Hulk Hogan Lobbied for Robert Roode to Lose?

Bound for Glory right? Wrestlers angry with people in charge that happens but Hogan is a entertainer in the Ring not a constulant for Wrestling.He should give him ideas and that's it.Vince has a ego too but has experience dealing with egos from the Roster let's see how Dixie deals with it.Hogan and Eric are just taking money, and holding down guys who should be pushed, and not letting go of guys who passed their prime.
Even if Hogan did lobby for him to lose, it's his judgement. He doesn't think Roode is ready and therefore doesn't want him leading the company just yet. I've got no qualms with that.

The only criticism is the interview Hogan did claiming he wasn't ready. While it's his opinion, should he be saying this a week before Impact Wrestlings ''WrestleMania''. Answer? No. It doesn't help anyone. For Roode to hear this interview and then apparently already being scheduled to win the title to be then told ''Hey, Angles gonna keep the strap'' has to be a kick in the teeth to anyone.

I'm not disputing Hogan's decision to keep him from winning, just the timing of the interview a week before the big one.
I saw the link HoHo provided and I read the article that the link sent me to...and yes I listened to Hogan's interview, but I still don't buy what I read on the internet most times. It's a hard sell for me when you consider what the nature of the wrestling business is. Either way people are talking so it is what it is lol...whenever topics like this come up I always direct people to Rayne that dude knows what's up.

I see what your saying but look at it like this. Hogan recently signed a new deal with tna and last week in what seemed like the first time ever Hogan went on a little media tour to promote Bound for Glory. Do you think Dixie Carter is gonna upset Hogan by letting Roode win no matter what everybody else thinks? That's my point I think Dixie Carter thinks Hogan is invaluable to the company. I think Dixie Carter or whoever's running the company would rather piss off everybody even if it meant to keep Hogan happy.
Right. Mail me a list with all the TNA guys that left in frustration for WWE. Let alone one's that found success. You said it. Wrestling grows on the basis of making stars grow. Making Roode TNA Champion was seen by many as being a grow that was forced. Yeah, the crowds are receptive, but at the same time it's too quick an evolution on his part to actually say he could fully carry the company if he won. Did he not look good in the match? I thought he looked rock solid. But at the same time, he's coming out to tag team music and a very generic look. Hulk stored away a moment for another time. If Roode had won and didn't work out, would rinsing and repeating with another equally built guy seem as good a moment? No, it happened not long ago.

As for the stupidity of a company falling apart because Hogan said something with a good amount of truth and pointed out the flaws the talents? Right. If they can't take Hogan's bluntness, how are they supposed to deal with Vincent Kennedy McMahon?

Great post Killjoy, also let's play a hypothetical here...let's suppose EVERYTHING we're reading is true about this whole situation. Say Hogan had a change of heart and said "Give Roode the strap, BROTHER!!!" There are one of two things that would be said:

1) If Roode wins and becomes a successful champion, no one would give any credit to Hogan (who supposedly runs EVERYTHING behind the scenes), there would probably be some asinine statement from a Hogan hater saying..."Well that's one political battle Hogan finally lost!".

2) If Roode got the title and bombed...people would say "Oh no, they let old man Hogan make Roode the champion and look at where they are at now!!!" Trust me, I've read enough tripe on here to have a good feeling that either of these scenarios would play out had Roode gotten the strap at BFG last night.

Bottom line boys and girls is this, no matter what, for those that absolutely HATE Hogan there's no pleasing you. You all will find a way to still discredit Hogan in some way, shape or form. Not to say I am going to agree with everything Hogan has ever done in wrestling. Nor will I say that I've liked everything I've seen him do. But the point being is this, the dirt sheets love to buzz with sensationalism and negativity at every whim. That won't ever change, but good god people let's wise up to it for once!
1) The idea is to enjoy the show, not pander to the requests of "this guy should win" from a guy sitting on his computer as opposed to the guy picked by the largest names in the business


How about people who can think for themselves, trying, wanting, salivating to enjoy the show but couldn't because it was terrible?

How about maybe not having the guy tell the world that he didn't think Roode was ready, knowing that Hogan has a massive say in booking influence, a day before, meaning that the outcome - just as it happened - would see Roode jobbed out? Maybe, just maybe, leaving some suspence to the main event?

