Daggers & Dragons: Ask me stuff

Ouch, so low on the list lol

Your character answers (what you're doing right now) are awesome by the way.
Any special stipulation you think Daggershield should thrive on? (ie. Taker/HHH with Hell In A Cell)

TLC or Hardcore matches probably. He'd love to get to use weapons in gladiatorial combat. I have an RP idea in mind if I ever do find myself in a TLC match for a championship later down the line.

Favorite matchup for Dagger so far? Why is that?

In-character it is the Chairs match from the Roulette round, because weapons. Out of character.... I'd say the tag team match with Califa against Cerberus. Califa is my favorite character to read RP's of, has been for pretty much since I started and I enjoyed working with Ty on that round.

Greatest rivalry you've ever read on here is _______________.

Titus VS Showtime. Two of the best of all time both in and out of character going at it? Yes please!

Ouch, so low on the list lol

Your character answers (what you're doing right now) are awesome by the way.

Yeah but the reason being is we do not have a single bad writer in the fed right now. That's why I included the disclaimer. Had I expanded it to include those who have come and gone during the time I've been RP'ing you, Rated R, Overlast and the two new guys would have more names below you. Plus the thing's subject to change at any round. If I'm asked again many months from now names may fluctuate.

EDIT: Come to think of it, that sounds fun. I might do the expanded list sometime if you guys want to see that again including everyone else who RP'ed this year.

Regarding the D&D'ized FF profiles, the more traditional casts like FF4 and FF9 will be much easier than say Squall's or Cloud's parties. The Dragon Quest games' characters and anyone from Dragon Age should transition smoothly too. Depends on the game, its environment, and scenery.
Oh and here:


Side question:

Your 3 favorite pieces of art from the following:

Fantasy in general
RPGs (non-FF)

Very nice. I've heard of that game but never played it. Mystara is actually a world, not the deity. Just in case anyone viewed that and thought I may have misspelled Theron and Kirilah's deity's name. As for the artwork, I really cannot narrow that down. At the risk of sounding lazy, it legitimately is anything from Tales of Symphonia. I bought the artwork book that came out as a bonus around the time game got released. The artwork is almost as beautiful as the soundtrack and as incredible to me as the story. Gosh if ever there was a perfect video game, that was it. I'm off to a PPV party, Rosa's Cleric is going up tonight or tomorrow depending on what time I get back tonight.

Ya drink breh

Yep. I'm more of a Margarita guy though. I can handle the hard stuff, as I've had my fair share of drinks with Everclear in recent years, but I prefer drinks with a sweeter taste overall. Ever heard of the Rainbow Road Challenge? We did that for my birthday back in 2013. I'm the only one out of the 9 guys at my party (disregarding our designated bartender who made all the drinks) that made it to the Bowser drink, the others chickened out along the way and I elected to take one that wasn't on fire but still had the ingredients. The Thwomp and Bowser were good. Dry Bones tasted awful.
Pick your favorite FF character, how do you create them in D&D? (include everything, Feats, Skills, levels if you want, etc)

Image Rep:



Cleric level 15






Strength 13
Dexterity 13
Constitution 14
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 17
Charisma 16
Appearance 17

Lawful Good


Health Points:

Armor Class:


Fortitude Save:

Reflex Save:

Will Save:

Base Attack Bonus:
+11 / +6 / +1

Preferred Weapon:
Long Bow

Melee Weapon:

Full Plate Maill (FF4's Rosa couldn't use this, but she'll need the protection this provides)

None (to further pay tribute to FF4's Rosa only Arrows or a Staff could be used)

Skills (Recommended):
Knowledge (History)
Knowledge (Religion) [This is a must]
Knowledge (The Planes)


Spells: (Recommended)
0) Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison
1) Comprehend Languages, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Evil, Endure Elements
2) Cure Moderate Wounds, Delay Poison, Remove Paralysis
3) Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Prayer, Remove Curse, Remove Disease
4) Cure Critical Wounds, Discern Lies, Spell Immunity
5) Cure Light Wounds Mass, Raise Dead, True Seeing
6) Cure Moderate Wounds Mass, Word Of Recall
7) Blasphemy, Cure Serious Wounds Mass, Resurrection,
8) Cure Critical Wounds Mass, Fire Storm (closest they had to FF4's Holy)

What you prepare is up to you, those are the ones I recommend picking between to mostly resemble FF4's Rosa's abilities and character.

