't "ready" to be a main event guy.
Hogan screwing the main event to steal the biggest babyface pop of the night, probably.

This company is not even worth it anymore. Roode winning was the last change many of us were giving to this company.

I hope sooner than enough the homegrown Roode, AJ, Joe, Storm, Kaz and others young guys like Morgan and the Pope leave Radicalz-style.
I was disappointed and a bit shocked too when I first saw it but now I'm not upset at all and think it could turn out well. Wrestling fans are always so quick to judge something even when it's obviously not over and could very well be the start of something. I think Roode deserved it too but after the outcome last night I thought to myself if he did win where would he go? He has only been built as a maineventer for 2 months. If he won on the biggest stage of them all and had his fairy tale moment it would have been a nice sight but there would be nowhere to go after it apart from a rematch with Angle and then a feud with Storm which would be rushed as I think they should put a lot of time into that break up to make them both genuine main eventers. I think he would have lost some serious steam and because the BFG series is the only thing that made him over as a maineventer where would he have gone without it? He needs a bigger build up and a more memorable feud before he wins the title. Now he can still chase and they can work many angles off that ending. It's not the end for Roode by any means and this has still elevated him to main even status so I don't know why everyone's upset. It seems people don't like it when they don't predict what's going to happen which is rediculous. Let this angle (no pun intended) finish and then complain if it fails, if this ends out making Roode into even a bigger star then everyone complaining is going to look like an idiot.
I think it was counterproductive for Hogan to come out in public 3 days before the biggest PPV of the year to say Roode wasn’t ready. It was clear he wasn’t ‘in character’ and he was merely speaking his mind. In fairness to Hogan, he came across pretty genuine, but you really do have to question his timing. I don’t know about anyone else, but I thought this pretty much told us that Roode was gonna lose to Angle at BFG.

And if that wasn’t convincing enough, Hogan and Sting draw out their match and post match for about 20, so Angle and Roode only go for 15! I don’t even care that Hogan turned – the fans are so poorly invested in faces/heels that they forget who they’re supposed boo and cheer week to week. It was the biggest main event of the year and they should have gone 20, maybe even more.

I have no idea whether Hogan pushed for Roode to lose but all the signs were there from Hogan that Roode was gonna fall short. You could see Roode’s face when he came to the ring that there wasn’t that usual confidence there. Even worse, you could see a screwy finish a mile off after they had totally overdone their finishers for most of the match.

I don't necessarily have a problem with Angle winning, it could set up a good storyline if they book it well, for example Roode gaining more sympathy from the fans if he doesn’t come across bitter in defeat. But I have absolutely no faith in them to do this, and I see Roode being inserted into a feud with Storm (fairly soon) which would be massively premature.

Roode SHOULD be entitled to a rematch, and maybe this happens now Immortal have lost power, but I really have no idea what they have in mind.
If this is true (which is 50/50 when it comes to these so called "reporters") then what's the problem? You're average fan could tell you Bobby Roode isn't ready to be World Champion, so why can't the man who knows more about the art of pro wrestling than anyone alive share his concerns? Anyway Hogan's already said they've got big plans for Roode.

A lot of people on here need to grow up a bit if I'm being honest. Just enjoy pro wrestling for what it is or don't watch it. What's the point in acting like a spoilt kid because "your guy" doesn't win? "My guy" would be AJ Styles and he hardly does to much, but you'll never hear me whinging and whining. Because I enjoy pro wrestling for what it is, not because I have to see my favourite win.

Also why doesn't anyone wait and see what happens, again, this is pro wrestling. Having Roode lose, by getting cheated, just makes his fans want to see him do it even more now. I'm personally not a fan of Roode but TNA are building a great story for him and you should just sit back and enjoy it. TNA could announce a triple threat match, for the World Title, at Turning Point for all we know. Involving Kurt Angle, Roode and James Storm. Now don't most people want to see that? Just wait and see what comes of this.
Just for the record, every WWE mark popping a boner for TNA "fucking it up" should really recall Christian losing the WHC 2 days after he won it. I was furious as well and if I waited the storyline to progress itself I would've seen that it was with a purpose. Same here.