How about maybe giving younger guys opportunities and making the talent pool around you better, raising the team's game and not just making yourself look like the only individual worth anything? TWELVE YEARS AGO, future World Champions like Jericho, Guerrero and co knew that a man too old to actually wrestle was keeping them from performing to a higher standard. He's now 58 and saying that a guy can't go over someone who is talking about when he'll retire and instead praising a guy who could have Droz-ed someone in the ring while high? This is not only bad for the team but negligant, regardless of whether you think because he was hired, he knows more.

Or: how about watching a wrestling show that isn't about murdering each other, especially with terrific wrestlers such as Daniels and Styles, with a stabbing weapon involved? People want to see who is strongest, not potential violent murder of people they are fans of. Daniels should be arrested in the reality of storyline for attempted murder with thousands of witnesses, but then lets remember how Bischoff used the police with Goldberg the night of the fingerpoke of doom.
Roode and all of his fans should be happy he didn't receive the Bret Hart treatment from Hogan. Which is lobby to the boss that this guy is not ready then after a controversial finish swoop in play the hero and win an impromptu title match in less than a minute. Roode got off easy.

In my opinion when I see Roode I don't think he's ready he's almost there but what I would like to see is a 2 month feud with Angle before getting the gold first time champs need the struggle to see if they can get over with the crowd and casual fans. That's not a full knock on him TNA shares blame with that as well
Isn't Angle injured too? Bound for Glory=TNA's Wrestlemania any other PPV I bet no one will give a crap cause now the roster is upset, fans upset now you have to have Roode win that's forced.
I'm so goddamn fucking pissed that i can't see straight. :banghead: The only reason i ordered the PPV was because they made it obvious that roode was going to win. You just don't build up someone like that, than have loose. They ruined the whole ppv and the ppv was a very solid A, but by them doing this shit that lost all their momentum, and the PPV was a big fat F!

I've already shared my frustration via twiter and emailed TNA and i suggest everyone do the same, even though it won't work maybe they will know that they pissed off allot of people. I'm for one am about done with wrestling.. wwe is shite and tna has pulled this crap.

Hogan needs to DIE and should of been him in the jeep instead of macho!!

Every TNA orig should walk out!!
I'm so goddamn fucking pissed that i can't see straight. :banghead: The only reason i ordered the PPV was because they made it obvious that roode was going to win. You just don't build up someone like that, than have loose. They ruined the whole ppv and the ppv was a very solid A, but by them doing this shit that lost all their momentum, and the PPV was a big fat F!

I've already shared my frustration via twiter and emailed TNA and i suggest everyone do the same, even though it won't work maybe they will know that they pissed off allot of people. I'm for one am about done with wrestling.. wwe is shite and tna has pulled this crap.

Hogan needs to DIE and should of been him in the jeep instead of macho!!

Roode is that you?

Man chill. Worse things have happened in TNA and WWE. Atleast Roode main evented the show. I highly doubt it is the last you'll see of him.
Hold up man don't wish death on anyone.At WM 12 Vince did the same thing,promotion Shawn to beat Bret and that worked out.Roode's track record tells me it would of worked.
That's as true as BFG drawing 2500 fans in the arena.

Look, this is a hot time for the dirt sheets. Lots of people want to read lots of negative shit about TNA. That equals more hits for their websites. Now it's hogan lobbying. In a few days it will be Roode or AJ wanting to jump ship. Next week it will be roster morale being down. You know the drill.

If Hogan lobbied for Roode to lose - that's fine. I can see where he's coming from. The people who allowed it are the ones I'm mad at. Namely - Dixie Carter. Take his dick out of your ass and then run a company.

From what I read they only sold about 2500 tickets and they were papering tickets because their were certainly more than 2500 in that arena. But I also read a fan report that said a lot of the arena was empty. You could even see a good amount of empty seats on the camera shot when Abyss was looking from behind the stage. But I agree if Dixie or whoever is just taking Hogan's opinion they need to stop swallowing their tongue.
If this had happened Roode would be complaining right now. Simply a cheap report linking the interview to the match ending.

Sadly it's likely they knew as soon as Jeff Hardy ran to the ring and gave Roode and Storm the upperhand (three weeks ago) that that would be Roode's last moment of triumph. Everyone that won at the PPV had the laws of opposite momentum applied to them and Roode was doing way to well going into the PPV. That finish was not done at the last second, well perhaps the actual pin, but the outcome was likely always in favor of an Angle win.

How about people who can think for themselves, trying, wanting, salivating to enjoy the show but couldn't because it was terrible?

How about maybe not having the guy tell the world that he didn't think Roode was ready, knowing that Hogan has a massive say in booking influence, a day before, meaning that the outcome - just as it happened - would see Roode jobbed out? Maybe, just maybe, leaving some suspence to the main event?

