Hulk Hogan Lobbied for Robert Roode to Lose?

Probably the reason why Roode lost and it does not mention Hogan

Many people within TNA expect Roode to eventually win the title, either at an Impact taping or the next PPV, however, it's being said that some believe TNA is eager to please Jeff Hardy at the moment, and might opt to make him the next Champion.

Now I am not a TNA guy ... but what I've seen from Roode is something that had potential. Provided he won the TNA Title at Bound For Glory, wheather it would have worked out or not, I would have given kudos for TNA in building their own guys as stars.

As for Jeff Hardy ... err he's main event materail, if/when he's reliable, but I question managment if this was true especially the fiasco in Victory Road. If they want to give him another chance, thats fine, but giving him the World Title right now is too soon especially in the condition he is in.
Here's my take on the situation. Hogan is a cancer in the wrestling business, always has been, always will do. It's time for Dixie Carter and Panda Energy to play doctor and cut out the cancer and his buddies!!!! Hogan is one of the most recognized names in the business, I'll admit that, but Vince McMahon made him who he is. Dixie Carter needs to take a step back and re-evaluate her decisions to bring Hogan and Bischoff in, they have done little to improve the company's ratings. The money she pays them used be used in much better ways.
Here's my take on the situation. Hogan is a cancer in the wrestling business, always has been, always will do. It's time for Dixie Carter and Panda Energy to play doctor and cut out the cancer and his buddies!!!! Hogan is one of the most recognized names in the business, I'll admit that, but Vince McMahon made him who he is. Dixie Carter needs to take a step back and re-evaluate her decisions to bring Hogan and Bischoff in, they have done little to improve the company's ratings. The money she pays them used be used in much better ways.

Hogan was a star on the rise before he returned to the WWF in the early 80s. Nothing is built overnight, one reason that I think Hogan did not do for TNA what he did for WCW was because of number 1, his age. But more importantly Hogan wasn't coming into an organization that had a following for decades like WCW had going all the way back to its days as Jim Crockett Promotions. That's not to discredit Hogan because I think his track record being a big name star in the AWA and WWF helped WCW's fortunes and gave them that extra edge. However TNA despite having some talent of its own prior to Hogan's arrival does not have that history that WCW had when Hogan went there.

But to say that Hogan has ALWAYS been a cancer to wrestling I think is a bit of hyperbole and I am going to go back to my tried and true statement that unless you are intimate with the inner workings of the business then that opinion is without a doubt excessive. Sure Vince pushed Hogan beyond what Verne Gagne was willing to but guys like Hogan that make it to where they make it in the entertainment world have something that sets them apart from everyone else. To say it was only Vince McMahon's doing as to why we know the name Hulk Hogan today is just a tad bit of an oversimplification.
Bobby is one of the few TNA chars, that could legit be a top guy in WWE, HH doing his best, they listen to him because he's a "Legend" but he's also putting the title on someone he brought to the company, it's awful, the low amount of respect I had for this cretin is gone, he lobbied to let the next big thing in IW do the job to kurt, who's injured, great,
I've just finished watching BFG and felt a little let down by the ending. The only reason I watched and I'm sure a lot of other people did was to see Roode win the belt. I felt a bit disappointed but in all fairness, I downloaded the thing, so I don't really have the right to complain :P

Although I did see something like this coming. Sounds like the kind of thing you would expect TNA to do anyway.

As for Hogan lobbying, I was not surprised. And after reading what he said about Roode not being ready, you could kind of see this happening. Or maybe Hogan didn't want Roode to have a bigger BFG moment than him. Doesn't sound like something Hogan would do though...
Don't you think Angle was customed made for Roode to look good in the Ring, and pass the torch to.I wonder if Roode and Angle can put on better match we will see.No one in TNA could of put Roode over better especially last night than Angle.Its bad enough the Ring didn't have no Bound for Glory mat it didn't feel like a big fight ppv.The fans kept it alive.Rolling the dice risky..
One of the largest concerns here is the morale in the back. TNA has already been known to have a relatively volatile backstage environment and Hogan could have just cost himself almost all support from the homegrown talent. There's no upside to this situation at all.

