Ask Me Questions

I'm jumping onto the bandwagon, but I enjoy these types of threads, so why not. Ask me any fed-related questions you want and I'll do my best to answer them.
Why did you leave me?

Haha all kidding aside, I'll be the first to bite the bullet. Who are your favorite characters to read and where would you like to see them go in the near future?
Why did you leave me?

BLT shall ride again, some time down the line.

Haha all kidding aside, I'll be the first to bite the bullet. Who are your favorite characters to read and where would you like to see them go in the near future?

There's quite a few guys I really enjoy, but I'll limit it to Rush, Mikey Stormrage, and SaboSax.

Merk is so good, and Rush is a perfect heel. He's mean, he's big, and he's totally old school -- I think he could transition into a feud with Showtime right now and I wouldn't even bat an eye. Think about it, Showtime is cocky and the face of the company, Rush is the wily veteran who despises the new breed of wrestler that Showtime represents. It would be one hell of a feud. Honestly, Rush has been teetering in the fringes of the main event for a while now and all it takes is one small push to take him over the top -- not to mention, Rush could inject some new blood into the main event scene, which is never a bad thing.

Stormrage is at a bit of a crossroads right now. Howard's gone and he's on his own, and he needs to carve out a niche for himself somewhere in the midcard. Yaz is a great RP'er and the Stormrage character has credibility, so (after he finishes up with the New Church) I could easily see him jumping into a feud for the EurAsian Championship -- since the title scene has been a bit dry over there and it wouldn't hurt to give him a shot -- or maybe facing a guy like El Califa Dragon, who's sort of yet to carve out a niche of his own, as well.

Lastly, I LOVE the SaboSax/Bearded Gentleman feud that's starting, so I would really like to see that extend through to Lethal Lottery, or maybe even Kingdom Come. Doc and JGlass are some of the most talented RP'ers in the fed and I feel like you and TBK have a hell of a thing going in your own right, so I can see you guys stealing the show every single time you face off.
Did you think you had done enough to beat me for the Elite X Championship or was it as surprising to you as it was to me? I was seriously shocked when I lost.
Did you think you had done enough to beat me for the Elite X Championship or was it as surprising to you as it was to me? I was seriously shocked when I lost.

Honestly, I wasn't sure. On one hand, I thought you took me lightly -- it seemed like you kind of mailed in your RP and I went with something I was fairly confident in. Yeah, it wasn't a spectacular RP, but it was a solid enough promo. On the other hand, I didn't think they'd take the belt off you just as you'd won it. I figured there would have been a dusty finish and we would have ended up facing each other at the PPV for the title.
You reached out to me a little while ago whenever I was eating a lot of criticism about my character. I just wanted to tell you that I appreciated that.

Moving on...

If you could have one match at KC with any opponent that you choose, who would it be?

How far to do you see the Rush/Smith alliance going?
Honestly, I wasn't sure. On one hand, I thought you took me lightly -- it seemed like you kind of mailed in your RP and I went with something I was fairly confident in. Yeah, it wasn't a spectacular RP, but it was a solid enough promo. On the other hand, I didn't think they'd take the belt off you just as you'd won it. I figured there would have been a dusty finish and we would have ended up facing each other at the PPV for the title.

I probably did. I was certain I'd be facing the other guy and I was worried about that. Then you won and I was pretty confident. I'll get ya next time though.
If you could have one match at KC with any opponent that you choose, who would it be?

Titus. He's a legend and (literally) a hero, whereas Smith is a slimy heel, whose only aspirations are to cause havoc in WZCW. It's the two extremes of the character spectrum and it wouldn't need a ridiculous build, it's just a classic heel vs face story -- Titus defending WZCW's honor against Smith, or something. Not to mention, I really enjoy Lee's RPs and it would be fun to work with him.

How far to do you see the Rush/Smith alliance going?

Merk and I have talked about this a bit. On screen, our alliance is still gaining momentum, it's still evolving, so I want to see it fully develop. In terms of writing RPs and creating a story with our characters, as long as it's interesting, I'd be happy to keep working with Merk.

