Adventures of the 6th grade, and beyond.

Sully, I appreciate the effort you put into typing this up. Rep is coming your way for that. Now, onto the issue at hand.

This Joey kid (is this Joey kid his name or an alias?) may seem to be an odd bird, but that doesn't make him stupid or ******ed. You mention that he used to be "smart" and then began to grow into an attention ****e and neglect his grades. Has it crossed your mind that he's grown bored without a proper academic challenge? It can certainly happen and has been known to lead to gifted children acting out. Couple that with what may be ADHD and there you have it. However, that's no reason to insinuate that he's no longer "smart." At that age, he's gotten through a good bulk of his intellectual development and he likely still retains the capacity to succeed in an academic setting, which is what I expect you usually equate with intelligence. So he likely still has the good upstairs. I really just think you need to be more sensitive to the manner in which he chooses to express himself and appreciate him for who he is.

To further inform this point of view, take the case of Rob Van Dam. He was academically gifted but grew bored without anyone really pushing him and he acted out many a time in school. That said, would we make fun of Rob Van Dam for being ******? I sure hope not. Remember RVD whenever this Joey kid grinds your gears and react accordingly.

I had a huge response to this, but accidently hit the backspace key towards the very end. -.-

I'll try to get most of it. I 100% agree with what you had to say. I've tried convincing him to ignore the kids who always try encouraging him to act like this. I want to try and help him, which is another reason why I didn't want to fight. He seems to know that they're just taking advantage of him, but doesn't care. I really hope his acting out doesn't affect any future careers in store for him, as he's extreamly talented, not only in academics, but in hockey too. If he starts shaping up, he can get into a great college, but if he scores well in the SATs, he may get there anyways.

I had another two paragraphs about possible reasons on why he wanted to fight, mostly consisting of kids egging him on. I don't really think he wanted to fight anyways, and used me not wanted to fight as an escape way of getting out of it himself. He was probably under the same pressure kids tried giving me. Kids he wouldn't get in trouble if a fight was to happen. That's one more reason why I didn't want to fight. Kids sit there and they push and push, trying to get other kids to fight each other, stiring things up, and possibly even telling on side something that even isn't true to get the other to fight. Then they sit back and watch. Not caring about the results. That's what I tell kids when they tell me to fight. "Ok I'll fight, and when the principal asks me why I did it, I'll tell them because YOU kept telling me to." that wouldn't change my situation much anyways, but it usually shuts the other kid up.

As for my High School football coach, you want me to write about him. It'll be hard to get people to agree with me, because it's kind of an experince it yourself type of thing. To give a short summary on it though, His training camp was too easy, he made rude and unneeded comments. Not the type of drill instructer comments, but the kind of asshole comments. He runs the same offense that the Army and Navy do, the Wildcat offense, that teams only use in pee wee football. I suppose Miama uses it from time to time, but this is 100% based on trick plays. It's hard to explain why he isn't a good coach, because all the evidence points to him being a good coach, but he just kind of takes all the credit. If I do tell about it, it probably won't look good on my part, but I will still voice my opinion. That is Coco, if you want me too. :)
Jesus Christ Coco, while I do appreciate the finer intricate workings of the MindFuck, I am beginning to wonder if you've lost control of this one.
I had a huge response to this, but accidently hit the backspace key towards the very end. -.-
That's okay. It happens to the best of us.

I'll try to get most of it. I 100% agree with what you had to say. I've tried convincing him to ignore the kids who always try encouraging him to act like this. I want to try and help him, which is another reason why I didn't want to fight. He seems to know that they're just taking advantage of him, but doesn't care. I really hope his acting out doesn't affect any future careers in store for him, as he's extreamly talented, not only in academics, but in hockey too. If he starts shaping up, he can get into a great college, but if he scores well in the SATs, he may get there anyways.
Honestly, and you're not going to want to hear this, you're going about this the wrong way. You can't help him. You're not a trained professional. If he can't help himself, and it's debatable that getting him back into his school work is the correct way to do that, it's up to trained professionals to help. As you said earlier, he's already in contact with such individuals. Are you arrogant enough to believe you have something to offer which they don't?

As for hockey, I doubt fights and acting out will affect that prospect one bit. Either he's good or he's not. Trust me on this one. I'm Canadian.

I had another two paragraphs about possible reasons on why he wanted to fight, mostly consisting of kids egging him on. I don't really think he wanted to fight anyways, and used me not wanted to fight as an escape way of getting out of it himself. He was probably under the same pressure kids tried giving me. Kids he wouldn't get in trouble if a fight was to happen. That's one more reason why I didn't want to fight. Kids sit there and they push and push, trying to get other kids to fight each other, stiring things up, and possibly even telling on side something that even isn't true to get the other to fight. Then they sit back and watch. Not caring about the results. That's what I tell kids when they tell me to fight. "Ok I'll fight, and when the principal asks me why I did it, I'll tell them because YOU kept telling me to." that wouldn't change my situation much anyways, but it usually shuts the other kid up.
I think you've got an interesting perspective on your friend's motivations and I certainly respect that someone at your age can step back and accept that someone other than himself is motivated by external factors. Many far older and wiser than you have yet to appreciate this reality. However, is it possible that you might be looking at the situation in the best possible light because of how fond you are of this Joey kid? Might it not be possible that he really does feel some malice toward you and that you just aren't ready to face that?

As for my High School football coach, you want me to write about him. It'll be hard to get people to agree with me, because it's kind of an experince it yourself type of thing. To give a short summary on it though, His training camp was too easy, he made rude and unneeded comments. Not the type of drill instructer comments, but the kind of asshole comments. He runs the same offense that the Army and Navy do, the Wildcat offense, that teams only use in pee wee football. I suppose Miama uses it from time to time, but this is 100% based on trick plays. It's hard to explain why he isn't a good coach, because all the evidence points to him being a good coach, but he just kind of takes all the credit. If I do tell about it, it probably won't look good on my part, but I will still voice my opinion. That is Coco, if you want me too. :)
Do tell. I'm very interested in everything you have to say. :)
Bah, your just a freshman dude. You'll have idoit attention ****es untill your senior year when they realise that they pissed away three years of fun. Just have fun with it bro, keep your head up and get in a club or a good sport. You'll made tons of friends that way. People like people that make something of their life, and the way you talk about this kid he'll end up being a fucking bagger at the local quick mart for the rest of his life.
Phatso's lack of sensitivity regarding this Joey kid is exactly the sort of thing you want to avoid, Sully. For all we know, this kid has a big future in some creative field which spits in the face to convention and the path that school tells you is correct. Don't let Phat turn you off to the notion that this Joey kid is expressing himself in a way that has just as much merit as any other kind. This Joey kid could easily prove you wrong in ten years.
Bah, your just a freshman dude. You'll have idoit attention ****es untill your senior year when they realise that they pissed away three years of fun. Just have fun with it bro, keep your head up and get in a club or a good sport. You'll made tons of friends that way. People like people that make something of their life, and the way you talk about this kid he'll end up being a fucking bagger at the local quick mart for the rest of his life.

Happy birthday Phatso.
Once again, don't tell me what to do ok? ok.

Sully just leave the kid alone. You can go all four years of high school not talking to somebody that you've known your whole life. If he keeps messing with you be a man and fight him. Even if you lose it looks better than getting bitched.
You're right Coco. I won't try and help him. I will still continue to be friendly to him though. Give me awhile to type the Coach thing. I'll do it in my High School reinvent thread, because my hands are full with these two threads, plus the "Sully" thread that A Pimp Named Angel was kind enough to create.

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