I AM THE Royal Rumble Live Discussion

One complaint I have about Cena was showcased right there. He spent that whole time laying on the mat, out of it, then all of a sudden he's OK when he AA's Randy. I like him otherwise though.
Hey, my first post here. I'll be popping in and out of here as I'm watching it with my comments on matches. Should be a good one!

My picks:

Big Zeke over Christian: Christian has to lose the belt soon if he is to be drafted away from ECW.

Mickie over McCool: f they want to progress this fued, this is the only logical outcome IMHO.

Sheamus over Orton: Ted will cost Orton the match and then Orton will attack him in the Rumble, turning Dibiase face and beginning a fued between him and Orton.

Taker over Rey: As much as I like Rey, this is the only logical outcome - if Rey does his usual "ultimate underdog" schtick to the Undertaker, it will make Taker look weak.

HHH wins the Rumble: He will win it by eliminating HBK and ramping up the dissent in DX.
Updated predictions

Ted DiBiase: hatehabsforever
Chris Jericho: Tastycles
CM Punk: Little Jerry Lawer
John Cena: El GeneriCoco
The Miz: Maggot01
Shawn Michaels: Y-2-Jay
Triple H: Phoenix
Kofi Kingston: TLC
Batista: Tommy dreamix
The Great Khali: General Disarray
Kane: INDYjon22
Mystery 5: Doc DiBiase, Mizisawesome - Bret Hart, Undertaker the 5th - Edge
I'm picking Triple H to win obviously. Also I think the mysterious 5th guy is either Edge or Booker T. If it is Edge, I believe I will mark hard, and the crowd will mark hard too, even harder then his Survivor Series caveman return.
I never thought about Booker T being a mystery. Good call. I could see that.

I hope it's AJ Styles. I hope he wins, and then starts a TNA chant.
One of the mystery guys will be Scott Steiner. That why he has been missing for a while from TNA. Lol.
Another question. Say HBK is set to win the Rumble, and, by accident, he gets tossed out....what happens? The refs are down there, but it has to be difficult to get the message into the guys.

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