Was Roode ready for a title reign? I don't think so.
Would it have hurt to give him a shot? Absolutely not.

This is another example of TNA shooting themselves in the foot.
We know that Hogan gave an interview in which he basically shot Roode down as the next guy in TNA. Some say it was Hogan just in character but I just never bought into that explanation. He put Roode down while hyping James Storm & Jeff Hardy and it goes against what his character has been doing. Just doesn't really fit in.

Is it possible that Hogan is responsible for Roode not winning? Sure, I don't see why not. We all know that Hulk Hogan has major stroke in TNA and we all know that Dixie Carter just flat out loves him. Like Kurt Angle, Dixie Carter will basically give Hulk Hogan anything he wants. After all, if this took place in WWE then we'd have no problem accepting that Vince McMahon changed his mind and didn't want Roode to carry the strap. I don't really see why it's so hard to believe that Hogan is capable of doing the same thing in TNA. There doesn't really seem to be any sort of defense of Hogan doing this, if it's true, other than the same old "Hulk Hogan's a legend" and "he's the biggest draw in wrestling history" stuff that we always see tossed about whenever someone isn't happy with Hogan. I guess "because he's Hulk Hogan" is justification in the minds of some people for some reason.

If Hulk Hogan did sabotage Roode's match at BFG, then it's a shame for TNA. It suggests that Roode probably won't be wearing the title anytime soon, or maybe ever, as long as Hogan is in the company.
IF this was true and this is the reason why he lost then i dont agree with it. Roode is hot as hot can be. now if Roode eventually wins it at Impact that would be dumb, BUT if he wins it at the next PPV then i am ok with the decision, BUT if they do give the title to Hardy at that next ppv, then TNA made a HUGE mistake. dont get me wrong, Hardy is loved by his fans and he can wrestle, BUT it's too soon for him to be trusted to run with a title. Roode should have a run and if they want Hardy to have the title have Hardy take it 5 months later with a heel Roode vs. a face Hardy, but Hardy vs. Angle for the title just smells of typical TNA of pushing the established stars and not giving the younger talent a run.
I've been quite vocal for the ending of BFG but in all fairness Hogan did what he thought was best for TNA, not himself.

Hogan gains nothing by Roode losing so he was just giving his honest opinion on it. I don't like that he went to the public and basically said Roode wasn't ready, I feel he buried Roode by doing so but for him to lobby Roode not winning in the back wasn't exactly a bad move on Hogan's.

I'm guessing you either don't play chess or aren't good at it.

See, the most shrewd politicians don't just sabotage people that are a direct threat to them. They observe, they watch and they remember. They know who is gonna be useful to them in the future and who isn't, and then maneuver to keep the ENTIRE chess board moving their way. Kurt Angle loves Hogan and Hogan loves Angle. Why wouldn't he want a top guy that's in his back pocket to remain a top guy. C'mon man.

Anyone defending Hogan, tell me ONE, just ONE star that Hogan created by putting them over when the writing wasn't already on the wall? The ONLY two anybody ever point to are Goldberg, whose momentum was huge and it was the obvious thing to do, and Warrior, who Hogan never wanted to put over and trashes him to this very day when it suits him.

Hogan vouched for Jeff friggin' Hardy, a guy whose already won the WWE title and TNA title several times. Hogan is about old guys, already over guys, and people who benefit him.
i think its highly likely that backstage politics caused roode to not get a title run. If anyone could sabotage this it may be a combination of hogan and angle why would any wrestler want to give there top spot to another wrestler? What sensible wrestler he wouks with would really want him to get to the top before him... roode now has a basis and a good motivational factor to be built into a champ.
Ok, I'd like to know when we the fans became experts? How the hell do any of us have any right to say who is ready or who is not ready to be champion? I mean I know we are sitting in our offices at the TNA or WWE headquarters but really, tell me why he isn't ready? And if he isn't ready, he shouldn't have been in the main event wrestling for a heavyweight title.Jeff Hardy is a time bomb waiting to go off. Do you really want to make him the face of your company? What happened last time?
I'm guessing you either don't play chess or aren't good at it.

