So, sixth grade is a bitch

Quit bitching grade 6 math is not hard stop being a perv and i dis agree your old teacher saying only people with master degrees in pollitical science should be able to vote but she was right to phone your parents you were not payibg attention there could be a test tomorrow for all you know and you would not be prepared also you may of been disturbing your class so she was right to call your parents
Ahh the old "I'll phone your parents" routine.. haha. Heard that every year from grade 4-9. Don't see why they think it's such a threat really? but anyway..

No the tape didn't end up online, as I said, "Typical High School Nerd" as in goody good student. He said he was disgusted by it, and gave it to his mom to go to the school. Should have been beat just for that..

You think you have it bad Insano? 7 times a week i have maths! with the teacher who refers to me as "Dumbass".

HAHA! I had one like that. He refused to acknowledge me when I was wearing my Red Wings jersey (Damn Canuck's fans..) If he did say anything to me it was "Oh you want to leave class? Well take that thing off, or go fuck yourself" How I miss high school :)

only people with master degrees in pollitical science should be able to vote

No. That's just ******ed. So you're saying you never want to vote then? And what about all the people who have a degree in something else? They are just worthless to you?
What in the fuck.

An 11 year old on WZ bitching about SIXTH GRADE, telling you guys to shut up and you don't even give a shit?

What happened to this place.

You little ****** ass kid, stop trying to act all high and mighty. You're in sixth grade. You're a meaningless little idiot who anybody about the age of... let's go with 14... wants to punch out.

And stop trying to impress the big boys on Wrestlezone.

(I know I'm 15. Shut up.)
you know how all classes have that pair of trouble makers that think they are better then everyone and don't need to listen because they think its easy and they know it but when report cards come they have like 50
I bet that is insano
Ahh the old "I'll phone your parents" routine.. haha. Heard that every year from grade 4-9. Don't see why they think it's such a threat really? but anyway..

No the tape didn't end up online, as I said, "Typical High School Nerd" as in goody good student. He said he was disgusted by it, and gave it to his mom to go to the school. Should have been beat just for that..

HAHA! I had one like that. He refused to acknowledge me when I was wearing my Red Wings jersey (Damn Canuck's fans..) If he did say anything to me it was "Oh you want to leave class? Well take that thing off, or go fuck yourself" How I miss high school :)

Every school has that one teacher that doesn't obey the rules(Or uidelines at least) and insults students but everyone thinks of him as the best and soundest teacher. At least you got to wear any clothing you like. we have to wear uniforms.
Quit bitching grade 6 math is not hard stop being a perv and i dis agree your old teacher saying only people with master degrees in pollitical science should be able to vote but she was right to phone your parents you were not payibg attention there could be a test tomorrow for all you know and you would not be prepared also you may of been disturbing your class so she was right to call your parents

No it's grade 1 English that is your weak point.
Every school has that one teacher that doesn't obey the rules(Or uidelines at least) and insults students but everyone thinks of him as the best and soundest teacher. At least you got to wear any clothing you like. we have to wear uniforms.

Oh? shitty deal. Oh no, the guy was just fucking around with me about it. It's funny because I started going to the club the next year, and he was there like every night picking up girls, but would still go teach his class the next day. I think he was only like 7 or 8 years older then me? Young dude. Funny as hell.
For all those *****es out there, I swear a lot in this. K bye.
(Opinions are not very intelligent and this is a rant)

As some of you may know, I'm 11, and I'm starting sixth grade. I hate it. Most specifically 2nd, 3rd (TWO periods of fucking math) and 7th and 8th period (FUCKING GRC). So in Math, this snaggle-toothed bitch always catches me doing something like a typical ADHD kid, and then wants to throw the little pretty boy away cause she knows his parents and bitches out at me. COME THE FUCK ON, YOU LESBO. And 4th period is okay, and I fucking love 5th period because of my JV football coach actually teaching, and getting subs with nice asses and big tits, and then I fucking go to my "Higher" Education class and get this biased old hag who hasn't got laid in 35 fucking years who says that if you're from the country or anywhere besides a big city and that you should have a fucking masters degree in Political Science to be able to vote. BITCH.PLEASE. And so I get bored and start talking with my buddy and this bitch wants to phone my parents? FUCK. YOU.

That's all for now.

No offense, but you sound like a gay little black kid. No lyin.

Oh? shitty deal. Oh no, the guy was just fucking around with me about it. It's funny because I started going to the club the next year, and he was there like every night picking up girls, but would still go teach his class the next day. I think he was only like 7 or 8 years older then me? Young dude. Funny as hell.

Well our guy is like 50. His wife is the baseketball teacher(Bitch) and his kids, who are all in the school are a few of the nicest people in the school.

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