The Smith/Rush alliance has been really fun and I'm really glad we've been able to do it.
Thoughts on Holmes as a character and myself as an RPer?
Thoughts on our feud?
Do you prefer Smith now or when he was originally the Elite X Champion?
Favourite feud/match/moment not involving Smith or the Local Talent?
Thoughts on Holmes as a character and myself as an RPer?

Holmes is completely evil, and I love it. Holmes is so maniacal and calculating -- it's what makes him such a good heel. You've done a great job working at it with Holmes, and over time he's developed into something beyond just a rich snobby heel, which is a credit to your ability as an RP'er. You're so meticulously detailed in your RPs and it pulls the reader in. I mean, when you're hammering out good RPs, it's a must-read. No doubt.

The thing is, you're not always at that level. Every so often it seems like you're afraid to leave your comfort zone with Holmes. While still a good read, all your RPs just start blending into one another. Your monologues and stuff are great, there's times where you would greatly benefit from doing something that nobody would expect. Throw a wrench into things, and you could put out something really special.

Still, you're a top heel around here for a reason. You're likely a future world champion and you've earned it.

Thoughts on our feud?

I liked it. One of the best feuds I've had in the fed. The storyline helped me delve into Smith's past and try to further develop his character. I thought you had me beat at the first PPV too, so I was really surprised when I beat you. It was no surprise in the triple threat though, I knew I'd lost.

I really enjoyed working on our feud with you, it helped me envision what I wanted Smith to become. I looked at your heel work as an example of what made a good heel, and I wanted Smith to develop his own signature voice as a heel, just like you had with Holmes.

Do you prefer Smith now or when he was originally the Elite X Champion?

Now. It's not even close. Smith now actually has a tangible character, back then it was just a good guy fighting to keep his belt. Yeah, I'd laid down the seeds for this heel turn and the stuff I'm writing now, but I was getting burnt out. I started to not enjoy writing RPs. I was relieved when I lost the belt to you, because then I felt like I could try to rework the character or take a break, which I did.

Favourite feud/match/moment not involving Smith or the Local Talent?

Saboteur beats Ty Burna. That was crazy. Sab was a rookie -- I'm pretty sure everybody had written him off -- and Ty still had that unbeatable mystique around him. I thought it was awesome.
Honest thoughts on myself and Scumm?

Scumm had potential and you did a decent enough job of writing him, but he just never established any connection with the readers -- well, at least, the way I saw it. Like, he was just a random face in the crowd, I had no reason to really care about Scumm. You climbed up to contending for the Elite X title, but you fizzled out -- probably because you never really had any direction for him. You jumped from story to story, without any real connection (like, the whole Black Dragon thing).

My biggest problem with Scumm was the fact that you wouldn't really delve into him as a heel as much as you should have. JGlass mentioned this ages ago, but with a name like Scumm, he was tailormade to be a heel -- not only that, but the character lended itself to heel work, too. You should have embraced the brash punkiness of Scumm and run with it.

You always wrote solid enough RPs, you aren't a bad writer, but you limited yourself by putting a collar on Scumm and trying to make him something he wasn't. Had you unleashed him as a dirty, slimy heel, you probably would've had a lot more fun with it and the character would've had more longevity.

What were your initial thoughts on my new character Thrash?

"Wow, it's Johnny Scumm-lite." Again, I feel like he's the type of character that would translate well to heel work, but it has a lot of potential.
Thoughts on Dustin Hunter?

The character's got some potential, but you'll want to develop the character beyond just being a guy with family issues. That's a great starting point, but he'll need more wrinkles to his character. It'll come over time, though.

The debut RP you wrote was solid for a debut -- it gave the reader a glimpse of Dustin away from WZCW and then led into a decent little promo. It was pretty light on content, but you didn't have all that much to work with in your debut. It was all really standard -- bordering on cliche -- stuff, but there's nothing wrong with that. For a debut, you did well.