I've already touched on this point to really can't win on an argument with someone about the whole Hogan/backstage stuff.

How about maybe giving younger guys opportunities and making the talent pool around you better, raising the team's game and not just making yourself look like the only individual worth anything? TWELVE YEARS AGO, future World Champions like Jericho, Guerrero and co knew that a man too old to actually wrestle was keeping them from performing to a higher standard. He's now 58 and saying that a guy can't go over someone who is talking about when he'll retire and instead praising a guy who could have Droz-ed someone in the ring while high? This is not only bad for the team but negligant, regardless of whether you think because he was hired, he knows more

Yeah, wrestling's had its share of missteps and lord knows mishaps. Bottom line is I think you forgot that Hogan's promo was all kayfabed. Which is like 99.9 percent of stuff in wrestling typically far as the younger guys argument goes, oh man, were you watching WCW in the late 90s? Considering that DDP, Flair, Sting, Nash and Savage were as much a part of the World Title picture in the late 90s as Hogan should dictate that you can't just point the finger at Hogan for those younger dudes not rising to the ranks of WCW right away. If Hogan's creative control was the be all end all, then would these guys have ever had the strap either? I doubt it. And when you think about how big of stars these aforementioned wrestlers are...why didn't they ever step up and lobby to get the younger guys in the title picture, either

Plus what would have happened to the Cruiserweight division if you just yanked guys like Kidman, Guerrero and Mysterio right out of it? It was bad enough they put Oklahoma and Medusa in there but at the time those smaller and younger guys were essential to keep that division going.

Or: how about watching a wrestling show that isn't about murdering each other, especially with terrific wrestlers such as Daniels and Styles, with a stabbing weapon involved? People want to see who is strongest, not potential violent murder of people they are fans of. Daniels should be arrested in the reality of storyline for attempted murder with thousands of witnesses, but then lets remember how Bischoff used the police with Goldberg the night of the fingerpoke of doom.

Ok so if Daniels should be arrested for attempted murder should the National Guard have had a stand down with the Undertaker at WrestleMania XV when he and The Brood hung The Big Bossman from the cell? Then again WrestleMania XV happened in the same city that BFG did last night. Maybe in the kayfabe-verse there's some weird loophole in Philadelphia state law that grants wrestlers immunity for any crime, up to and including acts of attempted murder. :shrug: Moving on, wrestling as a whole, I don't care if it's the WWF/E, WCW, TNA or any other organization...doesn't always have storylines that shine with real world plausibility. And why that is I think would have to do with the fact that...IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO!!!! Again for as great as wrestling is you're not paying to watch Othello or MacBeth dude...I'm sorry but that's a very nitpicky detail you're harping on. But yeah that's my two cents on that part of it.
See, the problem with this idea is that if you felt someone wasn't ready, you don't put them in the main event of your biggest show. Thus, you don't have them win a tournament spanning months and months of programming. The idea that this guy went through all of that, had quality matches along the way, became number one contender, had all sorts of videos made touting his good heart and all that, and then a day before the show it's determined he's "not ready". If that's true, not only is that bad for Roode, but it makes the company look like a bunch of buffoons. Now you've wasted months of programming because you put so much into building the guy and then, "eh, he's not ready". Absolutely dumb.

Also if this is true, it makes Hogan a big, blonde, balding hypocrite. OH NO, SAY IT AIN'T SO! Yep, Hogan's been saying how his match would close things but this is about the young guys brother! For two years I've heard him give interviews about how he loves working with and building the young talent. If that's true, why is it that none of that talent is ever put in a position to succeed? I know we can't believe all these reports, but Roode just lost and Jeff Hardy is rumored to get a title run. At no point does it seem there will be spots for the Morgans, Roodes, and other worthy younger talents of the world.

I'd honestly rather Hogan just be honest with us. Come out and say that you are running this thing the way you ran WCW. You, Hulk Hogan, need to be the biggest star and make sure everyone knows it, and the only people allowed to carry the strap are those who were built somewhere else and are already considered stars. That's the Hogoff way and it seems nothing has changed.

It's a shame, but that's the reality of it. Remember, had Roode won, the big moment of the show would have been his triumph, not Hogan's face turn. Now consider why Hogan might have had second thoughts.

If that's Hogan's opinion, so be it. I'm not completely sure Roode is ready, and I think much of his support comes simply from the fact that he is not one of the older guys. For example, you could have put Storm or Morgan or Crimson or Joe in that match against Angle, and they would have gotten the support of the fans simply because they weren't Angle or another veteran. Is Roode really a guy who can carry the company? I don't know.

