I AM THE Royal Rumble Live Discussion

God I hope Cena doesn't win. I hope WWE surprises us and uses the rumble to elevate someone (Miz, Morrison, Kofi, etc).
Can't fucking wait. I'll be in and out tonight for the LD. Right now I see Trips taking the win, really hope Punk takes it though.
If Cena wins, I riot, right in my own living room.
For once I genuinely don't have a clue who is winning tonight. It could be anyone from a list of 10.

HHH is my pick but that'd cause a problem unless Michaels would be his wrestlemania opponent.
I will be here providing only the type of commentary that Lord Sidious can apply. You will mostly see me in a good mood, though, since the Rumble is one of my favorite PPV events of the year ... if not the favorite.

I may be off of Raw, but I am still doing PPV's.
i want to see hbk throw hhh over the top rope, and then i want to see hhh distract hbk and then have him thrown over because i dont want to see hbk vs. taker or hhh vs sheamus
Okay i'm back from reading KB's last rumble review. Which ofcourse was awesome.

Oh sweet Theo is in here.
One for Morrison, one for Drew, one for Edge, two for pointless people we don't care about. Is Hacksaw listed yet? Expect to see him.
Is Simmons out of rehab?

And does nobody realize what a sly bastard Jerry McDevitt is?!

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