I didn't like Roode losing. Not at all. But it makes me want to see him win it that much more. Doing this at BFG? Not too smart but it did shock me and maybe it's a positive thing.

People were as bitchy last year when Immortal was revealed. We all bitched when Christian lost the belt. Now we bitch about Roode. The one constant in the IWC is whining.

Give it a week, we'll all be nice and cool by then. At least the ones that have common sense. The hardcore marks will chew this shit like they chew Joe being kidnapped.
One of my biggest pet peeves is wasted time. I am upset with Hogan's actions enough as it is but if Roode was not going to win they why build him up all this time? I would like to think they have something big still planned for him when all is said and done. Hogan has apparently still not learned how to NOT hold people back. Roode should have won because he deserves a chance and it's Hogan's fault that he did not receive one. If he is not ready then fine, take the title off him. My fingers are crossed that TNA may still be going somewhere with this.
One of my biggest pet peeves is wasted time. I am upset with Hogan's actions enough as it is but if Roode was not going to win they why build him up all this time? I would like to think they have something big still planned for him when all is said and done. Hogan has apparently still not learned how to NOT hold people back. Roode should have won because he deserves a chance and it's Hogan's fault that he did not receive one. If he is not ready then fine, take the title off him. My fingers are crossed that TNA may still be going somewhere with this.

They didn't really waste any time. They'll still be able to put the title on Roode and the angle will develop fully. He didn't actually lose clean, his arm was under the rope, he was screwed out of it. They'll obviously continue with it, as otherwise they wouldn't have had a screwy finish. I mean, maybe they could have ended it at Bound For Glory, but if Roode's not ready, then why not let Angle drop the belt to him later? Nothing will happen if they wait a bit, nothing.

I find it laughable that you say "Roode should have won because he deserves a chance," when he's getting one of the biggest chances of his career right now. He wasn't really on many peoples' radar to win the BFG series, but he did! He main evented the biggest show of the year with Kurt FREAKING Angle. It's not Hogan's fault, because frankly, this seems a little too convenient for my liking.

There's nothing wrong with what TNA did. They're letting Roode "season" up a bit, get more used to his new role, develop a better connection with the crowd, etc. People keep saying that "all is lost" with Roode, but they don't think about what will happen down the road. Let it develop, people. Stop jumping the gun.
I will say this regarding Hogan lobbying to have Roode lose at BFG: It sucks he put so much effort into burying Roode on the national media tour he did last week. if he had done that and then Roode wins, Roode has a natural foil.

"You said I couldn't do it, and that I wasn't ready blah blah blah."

But I suppose that would be doing business for someone else and we all know Hogan can't let anyone get over on him. Yeah, Sting wins but Hogan still has to hulk up and save the day. I wish one of his interviews last week asked him why he was such a parasite on the industry and refused to let younger talent succeed.
I think there are people whose argument for this move is because the feel like its just a way for Roode to chase the title a bit more.

Which could be valid but here is the problem.

Imagine if Chris Benoit lost the World Title Match at WMXX. Even though he would win it in the next night on RAW or the next PPV it just wouldn't feel the same. Despite eventually winning the title, all the momentum and build up to for WMXX for Benoit to have his moment would be gone. And I'm sure if Benoit lost the World Title Match at WMXX a lot of fans would have been pissed.

And it would have probably added a bit more salt in the would if lets say, Triple H (who had a lot of backstage heat at the time due to his politics), lobbied to retain the Title right before WMXX aired.

I think the anger fans have a Roode loosing the title would have been similar if Benoit lost the World Title match at WMXX with the same circumstance.