Turn or Rebuke Undead
Detect Secret Doors (Knowledge Domain)
Detect Thoughts (Knowledge Domain)
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (Knowledge Domain)
Divination (Knowledge Domain)
True Seeing (Knowledge Domain)
Find The Path (Knowledge Domain)
Legend Lore (Knowledge Domain)
Discern Location (Knowledge Domain)
Protection From Evil (Good Domain)
Aid (Good Domain)
Magic Circle Against Evil (Good Domain)
Holy Smite (Good Domain)
Dispel Evil (Good Domain)
Blade Barrier (Good Domain)
Holy Word (Good Domain)
Holy Aura (Good Domain)

Combat Casting
Great Fortitude
Improved Initiative
Iron Will
Lightning Reflex
Eschew Materials

That took forever.... Her stats are amazing considering I legitimately rolled them (pretty much around where Kirilah's stats were envisioned in my RP's), and her health's not bad for a caster. Rydia will be next and I expect her to be the toughest out of the 5 to re-create. Expect her within a week.
So whatcha writing for KC? :p

I can't answer that because spoilers. Instead, here's a video of what happens when the weakest enemies in Final Fantasy 4 encounter a fully maxed out Merry Band Of Misfits. :)

As a fellow Whovian, how difficult has it been lately to stay away from spoilers or possible spoiler material as Season 8 finishes up? And where are ya at now in the grand scheme of things?

How do you name your opponents in your RPs? Like do you use name generators or what? That might have been asked before but I'm too lazy to skim through your thread.

Predict the Main Event for KC come next year.

Ramparte drops Flex. Who would he team up with? Or do you see him going solo?
As a fellow Whovian, how difficult has it been lately to stay away from spoilers or possible spoiler material as Season 8 finishes up? And where are ya at now in the grand scheme of things?

Season 6. Last one I saw was when they are trapped on the pirate ship hiding from a Siren. Awesome episode. I avoid spoilers like the plague but yes I find it extremely difficult to resist the urge to find out. I'd be further along but I have been watching Haven too. Edge's show. It's actually pretty cool so far, although Edge isn't in season 1.

How do you name your opponents in your RPs? Like do you use name generators or what? That might have been asked before but I'm too lazy to skim through your thread.

I initially used name generators for a few (Leonaros Moonshadow for Tastic is one of those) and names of NPC's from actual D&D campaigns for others (Marrmell for Fallout was one of those) but in recent months they have been legitimate parodies I come up with to still sound similar to the character. I've always been good at parodying so it's not difficult. I've thought of phasing out some of the name generator names that remain in favor of legitimate parodies for those characters. There aren't many left. Most I either changed their name already or they left the fed. The Expert F Championship used to be called the Regional Championship, so like with that some might not even notice if/when this takes place.

Predict the Main Event for KC come next year.

Very tough. Using only today's roster.... I could see Lee and FalKon taking Bruce and Eve to the very top. Two RP'ers with newer characters and a wealth of experience in the fed? I'd keep an eye out for that but literally anything can happen.

Ramparte drops Flex. Who would he team up with? Or do you see him going solo?

Solo Ramparte could be interesting but I would want to see him work with Hyada. Teaming up would be a heck of a swerve when you guys already have foundation for a singles feud. If Lexi comes back she's another option. Or maybe Slaughter? Darkness meets enigmatic.... You two could come up with some crazy stuff together.
Your character answers (what you're doing right now) are awesome by the way.

Image Rep:



Sorceress level 15

24 (I'm going by the Rydia from the 2nd half of the game, when she had already grown up with the Summoned Monsters)

Green (Red if your DM will not allow green hair)




Strength 8
Dexterity 15
Constitution 10
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 15
Appearance 12

Neutral Good


Health Points:

Armor Class:


Fortitude Save:

Reflex Save:

Will Save:

Base Attack Bonus:
+7 / +2


Green Robe and common tunic (to resemble FF4 Rydia's gear, she is proficient with no armor)


Lizard (only option resembling her FF4 summons. Name it Whyt after her familiar in the DS)

Skills (Recommended):
Knowledge Arcana (This is a must)
Knowledge Nature (If your DM allows it, it's cross class)

Spells: (Recommended)
Zero'th Level: Acid Splash, Dancing Lights, Ray Of Frost, Mage Hand, Message, Arcane Mark, Disrupt Undead, Detect Poison, Detect Magic

1st: Summon Monster 1, Magic Missile, Chill Touch, Unseen Servant, Burning Hands, Shocking Grasp

2nd: Summon Monster 2, Melf's Acid Arrow, Summon Swarm, Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray

3rd: Summon Monster 3, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Vampiric Touch

4th: Summon Monster 4, Ice Storm, Wall of Fire, Phantasmal Killer

5th: Summon Monster 5, Cone Of Cold, Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound, Contact Other Plane

6th: Summon Monster 6, Chain Lightning, Control Water

7th: Summon Monster 7, Delayed Blast Fireball

Summon Familiar
+3 on Climb Checks (due to Lizard familiar)