See, the most shrewd politicians don't just sabotage people that are a direct threat to them. They observe, they watch and they remember. They know who is gonna be useful to them in the future and who isn't, and then maneuver to keep the ENTIRE chess board moving their way. Kurt Angle loves Hogan and Hogan loves Angle. Why wouldn't he want a top guy that's in his back pocket to remain a top guy. C'mon man.

Anyone defending Hogan, tell me ONE, just ONE star that Hogan created by putting them over when the writing wasn't already on the wall? The ONLY two anybody ever point to are Goldberg, whose momentum was huge and it was the obvious thing to do, and Warrior, who Hogan never wanted to put over and trashes him to this very day when it suits him.

Hogan vouched for Jeff friggin' Hardy, a guy whose already won the WWE title and TNA title several times. Hogan is about old guys, already over guys, and people who benefit him.

Sweet lord, wow Hulk Hogan is setting a precedent here, like he's the ONLY guy in the entertainment world that would look after his own best interets. So how privy are you to the business multiverseman? Or are you just basing EVERYTHING you just stated about Hulk Hogan based on your opinion and what you read on the dirt sheets? Seriously now...regardless of what Hulk Hogan wanted or didn't want to do i.e. put over The Warrior and Goldberg, he still did it.

Nothing changes the fact that he still did it despite what you might think you know about something involving business that I am sure you had no part of. And if Hogan's comments about Warrior are indeed sincere and not just part of him working his "gimmick" like he often does, then maybe he''s right to say the things he has about Warrior. After all Hogan stayed as far away from The Warrior in the storylines following WrestleMania VI and Warrior was proven to NOT be the guy to carry on and fill Hogan's shoes. If you want to blame Hogan for that just based on the "gospel" and "wisdom" you get off the internet than I say your argument has no legs.

I'm sure the underbelly of the wrestling world is a sick one at times, but again think of it we live in a society where we as a whole worship iconic figures. If anyone here thinks that these people are infallible...then you're sadly mistaken. Oh and by the way not that he HAD to do it but it didn't hurt...Hogan getting crushed by Brock Lesnar en route to Brock's SummerSlam 2002 title win was a pretty good showing. I am sure at any point someone like Hogan even at his age still had the star power enough to say "No go.", after all didn't Steve Austin do just that when asked to lose to Lesnar. Again, I go with work on Austin's walkout of the company, but again since the interent is so privy to believe everything they hear about Hogan, let's not be so selective here, right?
It's very believable that Hogan was behind Roode not winning the title. I don't get why Hogan would say what he said about Roode not being ready to be champion a few days before the PPV. Some thought he was talking in character, others myself included. Took it as Hogan being Hogan and basically ruining the ending to the match which turned out to be true. It wasn't very smart on Hogan's part. You will never see Vince McMahon or any other wrestling executive telling the world a guy in the main event of their biggest PPV isn't ready to be a top guy.

The only reason I could see Hogan not wanting Roode to win the title is it would have overshadowed his face turn. That I don't think anyone really cares about anyway. It was a really bad move on TNAs part to derail Roodes momentum. It's also bad for business to have Hogan bashing TNA talent in the media.
I'm not a Hulk Hogan fan but I think the Sting/Hogan match should have been the main event. It involved two of the biggest names of all time in a match to decide control of the company - and also Hogan turning face in his last match. It's hard to think that a title change would have meant the same on the same night.

I'm still not a Hogan fan and I'm sure he puts his own intrests first but then again how many stars don't ???
First about the interview. Many say that what Hogan said about Roode was completely a 'Kayfabe' or a comment. I disagree. See, there were other things said in the interview too. He praised Jeff Hardy and even praised James Storm. That was not 'Kayfabe'. He said his match wasn't going to be a wrestling match because he couldn't take any bumps anymore. That was neither in character nor 'Kayfabe'. What he said about Robert Roode were his true feelings.

