Jeff Hardy: The Next Champ?

We all hoped he had really changed the countless previous times. But let's face reality, had he really truely wanted to change it wouldn't have taken this many times to fix it.

I hate to sound heartless on New Years, but how many chances does a guy deserve because he's a celebrity? No more than you'd give a co-worker, your mailman, or your neighbor
Jeff hardy has had more chances than i care to remember!! I want to believe in him i just dont!! Just waiting for that shoe to drop!! Its a question of when and if he will mess up.. Sorry dont mean to flame mr hardy but its true
It would obviously be the RIGHT decision for TNA.Hell, the only time I watch is when Hardys in a match.But they're TNA so if it's the best thing to do, they're going to do anything but.
Well it is pretty much inevitable that Hardy will win the title at some point. He is by far the biggest draw the company has whether people on here like it or not. However, I don't believe he should win the title at Genesis because TNA should make this more about Hardy's chase for the title. He has only been back for what? 4 months? He really shouldn't be getting this shot yet but he really has nothing else to do at this point.. That being said, the money is always in the face chasing the heel. If Hardy is gonna win the belt from Roode it shouldn't happen until Lockdown. The other thing is, what is TNA gonna do with James Storm? Once he is done with Angle the only way to go is Roode. That feud would mean so much more with the belt involved because that is why Roode turned on Storm in the first place.
Anyone ever think that if Jeff goes back to the WWE (which he eventually will I have no doubt) that everyone who is bashing him now will jump BACK on the bandwagon and praise him again? I think jeff hardy's heat is 50% for him screwing up and 50% for just being in TNA.
Anyone ever think that if Jeff goes back to the WWE (which he eventually will I have no doubt) that everyone who is bashing him now will jump BACK on the bandwagon and praise him again? I think jeff hardy's heat is 50% for him screwing up and 50% for just being in TNA.

Pretty sure you're dillusional on both accounts. No it's not because he's in TNA. He's a screw up, plain and simple. There's already been rumors of him being messed up before PPV's since he's been back. Not to mention all of the countless times before. And also, I don't think he'll ever be back in WWE. I don't care how much he draws, he's not worth the risk. He has a hard enough time handling the easier TNA schedule as it is. Now if he rights his ways, which I hope he does, I will gladly eat crow. I have no problem doing that if it means someone not screwing their life up anymore. But I still don't think WWE takes that chance on him again. At least not for a long time.

As for him being the next Champion. Of course it's gonna happen eventually. He's one of the biggest draws they have. But I don't think they should give it to him right away. The chase is always better than the achievement. I'd say wait for the next PPV or even the one after that. Build up Robert Roode a little more. Unless it goes downhill from here though, cuz since his win it seems to me his reign has gotten progressively more boring.
I can't believe so many people are "giving the time of day" to the notion that Hardy will actually win the belt at Genesis.

This seems clear to me what they are doing...

They want to work up to the real money fued- which is obviously Storm/Roode, everything points to it and everything is building to it. But, to make it as big as they know it should be, TNA did the smart thing and "hit the pause button" and seperated the two on the card for the time being so that they can build each man independently as fully over and appreciated singles stars, not just two guys seen as ex-tag partners settling their differences- this program needs to be much bigger than that.

What is the number one way to get Roode over as heel world champ?? Easy- work him in programs against your most over and credible babyfaces. They started with AJ, have now moved on to Jeff, and they sprinkled in some anti-establishment too pitting him against Sting and Dixie.

Jeff Hardy will always be seen as a real threat to start a new championship run, which makes him the best possible opponent right now, and conversely beating a heel Angle at every turn is the best possible scenario for Storm right now... ultimately both Roode and Storm will go over in these current pairings, and then TNA will proceed on to their logical destination point- a prolonged program between Roode and Storm for the belt.
Pretty sure you're dillusional on both accounts. No it's not because he's in TNA. He's a screw up, plain and simple. There's already been rumors of him being messed up before PPV's since he's been back. Not to mention all of the countless times before. And also, I don't think he'll ever be back in WWE. I don't care how much he draws, he's not worth the risk. He has a hard enough time handling the easier TNA schedule as it is. Now if he rights his ways, which I hope he does, I will gladly eat crow. I have no problem doing that if it means someone not screwing their life up anymore. But I still don't think WWE takes that chance on him again. At least not for a long time.

As for him being the next Champion. Of course it's gonna happen eventually. He's one of the biggest draws they have. But I don't think they should give it to him right away. The chase is always better than the achievement. I'd say wait for the next PPV or even the one after that. Build up Robert Roode a little more. Unless it goes downhill from here though, cuz since his win it seems to me his reign has gotten progressively more boring.
There's already been rumors of him being messed up before PPV's since he's been back.
Erm, are you sure about that? i think you may be wrong there. As i'm pretty certain i've not seen any reports of him being "messed up" since his return.