Eschew Materials
Exotic Weapon Proficiency - Whip
Empower Spell (Fireball recommended, basically creating "Fira")
Maximize Spell (Fireball recommended, when Empowered and Maximized you've made "Firaga")
Augment Summoning (Spell Focus Conjuration needed first to unlock)

That should do it for her. Far lower attack and resistance than the others but with Cecil/Rosa/Kain protecting her (if this party is used in its entirety) than she can be letal. Summon Monster 7 and Empowered Maximized Fireball come to mind immediately as a massive threat to any boss monster. Edge will be last and he might actually be the toughest of the 5 to convert. I may need a few more days for him. He'll be a Rogue, I at least know that going into it.
What happened to that WZ+D game we were talking about a while ago?

Real life got in the way.

What would my future D&D character have to do to legally adopt Sheshmish?

Depends on if you mean Sheshmish from my RP's himself or a similar character.

The actual Sheshmish is not up for adoption he is contractually obligated to work for Keifasar, who is not only an insane Dread Necromancer but also a highly skilled Merchant with a Bluff roll that's through the roof. Simply put, you won't win. That's something I'll be addressing soon in the RP's so thank you for reminding me.

If it's just another orc pirate you're wanting.... You'd have to ask your DM out of character or ask an NPC in-character what you would need to do to find an orc pirate to recruit as a sidekick. Good luck finding one. Depending on your DM, most NPC pirates are going to want to keep their big orcs around as added defense for their captain. You have my persmission to use something similar to Sheshmish in your game but it cannot be an exact copy, use a different name and try to change it up a little bit. :)
The actual Sheshmish is not up for adoption he is contractually obligated to work for Keifasar, who is not only an insane Dread Necromancer but also a highly skilled Merchant with a Bluff roll that's through the roof. Simply put, you won't win.

It's the real Sheshmish, who grew on me. I've only wanted to adopt two people in my life - Sheshmish and Kurt Angle (who is like an orc pirate in many ways).

But no worries! I'll go up in the hills today and find a pebble. With any luck, it will grow into a troll or some other sentient mineral and I can raise it like I would a Staffy.
Pair up WZCW stars for new tag teams.

Who will split up first: The Elite, Live Mas, or Cerberus?

Make up a Badge Achievement that you'd really want to grab for Theron.
Pair up WZCW stars for new tag teams.

Slaughter and Veejay is the main idea for a team that comes to mind. Daddy Mack and elegANT maybe. Lexi and Hyada if they come back. This is tougher than I thought. Did you want me to pair up everyone? I can do that, just for fun give everyone a legitimate partner or an alliance.

Who will split up first: The Elite, Live Mas, or Cerberus?

Live Mas. A title can ruin a friendship whereas Cerberus is the focal team and The Elite can live on as a concept provided three upper card heels exist.

Make up a Badge Achievement that you'd really want to grab for Theron.

The Natural 20 Badge (image is a d20 with the 20 side showing)

Win a match using the Critical Hit (to unlock for Theron)
Have a D&D name given by Theron (to unlock for anyone else)
Your character answers (what you're doing right now) are awesome by the way.

Edge is delayed but still coming. He has been the hardest to recreate plus I've been dealing with computer issues. Having to post primarily from my iPhone and haven't had a chance to install the new Dragon Age yet either for that same reason. Expect him within a week.
Your character answers (what you're doing right now) are awesome by the way.

Image Rep:



15th Level Rogue






Strength 13
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 11
Charisma 13
Appearance 12

Chaotic Good


Health Points:

Armor Class:


Fortitude Save:

Reflex Save:

Will Save:

Base Attack Bonus:
+11 / +6 / +1

Bastard Sword x2 (One in each hand, FF4's Edge dual-weilded / Katana with stats of Scimitar if DM approved)

Ranged Weapon:
Shuriken (or Boomerang if DM approves)

Chain Shirt


Skills (Recommended):
Bluff (A must for Edge)
Disable Device
Escape Artist
Gather Information
Move Silently
Open Lock
Sense Motive
Use Rope


**FF4's Edge had some basic offensive spells, you can multi-class one or two levels into Sorceror/Wizard for this or ignore it. This is part of why he was tough to recreate, I initially multiclassed him as a Rogue-Wizard before settling with just Rogue. I practically never used Edge's spells in the actual game anyway. The one time when they are useful, the rematch with the Elemental Fiend party, Edge ends up doing far more damage if equipped with Yang's claw matching the weakness of said elemental. Give him Thunder Claws against Valvalicia and Kainazzo, Ice Claws against Rubicant, Fire Claws against Scarmiglione.