Next, we talk about Robert Roode not being 'ready'. What exactlt is this 'ready'? In the words of Immortal Hulk Hogan, the whole world might think that he is ready but in Hogan's mind, Roode is not ready. So the whole world being behind you does not equate to being 'ready'? Sure there were doubters. And there are gonna be doubters and those who disagree. But going in the Bound For Glory, every single viewer or the most of them, were buying the hype of Robert Roode. People say that he was a tag-team player. He did not have that strong a build-up that Stone Cold had after his 3:16 moment. It took Stone Cold over 1.5 - 2 years to become the World Champion from being the Ringmaster. And Robert Roode is being built only for 1-2 months. Excuse my over the top antics but, Really? Really? Really? Really? So you will count every moment of Austin's career from debuting as Ring-Master, to winning King of the Ring, to the Austin 3:16 interview, to Bret Hart feud all the way down to his winning the big one against Shawn Michaels as 'build' while you will mention Bobby Roode's 7 year long stint at TNA as a mere 'footnote'? Sure he was tag-wrestling but he was 'Wrestling'. And it is not one of those teams that you perceive will be tag-teams for their rest of lives. Everyone has been predicting a Beer Money split since over a yer, everyone wanted to see Robert Roode break-out for over a year, well most wanted that anyways. And what a better build than 'Bound for Glory Series'?

His build began a long before 'BFG series' in a non-intentional way, but let's say that it didn't begin upto 'BFG Series'. Let's look at the BFG series then. His story was building. Just like of every other 11 wrestlers. He was being built when he wasn't able to get the points. He was being built when he was 'this' close to a win but did not win. He was being built when he was wrestling with an injured arm. He was being built when he broke out, he got his first win and first points. He was being built when he was slowly moving up the rankings. He was being built going into No Surrender. He was being built when he won the BFG Series. His 'build' was as good as possible. He wasn't going to be a break-out star that Steve Austin was. Or even if he was, it didn't seem there right now. But he was surely going to be the 'Shawn Michaels'-esque Star. There was no doubt about that.

The other arguement that people are making is why should a BFG Series winner win the World Championship and why we show double standards when a Royal Rumble winner does not win the World Championship. Both these tournaments are meant to do the same thing, make big stars, right? This arguement can not be any further from truth. BFG Series happenned for the first time. The first winner had the momentum going into it that no one in the company winning a random Battle Royal or other such tournament had. Royal Rumble, on the other hand, has been happening for 20 years and for 19 years for 'the title'. We can't have every single Royal Rumble winner become Champion. And whenever a young star/long-time veteran who has had momentum of truly breaking out has won a Royal Rumble, has gone on to win the World Title. Alberto Del Rio did not win the World Title this year, despite winning the RR because he did not have as much momentum and because, he was a 'Heel'. These momentums of breaking out are meant for 'face' characters.

There is an arguement doing rounds that it is not the end of the world. He lost in a controversial fashion. He can eventually win the title in some impact-tapings or subsequent PPV. - It's possible. I don't doubt that. But with the amount of fans that have been pissed off by the ending, I wouldn't be so sure whether the damage can be undone. And oh, the damage has been done. You can't ignore that. Bobby Roode's momentum has been lost. I hope that TNA moves forward in a better way and they can come out of this damage. Because WCW never managed to recover from StarCade 97. Even if it took 4 years for it to go down, that particular event is considered the death or downfall of WCW.
I'm not a Hulk Hogan fan but I think the Sting/Hogan match should have been the main event. It involved two of the biggest names of all time in a match to decide control of the company - and also Hogan turning face in his last match. It's hard to think that a title change would have meant the same on the same night.

I'm still not a Hogan fan and I'm sure he puts his own intrests first but then again how many stars don't ???

I see what you are saying about Sting and Hogan being last due to the stipulation of the match but it was best to not have it as the closing match. I doubt this is Hogan's last match in his semi-retirement, there will probably be another reason down the line for him to get into the ring again but despite how unfortunate the booking was for the title match, Roode vs Angle was the best choice for the final match of the night.