I also agree with the previous poster who said that Hogan wasn't being selfish here. How does an Angle win/Roode loss help him personally? And I still think Roode can be champion. Due to the finish, he has a built-in excuse for a rematch, and they can do that on Impact or build the Angle/Roode feud for another month. It's not the end of the world.
See the thing is... I don't actually disagree with Hogan's reported sentiments.

Roode isn't ready, and he isn't the guy you can build a company around, IMO — BUT if that were truly the case, why the fuck did you just spend months building him into playing that role? It was a monstrous waste of time.

If Roode wasn't the guy and Morgan was, or AJ was or whoever was, that man (whoever it may be) should have been the one to win the BFG series. That man should have been the one to have all the hype surrounding him. That man should have won last night.
Also I need some help confirming this one here, but didn't Alberto Del Rio win the Royal Rumble only to lose the title match at WrestleMania? In fact, I think the last guy to win the Royal Rumble AND the title was in 2007 and that was The Undertaker. That is probably the last guy that needed to even do that to be a champion again. Correct me if I am wrong though folks. Yes I know Del Rio is the current champion...however isn't the whole point of the Royal Rumble to give that next guy the launching pad to greatness.

I am not saying I agree with Roode losing at BFG. It does seem like a momentum killer that he went through all this work in the storyline to win the BFG series and the only lose the title match in the process. However, if WWE has shown that ADR can still win the title despite several losses in title matches then I am sure Bobby Roode's character still has a fighting chance, right?
We all know within two months he will be World Champion but will it have the same value.Let's say Ric Flair never defeated Race at Starrcade, let's say he defeated him two weeks later at a house show, would we remember it? If he wins it months from now that value of the win is down.
Also I need some help confirming this one here, but didn't Alberto Del Rio win the Royal Rumble only to lose the title match at WrestleMania? In fact, I think the last guy to win the Royal Rumble AND the title was in 2007 and that was The Undertaker. That is probably the last guy that needed to even do that to be a champion again. Correct me if I am wrong though folks. Yes I know Del Rio is the current champion...however isn't the whole point of the Royal Rumble to give that next guy the launching pad to greatness.

I am not saying I agree with Roode losing at BFG. It does seem like a momentum killer that he went through all this work in the storyline to win the BFG series and the only lose the title match in the process. However, if WWE has shown that ADR can still win the title despite several losses in title matches then I am sure Bobby Roode's character still has a fighting chance, right?

Roode's character still has momentum. Not as much as he had going into the match last night, but he wasn't assassinated.

That isn't the real issue here. The real issue is the decision to nix giving the star they were obviously trying to build heading into the largest PPV of the year for the company the opportunity to have it all culminate with an epic win for his first World Title ever.

It just makes so little sense to cut the legs out from under the story like this, even if it means Roode winning a few weeks from now, as a lot of the air that was in the balloon to begin with has deflated coming off the loss from Bound For Glory.
Roode's character still has momentum. Not as much as he had going into the match last night, but he wasn't assassinated.

That isn't the real issue here. The real issue is the decision to nix giving the star they were obviously trying to build heading into the largest PPV of the year for the company the opportunity to have it all culminate with an epic win for his first World Title ever.

It just makes so little sense to cut the legs out from under the story like this, even if it means Roode winning a few weeks from now, as a lot of the air that was in the balloon to begin with has deflated coming off the loss from Bound For Glory.

Yeah, no doubt IDR, I agree with you completely on that. I'm just waiting for the TNA haters to come out though and just completely deride TNA for something that has been done elsewhere in wrestling before. But yeah I am definitely hearing ya on what you're saying about how this does affect Bobby Roode for the worse in many aspects.

I can't disagree with that at all but I know there are going to be people out there that just want to use this an another excuse to rip apart TNA. Hence why I had to make the post I made. Because I can definitely understand and appreciate people's resentment for this ending to BFG, however I am sure that double standards will come into play like I often see when some (not all) TNA critics have something to say.
Yeah, no doubt IDR, I agree with you completely on that. I'm just waiting for the TNA haters to come out though and just completely deride TNA for something that has been done elsewhere in wrestling before. But yeah I am definitely hearing ya on what you're saying about how this does affect Bobby Roode for the worse in many aspects.