I look forward to seeing you develop Dustin in WZCW.

What's your favorite match you've been in and why?

TLC against Triple X. X was on a roll and it forced me to up my game. It's one of my favorite RPs I've ever written. Not to mention, whoever wrote our match did an awesome job.
Do you ever worry that with all the issues that Smith deals with in his personal life will turn him into a tragic figure and kill his current heel persona?

If you were on creative what changes would you make?
Do you ever worry that with all the issues that Smith deals with in his personal life will turn him into a tragic figure and kill his current heel persona?

Not really. I know where you're coming from -- as a matter of fact, Thriller and I had this same conversation a few days ago -- but I think all his personal problems will actually come in handy in furthering Smith as a heel. I don't wanna divulge my plans, but it all just comes down to how I choose to employ all his personal problems.

If you were on creative what changes would you make?

I would make sure that everyone -- from the bottom of the card and on -- has a feud or something to do. Creative does a decent job of this, but they seem to forget some people. The Elite X title (and, by extension, the champion) have largely been booked on the fly, no real feuds over the belt or anything. Last PPV I faced Triple X because of a random mini-league and this round I'll face the winner of a fatal four way match -- both matches were set in the final week before the PPV, it doesn't leave any room to tell a real story. It's much more fun to work an entire round, focusing on an opponent throughout, rather than just getting a one-off type of match at the PPV. It wouldn't hurt to mix it up with contenders (for all the titles), either. Celeste Crimson and Matt Tastic have sort of been in their respective positions for a while now (it's not a knock on any of them), it would freshen it up if someone else stepped up (what if, I don't know, Titus faced Rush?). Same thing in the World Heavyweight Championship scene, though I'm excited to see Constantine and Triple X getting their time in the ME.

I'd take more risks with feuds/storylines, too. The Steven Holmes fired/rehired thing was a good idea, but creative seemed sort of scared to fully pull the trigger on it, and the execution was poor as a result. Imagine if he'd been off the shows for an entire cycle, making appearances through the crowd sporadically. That would have been awesome. Stuff like that would make the shows so fun to read, it would give this place an even bigger sense of "realism," storyline-wise.

That's all I can think of right now. Creative does a nice job, truth be told.
Thoughts on X and myself as an RPer?

If tomorrow you decided you were going for the tag team titles and had to choose a partner from anyone active in the fed and it couldn't be Rush, who would you pick?

Has there ever been anyone in WZCW who's been highly rated that you really haven't seen the appeal of?
Thoughts on X and myself as an RPer?

I'm a big fan. The Triple X character is fun and your RPs are always worth reading -- I'm happy to see you moving up the card against guys like Holmes, because you deserve it.

Your RPs always read really fluidly and easily (your descriptions are on par, the dialogue is sharp), while still managing to pull me into every word you're saying. More often than not, you leave me wanting more, too. Plus, X is a very fresh character -- he's unique and, as a reader, he's someone you want to root for. I mean, who wouldn't want to cheer for the exciting high-flier, who is willing to put his body on the line to win the match? It's simple, but it really works.

If tomorrow you decided you were going for the tag team titles and had to choose a partner from anyone active in the fed and it couldn't be Rush, who would you pick?

Oh, good question. I'd probably have to choose Drake Callahan. I enjoy Harthan's RPs a lot and I think Callahan and Smith would be an interesting team, if nothing else. Both Callahan and Smith are weaselly heels, and it would be fun to see the two of them doing whatever it takes to win matches and go after the tag team titles.

If Titus was a heel, he'd be my pick. Lee's RPs kick all kinds of ass and I would be all for working with him.

Has there ever been anyone in WZCW who's been highly rated that you really haven't seen the appeal of?

Everest, I guess. He's a fine RP'er, but I never really saw him as a "legend," like Titus or Ty. Maybe it was just because I mostly caught the end of his run, but I never thought Everest was anything special. He wasn't bad, but he just seemed to blend into the background -- I just expected more.

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