Why JGlass is not a mod anymore.

Wowsers, this JGlass' OP makes me think I should have paid more attention to this election thingy instead of just voting for the first party that contacted me!

Really interesting resignation, nice insight into the way some of the mods around here think, I honestly never realised how deep the sense of community ran around here, that's pretty cool. Stay classy, JGlassy, I always enjoy reading your postings.
So I see two ways of going about this... one, I can make a response to this, but no matter what my response is you're going to twist my words and try to make it sound like I'm a bad guy. Or I can just ignore you, knowing that debating with you is like debating with a teenage girl, and move on with my life.

I thought I made it fairly clear this isn't an issue that is specific to you. I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't think you would at least attempt to have a reasonable conversation about it, which is better than most. Doing such things doesn't necessarily make someone bad as most of these things are fairly common faults and not atypical of someone in your age group. It is interesting people often accuse me of twisting their words when it isn't applicable. Sure I put a spin on things sometimes but more often what I do is point out inconsistencies to people in their actions. Some call this a "twist" because it wasn't their intention and they get caught up in their ignorant denial.

What have I twisted here? Even after the election ended you have gone out of your way to speak ill of Rayne, Dagger and others. When at least one of these others had suggested he didn't think highly of your posting abilities you responded pretty much exactly as what I stated. When I directly asked you why others should care about your opinion you clearly stated in this thread that they should for some silly reason or another. What am I twisting?

You can skip the other stuff if it you still want to pretend it is a twizzler. Just address the following question because I am legit curious what the rationalization is for those that take this route. If you want to just have fun why are you wasting your time putting people you supposedly don't care about down?
Wowsers, this JGlass' OP makes me think I should have paid more attention to this election thingy instead of just voting for the first party that contacted me!

Really interesting resignation, nice insight into the way some of the mods around here think, I honestly never realised how deep the sense of community ran around here, that's pretty cool. Stay classy, JGlassy, I always enjoy reading your postings.

I'm glad I touched you Karilas. And I mean that in a sexual manner. It was magical for me too.

I thought I made it fairly clear this isn't an issue that is specific to you. I wouldn't have asked you if I didn't think you would at least attempt to have a reasonable conversation about it, which is better than most. Doing such things doesn't necessarily make someone bad as most of these things are fairly common faults and not atypical of someone in your age group. It is interesting people often accuse me of twisting their words when it isn't applicable. Sure I put a spin on things sometimes but more often what I do is point out inconsistencies to people in their actions. Some call this a "twist" because it wasn't their intention and they get caught up in their ignorant denial.

What inconsistencies? I addressed all the inconsistencies by honestly admitting to a fault in communicating my thoughts, and you dismissed that as impossible. Either you over estimate my ability to communicate or you're just trying to be argumentative. So which is it, SD? Do you think I'm smarter than I actually am, or are you just trying to stir the pot?

What have I twisted here? Even after the election ended you have gone out of your way to speak ill of Rayne, Dagger and others. When at least one of these others had suggested he didn't think highly of your posting abilities you responded pretty much exactly as what I stated. When I directly asked you why others should care about your opinion you clearly stated in this thread that they should for some silly reason or another. What am I twisting?

Speak ill of Rayne? Oh, you mean that thread where I called him boring. I wasn't trying to insult him, I was just making a funny. He took it a little more seriously than I intended, but I think we had a pretty unproductive discussion after that, so that was cool.

And I've given my honest opinion about Dagger. Why do I get to give my opinion on Dagger? Because it's the mother fucking internet and I can say what I want? I don't know why people listen to me, ask them. If I had to guess, it's because I'm charming, intelligent, and funny. I'm not too hard on the eyes either.

You can skip the other stuff if it you still want to pretend it is a twizzler. Just address the following question because I am legit curious what the rationalization is for those that take this route. If you want to just have fun why are you wasting your time putting people you supposedly don't care about down?

I'm a little drunk, so I'm not exactly sure what we're talking about... not to mention this is just a poorly written paragraph. "You can skip the other stuff if it you still want to pretend it is a twizzler."? I've been drinking for the past 4 hours and I'm still more coherent than you. The second sentence is no better. Syntax motherfucker, syntax!

Anyway, I suppose I'm putting people down because it's all part of fun, and I'm not a perfect person. I suppose I feel bad about it from time to time, but at the same time, this is the internet, it's part of the culture. If you have thin skin, you better thicken up or get out.
Anyway, I suppose I'm putting people down because it's all part of fun, and I'm not a perfect person. I suppose I feel bad about it from time to time, but at the same time, this is the internet, it's part of the culture.

An honest answer is nice to see. I don't think I buy the rationalization though. It is "part of the culture" has been the battle cry of some heinous stuff throughout history. You are intelligent enough to have fun that doesn't need to be at the expense of others. You don't seem to like it when people do it to you, so why do you pile on others with your friends for fun? Rise above the hate bro.
An honest answer is nice to see. I don't think I buy the rationalization though. It is "part of the culture" has been the battle cry of some heinous stuff throughout history. You are intelligent enough to have fun that doesn't need to be at the expense of others. You don't seem to like it when people do it to you, so why do you pile on others with your friends for fun? Rise above the hate bro.

Eh, it is part of the culture though. And obviously I don't like it when people do it to me, but you're not supposed to. At the end of the day, though, it's just the internet, and everything said on here should be taken with a massive grain of salt. Very rarely does anyone do or say anything truly malicious, and there are definite boundaries that, but I don't think that I have crossed any lines personally.
My enjoyment of some Styx does nothing to discredit what I said.

Point is valid, this isn't the music section. However, were this discussion to be taking place in there...

Actually, this is the only Styx song I've ever heard, so I can't really comment, fairly. Doesn't stop most folks on them internets though, so er... Fuck Styx!

Actually I just wanted an excuse to post the video. It's a phat cover.
Styx killed my father. And my grandfather too. They also caused the Ebola virus.
They were considering calling the AIDS virus the Styx virus. Then they decided they didn't want to label the disease as something that terrible.
Is Kenny Rogers the dumb hick, or the kind of dumb hick?

Either way, he's not Styx, so how bad can he be?
Your Interwebz gets cut for a couple months and you return to this, said the startled Dragon Saga as he read the resignation of one JGlass, yet one question remained lodged in the back of the young Saga's mind which remains to be answered.

Can we have a party and will there be punch and pie?

In seriousness, rather upset to see JGlass step down even though as far as resignations go that has to be one of the most honest and well thought out ones I've ever read. With that said, JGlass as simply an everyday poster is fine by me and I'll still respect your opinions and read your posts with the same conviction as I would if you had authority. Fine poster, cool dude and thanks for anything you've done to better the forum in your tenure as moderator.
I still don't see what is so great about saying I prefer to spend my time trolling people in the bar room. Honest? Maybe. Commendable? Doubtful.
I do the occasional trolling, but mostly I just like talking to people about whatever is on their minds/my mind.

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