I can't disagree with that at all but I know there are going to be people out there that just want to use this an another excuse to rip apart TNA. Hence why I had to make the post I made. Because I can definitely understand and appreciate people's resentment for this ending to BFG, however if the double standards come into play like I often see when some (not all) TNA critics have something to say.

Thing is... this time they have legitimate reason for their hatred. This was a stupid move. It's one thing to cut the legs out from under a rising young player, it's quite another to wait until the night of the biggest PPV of the year to do it in the main event match when you've spent months establishing the up-and-comer, poised to take the championship in dramatic fashion.

Normally I go to bat for TNA, but on this one they're on their own. Roode got screwed.
Thing is... this time they have legitimate reason for their hatred. This was a stupid move. It's one thing to cut the legs out from under a rising young player, it's quite another to wait until the night of the biggest PPV of the year to do it in the main event match when you've spent months establishing the up-and-comer, poised to take the championship in dramatic fashion.

Normally I go to bat for TNA, but on this one they're on their own. Roode got screwed.

Oh no doubt, IDR. I don't think BFG should have ended that way considering all that they have done storyline wise with Roode, but this year I've seen a host of disappointments from both sides and just look at this as being more of the same nonsense from both WWE and TNA. They've both found ways to disappoint me as a fan.
Thing is... this time they have legitimate reason for their hatred. This was a stupid move. It's one thing to cut the legs out from under a rising young player, it's quite another to wait until the night of the biggest PPV of the year to do it in the main event match when you've spent months establishing the up-and-comer, poised to take the championship in dramatic fashion.

Normally I go to bat for TNA, but on this one they're on their own. Roode got screwed.

And this is why I like IDR. He'll often defend TNA to no end, but when something truly sucks, he's not afraid to go the other way on it. I appreciate that and I'm glad you aren't buying into the propoganda here.

It's as simple as you are saying. Literally MONTHS went into the BFG series and the guy who won has that as legitimacy to his name. He beat out 11 other names to get a shot. That guy then got beat in an anti-climactic ending at TNA's biggest PPV of the year. I could maybe swallow this if it was at Hard Justice and Roode got the shot randomly. However, this was months of build that Roode basically got screwed out of. Ready or not, you had to put him over there and it didn't happen. It's really a shame and I feel for the guy.
See the thing is... I don't actually disagree with Hogan's reported sentiments.

Roode isn't ready, and he isn't the guy you can build a company around, IMO — BUT if that were truly the case, why the fuck did you just spend months building him into playing that role? It was a monstrous waste of time.

If Roode wasn't the guy and Morgan was, or AJ was or whoever was, that man (whoever it may be) should have been the one to win the BFG series. That man should have been the one to have all the hype surrounding him. That man should have won last night.

Holy crap, a comment from our TNA moderator that's almost critical of the product ;)

Of course I'm kidding, that's what makes you a great moderator in a tough section, the fact that you can be critical when it is deserved, such as now.

Two questions for you though. If Roode is "not ready", who should have taken his spot? Sly made a post earlier today whereby he listed practically the whole upper half of the roster, and everyone was either too old, too green, didn't need it, or wasn't ready. If not Roode, who, because I feel Roode is very much ready.

Plus, what is it about Roode that makes him "not ready"? He doesn't have to hold the belt forever or carry the company singlehandedly on his shoulders just because he won last night, if he had. He's been around a long time. He's been solo and tag team and faction, heel and face, he's had longevity, is OK on the mic and good in the ring. Not to draw WWE into the discussion, but they have put the strap on guys at various times who may or may not have been ready, with differing degrees of success. There was no guarantee Cena was "ready" when he won his first title, and that worked out OK. There's certainly no guarantee that ADR is ready right now. Swagger, Henry, the list goes on and on of guys who may or may not have been ready. What harm would there been in taking a shot on Roode? If it worked out, great. If not just take it from him again down the road, no harm done. Either way it would be better than politicking a home grown talent out of the opportunity to prove if he is ready or not.
If Hogan didn't think Roode should be a top guy I still think he should of had Roode win and take the title off him at the next ppv simple.

What? So rather than groom the guy to finally win the title when he's ready to have a great run as champion, let's just pacify the crybabies with a one-month title reign? You guys are being so ridiculous with this! All of this backlash is basically the "instant gratification" crowd crying or the "bitches gonna bitch" crowd living up to their name. Anyone who really looks at this objectively and with TNA's best interests in heart knows that a Roode win was not going to be ideal.

Besides, how long has Angle held the title? Don't most you always complain about short title reigns? Why not give him a little more time with the belt to make it more meaningful when it's lost?

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