And as far as what you said about Hogan putting his own best interests first, it's definitely hard to debate that point, as far as the Hogan comments about Roode recently, at this point in the wrestling business I have given up trying to tell truth from reality anymore. After all we're talking about a wrestling business that in this day and age values a kayfabe death (Mr. McMahon's limo death) over paying proper respect to someone like Sensational Sherri when she legit passed away. The WWE website made her than a little blip at the bottom of the screen to Vince's in memoriam thumb nail graphic on the site's latest news section. Again I know it sounds like apples and oranges but when you really think about it, the lines of fantasy and reality have not been crossed, they've not been blurred they've just outright been obliterated. So yes while I think Hogan's comments may not have been what I wanted to hear, do I really think he meant them, not necessarily. I still think it could have been kayfabe even if I think such a thing was not in the best of taste. Again with wrestling I wholeheartedly don't think anyone in the "fan zone" really know where the fantasy and reality boundaries are anymore.


Yeah, it sounds like I am reaching and yes I know that when you consider Sherri was far removed from the WWE family it might not seem like THAT BIG of a deal. But think of it like this, Vince McMahon was promoting an angle "faking his death" while someone who was a part of his company's history legitimately passed away. It's of course a shame that Chris Benoit's death a week later had to stop this stupid angle (which never should have happened in the first place). But this just goes to show you how much the reality and fantasy line has changed in this day and age, and if you want my opinion...not for the better. If you want to verify the validity of this image...go to the following URL to see I am telling the truth on this one.

I see what you are saying about Sting and Hogan being last due to the stipulation of the match but it was best to not have it as the closing match. I doubt this is Hogan's last match in his semi-retirement, there will probably be another reason down the line for him to get into the ring again but despite how unfortunate the booking was for the title match, Roode vs Angle was the best choice for the final match of the night.

And as far as what you said about Hogan putting his own best interests first, it's definitely hard to debate that point, as far as the Hogan comments about Roode recently, at this point in the wrestling business I have given up trying to tell truth from reality anymore. After all we're talking about a wrestling business that in this day and age values a kayfabe death (Mr. McMahon's limo death) over paying proper respect to someone like Sensational Sherri when she legit passed away. The WWE website made her than a little blip at the bottom of the screen to Vince's in memoriam thumb nail graphic on the site's latest news section. Again I know it sounds like apples and oranges but when you really think about it, the lines of fantasy and reality have not been crossed, they've not been blurred they've just outright been obliterated. So yes while I think Hogan's comments may not have been what I wanted to hear, do I really think he meant them, not necessarily. I still think it could have been kayfabe even if I think such a thing was not in the best of taste. Again with wrestling I wholeheartedly don't think anyone in the "fan zone" really know where the fantasy and reality boundaries are anymore.


Yeah, it sounds like I am reaching and yes I know that when you consider Sherri was far removed from the WWE family it might not seem like THAT BIG of a deal. But think of it like this, Vince McMahon was promoting an angle "faking his death" while someone who was a part of his company's history legitimately passed away. It's of course a shame that Chris Benoit's death a week later had to stop this stupid angle (which never should have happened in the first place). But this just goes to show you how much the reality and fantasy line has changed in this day and age, and if you want my opinion...not for the better. If you want to verify the validity of this image...go to the following URL to see I am telling the truth on this one.

I can't believe you found this I remember this and I was PISSED! This was the craziest two weeks in WWE history and the one who should have been honored gets a little tid bit on the bottom of the page not even a 10 bell salute.

And yes the lines of fantasy and reality has changed and not for the better.

Good Work on this find.
This is probably a smart pr move by TNA. Unlike most of you I think they have a good story surrounding this that we will see sooner than later. However, you need to bridge the gap. So why not have Hogan take the heat for something that is sure to piss off IWC types instead of have them direct their ire at the company. Assuming this is actually real, anyone that thinks Hogan is the ONLY person backstage that felt this way isn't in touch with reality.