Anyway, for myself. i agree wholeheartedly when sweep says to keep him away from winning the title. he should always be chasing it in my eyes too. as that's when he has been at his best, and most valuable in the past. and its far too early anyway. But, sadly this is tna. and unless bruce pritchard really is the catalyst for change, and sane booking. tna will have the title back with jeff hardy before you can say swanton.

I can just see the eruption of venom, being spewed in jeff and tna's direction on here and various other places. if tna just hotshot the title onto him, and end up burying roode's push in the process. and i cant say id really blame anyone. as it would just be ridiculous.

tna have a real opportunity of making some great wrestling storytelling. With two face main event contenders in hardy and storm, chasing the ever improving heel that is roode. that, with some simple booking could take you through to a good blowoff at the next bound for glory. at some point during the year, hardy will probably have to get the win. because like it or not, he is still the top guy. but you have him screwed out of it the next week/ppv. that's how to best use him in accordance with his fanbase id say.

As many have stated, even though i feel this time may be different. sadly, the odds are on jeff fucking up once again. and until he can turn the majority of the naysayers into believers, he's never going to get the popular vote from the iwc.(if he ever does.) Jeff will be constantly criticised whatever he does. And will also, be written off as the no good junkie who pisses everything up against the wall. so, if he truly has changed his ways. its going to be a hard long road back for him. it doesnt feel like he's gone far enough down that road yet, to truly warrant the full redemption storyline.(bells, whistles, confetti and title included. no doubt with dose of thumbs up, and a rabble rousing speech from bad actress dixie.)
Erm, are you sure about that? i think you may be wrong there. As i'm pretty certain i've not seen any reports of him being "messed up" since his return.
Recent reports suggest that Jeff Hardy is "exhausted" backstage, and we all know what that means... In his defense (I have no idea why...) there is still several hours from the time of my writing this in which Hardy could sober up. There's no reason why, if by the time this main event level match goes on Hardy is cleared to compete, it should not take place.

Pardon me... "exhausted"

Either way, it's no time to trust him just yet. If they give the belt back to him this soon it makes TNA look bad and gives him more reason to think he can do whatever he wants.

Also, as I forgot to mention before, while other posters mentioned, we can't forget about James Storm. I would hope (granted this is TNA) that they wouldn't push him aside so quickly after he was pretty well received when he won the title.

Pardon me... "exhausted"

Either way, it's no time to trust him just yet. If they give the belt back to him this soon it makes TNA look bad and gives him more reason to think he can do whatever he wants.

Also, as I forgot to mention before, while other posters mentioned, we can't forget about James Storm. I would hope (granted this is TNA) that they wouldn't push him aside so quickly after he was pretty well received when he won the title.

Hold on, your 'source' is an editorial from a guy who obviously hates Jeff Hardy, who hasn't been told that Jeff is under the influence of anything but rather that he is 'exhausted', something that obviously never happens to ordinary people? Please provide a reputable source before you slander a guy who has enough demons without dirtsheet hounds making assumptions. From all reputable sources, Jeff has been a model employee in recent times and is genuinely attempting to redeem himself. Maybe, just maybe, his public should support him in his mission.
Hold on, your 'source' is an editorial from a guy who obviously hates Jeff Hardy, who hasn't been told that Jeff is under the influence of anything but rather that he is 'exhausted', something that obviously never happens to ordinary people? Please provide a reputable source before you slander a guy who has enough demons without dirtsheet hounds making assumptions. From all reputable sources, Jeff has been a model employee in recent times and is genuinely attempting to redeem himself. Maybe, just maybe, his public should support him in his mission.

i second this motion. even if the exhaustion bit is true.(which i highly doubt) it would be more likely that a person who was coming off a long stint of drug abuse, would be very easily exhausted. especially when it comes to a sportsperson.

As i said before, jeff hardy will always have many naysayers who cant wait to stick the knife in. i understand that, im not stupid. its human nature to do so. once a junkie, always a junkie in many eyes. but, just look at him and compare to when we have concrete evidence of drug abuse. i'd think even the most naive hardy basher would realise how much progress the guy has made. im certainly no hardy fanboy either. to be honest i cant stand the guy, but some people just let their likes/dislikes get in the way of a true picture. i know that sadly he is the main guy in tna, and if he stays on track he will win the title and become the cena of tna. but im not bashing anyone here.(any sane person.) i agree with so much of what sweep has to say. as i said in my last post aswell, im in agreement that it would be far too soon to give hardy the title. as he isnt far enough down the road for us to give him that redemption moment.
As a huge Jeff Hardy fan, I actually thought it was great seeing Bobby Roode go over on Sunday night but would have preferred him to go over clean. I want to see another Roode Vs Hardy match possibly at Against All Odds.

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