Now who is to say if Roode is ready to be the top guy in TNA, only time will tell. But at this point after 3 month BFG Series, and all that build up for fans to get behind Roode. Kind of feels like managment cheated the fans and Roode out of a great moment.

Let's face it ... if everyone was tested to be Championship Material before being 100% certain that they were we would not have had Kurt Angle, The Rock, Bret Hart, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Batista, Rey Mysterio, Goldberg, Kevin Nash, Mark Henry, and even John Cena winning their first World Titles.
Hogan’s a joke.

I believe Hogan used politics to cost Roode the title, entirely. All one has to do is look at the history of Hulk Hogan and his career to see that this is FAR more likely then it is unlikely. This doesn’t just make Hogan look like an ass, this makes the creative team that caved into his wishes look like a joke and the entire company look like shit.

This also exposes exactly what all the negatives of TNA are and I have officially just lost ALL hope in TNA. TNA has not made one fucking star themselves. There is not one main eventer in TNA that they have successful developed and made. They don’t even have any main event stars that can carry the company on when all the established older stars are fucking gone. Are we going to see Hogan, Sting, Kurt Angle ten years from now? Of course not.

The creative team wasted MONTHS having the Bound for Glory series play out. All of that time, effort and build ended with Bobby Roode winning and becoming the next potential star. They then wasted the following months before Bound for Glory building up Roode in the eyes of the audience, developing him into the next star and the next champion of the company. An then he LOSES at the biggest PPV of the year which was built entirely around that storyline coming to THAT ending. That makes TNA creative look like complete, incompetence failures.

Bobby Roode isn’t ready? How the FUCK is he not ready? He’s been part of the hottest tag team in the business for years now, proving how talented he is and being over with the crowd. This Bound for Glory series and the build up after it only gave him FURTHER momentum and got him even MORE over. People believed he was the next champion. People wanted to see him as the next champion. He was OVER as that next champion. So how in the hell is he not ready? And how in the HELL does TNA, their creative team, and Hogan, expect to ever CREATE future stars and the next main eventers of the company without giving those talents the ball and booking them to become that.

All of this is suck a joke, a sad and pathetic joke.

I’m done with TNA for good. I hope Roode and others are now smart enough to get the hell out of WCW version 2 and give themselves a chance at actually going somewhere in the business, because they’re going nowhere with TNA. It’s EXACTLY like what happened with Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho, and others before they left WCW and went to WWE.
yeah you're right, the BFG series was a complete waste. now the wrestler Bobby Roode and the wrestler James Storm are going to go back to being a tag team where everyone will only know them as Beer Money.

the BFG series was a big success. it MADE the names Bobby Roode and James Storm. especially "Bobby" Roode who was known as Robert Roode when he was a member of Beer Money. the BFG series is when Bobby Roode and James Storm first started wrestling in singles. how often does a wrestler start wrestling in singles and then in a short time period get the world heavy weight title?

before the BFG series, Bobby Roode and James Storm were Beer Money. Beer Money was over with the crowd. that's why the crowd chanted.. Beer, Money. now they are both established singles wrestlers who will/should continue to wrestling in singles match at the main event level.

we don't know what TNA has planned for Roode, so everyone should just let things unravel and see what happens. IF Roode fades back into being a relatively unknown then I would say this was a fail.
Exactly SpecialFNK. Why are people so shortsighted haha. This has made two new legit main eventers now in Roode and Storm and making the chase go longer will only help them grow as they will have even more time to develop themselves as singles stars. It's not like they are just going to go back to facing MA for the tag belts next impact. They will be involved in the main event scene now for a little while atleast and then we can see how much success they really are going to have.
You know this is his job, right? He's not some performer who's throwing his weight around to aid himself. His job is a backstage one to advise and have a say in what happens with the booking. If he did lobby to have Roode lose (or rather, Kurt Angle win) then fine, he's doing his job.

There's a lot of things you could legitimately give Hogan shit for, doing his job isn't one of them.

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