I do understand the why have the match question but what were they going to do? It isn't like Roode lost clean or anything either. The story isn't over. Roode didn't really lose anything off of what he has been lately except the match. Angle is built up even more now in his role and I do not see why people keep dismissing the relevance of that development.
Sweet lord, wow Hulk Hogan is setting a precedent here, like he's the ONLY guy in the entertainment world that would look after his own best interets.

Just because other people do dirt, doesn't mean it's ok when you do it. That's like saying it was ok that you robbed that bank because other criminals have done much worse.

So how privy are you to the business multiverseman? Or are you just basing EVERYTHING you just stated about Hulk Hogan based on your opinion and what you read on the dirt sheets?

I have no direct proof that Hulk Hogan and Robert Roode aren't cyborgs from another planet, but I see, I hear, I read and I have been watching for many, many years. I think between all those I can form a reasonable opinion. If I'm wrong, fine. My opinion is only my opinion in the first place.

I was being generous to include those two. Even if I were to go with your logic, it's still pretty damn pathetic on his part as far as giving back to the youngsters. If Roode's not the guy, fine....then who's the guy? When has Hogan created a star?

And if Hogan's comments about Warrior are indeed sincere and not just part of him working his "gimmick" like he often does, then maybe he''s right to say the things he has about Warrior. After all Hogan stayed as far away from The Warrior in the storylines following WrestleMania VI and Warrior was proven to NOT be the guy to carry on and fill Hogan's shoes. If you want to blame Hogan for that just based on the "gospel" and "wisdom" you get off the internet than I say your argument has no legs.

Ok, what part of a gimmick involves consistently degrading a wrestler that is not only no longer relevant, but by all accounts never did a thing to hurt your "character" other than fictitiously beat you? I could understand if Warrior was a bad guy and beat Hogan. Then it'd be an example of another evil guy thinking he's going to kill Hulkamania, blah, blah, etc. They were both faces. What's the benefit?

I'm sure the underbelly of the wrestling world is a sick one at times, but again think of it we live in a society where we as a whole worship iconic figures. If anyone here thinks that these people are infallible...then you're sadly mistaken.

I don't think anyone is infallible, especially Hogan. In fact, I think that's my point. He's an proven opportunist. Yeah people make mistakes and Hogan's just happened to have been ruthless politicking.

Oh and by the way not that he HAD to do it but it didn't hurt...Hogan getting crushed by Brock Lesnar en route to Brock's SummerSlam 2002 title win was a pretty good showing. I am sure at any point someone like Hogan even at his age still had the star power enough to say "No go.", after all didn't Steve Austin do just that when asked to lose to Lesnar. Again, I go with work on Austin's walkout of the company, but again since the interent is so privy to believe everything they hear about Hogan, let's not be so selective here, right?

1. Lesnar never pinned Hogan. Coincidence?
2. He never made Hogan submit. Coincidence?
3. Lesnar was already champ before and already the man. See a pattern?
4. Hogan was under contract and on his very last legs. Vince wanted him retired from active in-ring performing and eventually let him go. Hogan then stated he wouldn't mine one more run, preferrably where he didn't end up "on his back all the time". His words.
6. Hogan then went on from that non-defeat to pin Shawn Michaels and the future young superstar Randy Orton for some reason.
What? So rather than groom the guy to finally win the title when he's ready to have a great run as champion, let's just pacify the crybabies with a one-month title reign? You guys are being so ridiculous with this! All of this backlash is basically the "instant gratification" crowd crying or the "bitches gonna bitch" crowd living up to their name. Anyone who really looks at this objectively and with TNA's best interests in heart knows that a Roode win was not going to be ideal.

Besides, how long has Angle held the title? Don't most you always complain about short title reigns? Why not give him a little more time with the belt to make it more meaningful when it's lost?