Sneak Attack +8D6
Trap Sense +5
Improved Uncanny Dodge

Combat Reflexes
Improved Critical
Improved Initiative
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)
Two Weapon Fighting (Bastard Sword)

And.... that's the 5th of 5. That was fun. You're welcome. :)
Truly enjoyed all your work for that.

New questions...

If I've not asked already: Most hated boss in RPG in general and FF?

Spice up RPGs in these three ways:

Take one archetype (healer, fighter, etc) and name one way you'd revamp it.

Example: A Healer that must siphon energy from others in order to heal allies. Such as, to heal the Warrior, she has to steal some Health from the Bard.

Which additional genre of gaming would you connect an RPG to? Such as, would you make a Fighting Game RPG, and how you might do it.

End a current franchise and replace it with a revival of a finished one.
Adelbert Steiner is the greatest final fantasy character of all time, not really a question, just thought you should know
If I've not asked already: Most hated boss in RPG in general and FF?

Miguel from Chrono Cross. That guy was BRUTAL. Your main character due to (spoiler withheld) was a dark type at that point and all of Miguel's moves are light type, making each lethal for your main character. One hit from that Beam Sword or any of his holy spells and you're a goner. There is literally NO way to prepare for that fight unless you are a veteran of the game. Vesper and Decus from Star Ocean 2 probably take 2nd place. Decus does this one attack called "Spicule" and he always had an annoying voice-clip when he used it "Heyyyy it's SPICULE!", that fight was really tough and one of those ones where if you aren't levelled up enough for a final palace boss, the game teaches you that lesson the hard way. Those two were harder than the actual final boss further up the tower.

Honorable mention goes to Vargas in FF6. I was a stubborn little 3rd grader the first time I played through it, the same weekend it got released, and when that fight started the game forced you to use Sabin's Blitz ability. The first time I did that fight I misunderstood the instructions and lost the battle. To me at the time it seemed like a stupid ripoff of the button combinations used in games like Street Fighter 2. So I sat down for a whole week levelling up my party so that Sabin would be able to take out Vargas using melee attacks rather than the one Blitz move that instantly kills him if you use it. That never happened. The developers gave Vargas tons of Health. By the time I decided to go ahead and give Blitz a second chance Edgar and Sabin both had 1,000+ Health Points. Locke and Terra were in the 900's. Keep in mind this is a mountain cave that you enter right after the SECOND TOWN in the game. The rest of the World Of Balance was a walk in the park for that run lol yay for over-levelling! The upside is, this incident was what created the desire in me to power level to get revenge on bosses. I still have it to this day, and I in particular mark out for the "overkill" pop-up in FFX every time it appears following an attack.

Take one archetype (healer, fighter, etc) and name one way you'd revamp it.

Example: A Healer that must siphon energy from others in order to heal allies. Such as, to heal the Warrior, she has to steal some Health from the Bard.

A new branch of healers could be a Phoenix sub-type. Phoenix in FF4's DS version allowed someone like Rosa to automatically revive the entire party immediately following her Health Points reaching zero, at the cost of all her Magic Points. Revive her and give her an Elixir, you can then re-use this ability. Anyway, so Phoenix-Healers, Phoenix-Buffers, and Phoenix-Casters could follow this principle but expanding upon it depending on what type of caster they are. They could be a standard caster or even a fighter until their Health Points drop to zero and then their true ability is unleashed, then unavailable unless you revive them and restore their Magic Points. It might not be that popular if a game ever did make an actual class based off this, but it's something I haven't seen a whole lot of.

Which additional genre of gaming would you connect an RPG to? Such as, would you make a Fighting Game RPG, and how you might do it.

Legend of Legaia and Xenogears probably come the closest to a Fighting Game RPG. You had to input various button combinations to use your attacks in battle. Sabin's Blitz's in FF6 are another example. They could take battle systems like the ones from those games, but then add an open battlefield with fighting done in real-time like in Tales of Symphonia. A little creativity and being able to bridge gaps goes a long way. Heck, do like the Mario & Luigi series even by making party members be assigned a certain button in battle.

End a current franchise and replace it with a revival of a finished one.

I would end Final Fantasy. Yes, you heard me right. The series has been dying a slow painful death ever since FFX. I would revive the Chrono series. Fans of Trigger and Cross are literally begging for a sequel, have been for 14 years. With the exception of an FF7 remake, a new Chrono game is probably the most popular request amongst RPG gamers that I have ever seen.

Adelbert Steiner is the greatest final fantasy character of all time, not really a question, just thought you should know

I wouldn't say he's the best of all time, but he'sup there. He literally never left my active party in FF9 if he was available for that particular event. Zidane and Steiner were my mainstays with Eiko usually being the healer, then either Freya or Amarant taking the 4th slot.

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