Yes because nothing's wrong with a one month title reign. They could've had Roode win the title from Angle at Bfg and then have James Storm come celebrate with Roode afterwards and then at their next ppv they could of had Storm screw Roode out of his title match. Nothing's so horribly wrong with that.
First of all, I'm not even sure if this is legit. Second, I would think the reason PW Insider used Hogan as the man who changed the match ending is only because of him bashing (in kayfabe or not) Bobby Roode and saying he's not ready.

So, considering this is true, than I don't understand why they even did the whole tournament at all. They could have at least given Roode a chance to see how the ratings would go, and who would want to watch Bobby Roode champion. I don't know, but considering this is Hulk Hogan were talking about, maybe he did want the match ending to change. I wouldn't put it past Hogan to use his own personal preference over business ventures (he did it before in WCW) and act like his own opinion is the one that really matters.

No, I didn't watch the PPV last night, but seeing the dismay and disappointment of the people who wanted a young-homegrown talent to win the TNA Championship after a year and a half of former WWE talents, it would have been much better for TNA's benefit to allow Roode to win, because having a screwing finish and a potential rematch of Impact or the next PPV won't feel the same. Like I said before, they could have at least tried it out, and see how it went with Roode winning. Take a chance and see the reward. Also Roode winning would have made alot of TNA's fans very happy and looking towards the future, now Roode will probably win the Championship with no build on a Impact taping like how RVD won it in 2010.
The thing I have a problem with in this whole thing is 1 not only did Hogan run his mouth(supposedly in character as he claims) days before their biggest ppv of the year saying that Roode was not ready and he is not the guy, but Angle was going into the match already injured, and reportedly is taking some time off and will be gone for at least a little while. So, knowing that beforehand, while have Angle go over, if it the rumors are true and Angle is gone from tv for a while. Where does that leave the World title. It that happens will they just keep the title on Angle until he comes back, which would be rediculous, or will we have another Rob Van Dam situation where they decided to vacate the tile rather than have RVD lose it in a match because he was at the end of his contract dates. If they do this and Roode wins the vacant title it will mean nothing because Angle can come back and say that He never lost the title and it will look like Roode is a paper champion because they didn't want him to beat Angle.
hmmm so wwe wont listen to stone cold steve austin when he says someone is good (someone who isnt a senile old man, and has good ideas), yet tna listens to hulk hogan.... BS!! complete BS!!! hulk hogan lost my respect. you dont put a young guy in the main event of a huge ppv (not to mention against an injured champion) and have him completely job and just flat out lose. sure it was a great match. but the ending was garbage. so upsetting. Robert Roode has so much support, he gets great pops, he has the look, the attitude, the charisma, the wrestling skills. he has it. however im hoping theres a bigger picture to this. roode vs kurt angle at the next ppv! i think so! then have roode win. then have a 3rd match and have roode win again. but thats just a thought. hulk hogan wont let it happen.....
Absoultely Hogan had something to do with this! He burried Roode in that interview. As much of a Hogan fan as I am and was- the MF'ers time is up! He really has nothing and I mean NOTHING left to offer the sport! And after what happened last night I am done with TNA. I have been watching since weekly PPV number one and right around 2006-2007 the company started to become a mess. After Hogan and Bischoff came in it became damn near unwatchable. Still, I stuck in there for Sting (favorite wrestler). And even though he isn't what he use to be I had a sense of loyalty to the guy. BUT- after last night not even that will keep me watching TNA. They are a company that doesn't get it. They constantly push guys that are past their prime or former WWE talents at the expense of their home grown stars. The company doesn't get it and will NEVER get it. So, I am done. WWE is an un watchable soap opera who ruined the CM Punk story line in favor of HHH and their current (talentless) champion, TNA is just a mess that has no direction and ROH is a small man spot fest. I recently bought every episode of WCW Monday Nitro, Thunder, NWA/WCW Power hour, NWA/WCW Saturday night and NWA/WCW Mainevent. That's enough WCW and NWA stuff to watch on Monday and Thursday nights for the next 30 years without watching a repeat. So, goodbye current "wrestling" product! I'd rather live in wrestlings past than in the "wrestling" present. Hogan, Bischoff, Dixie, Russo, and the McMahon Family can bite me!

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